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This is a transcript for dialogue with Synth cafeteria worker.


1DialogueInstituteFoodVendorSceneGreetings, sir. Welcome to the Commissary. Would you care for food?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
2Hello ma'am. Welcome to the Commissary. What can I get for you.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
3Good morning. Would you care for some pre-processed nutritional supplements?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
4Good afternoon. Food products are available for purchase. Would you care for some?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
5Good evening. I am at your disposal; would you care for food-based products?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
6The Commissary is always open. Would you like some processed sustenance packets?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
7Hello. Please ensure that your dietary requirements are being filled.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
8Player Default: What can I requisition?{Upbeat, enthusiastic} I can offer a range of nutritious and great-tasting food supplements.Y1a
9{Professional, courteous} Food supplement seven is very popular for its spicy flavor, and food supplement ninety-one is our newest offering.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.Y1b


15InstituteSS7SceneScientist: Is it true food supplement 77 has been discontinued?{Mechanical, a robot} That is correct.Scientist: That was my favorite one. Can't we keep it a little longer?A1a
16Scientist: That was my favorite one. Can't we keep it a little longer?{Mechanical} I will be happy to forward your request to the BioScience division.A1a
17{Mechanical} In the meantime, please feel free to enjoy one of our other nutritious and flavorful food supplements.Scientist: I want supplement 77.A1b
18Scientist: I want supplement 77.{Mechanical} I am sorry, sir, but that supplement is no longer available.Scientist: Useless machine.A1a