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This is a transcript for dialogue with X4-18.


1Inst302Stage40CourserScenePlayer Default: Sorry to have held you up.Try and keep up from here out.X418: Our targets are inside: four synths under Railroad protection. Majority of the settlement is uninvolved, and are expected to run for cover.A1a
2Player Default: Watch your tone, synth.Next time, move faster.X418: Our targets are inside: four synths under Railroad protection. Majority of the settlement is uninvolved, and are expected to run for cover.B1a
3Player Default: Yeah, the line at the car wash was super long. Took me forever.Your attempt at humor is wasted.X418: Our targets are inside: four synths under Railroad protection. Majority of the settlement is uninvolved, and are expected to run for cover.X1a
4Player Default: So, what's our situation?I assume you've been briefed.X418: Our targets are inside: four synths under Railroad protection. Majority of the settlement is uninvolved, and are expected to run for cover.Y1a
5Player Default: Try and keep up from here out.Our targets are inside: four synths under Railroad protection. Majority of the settlement is uninvolved, and are expected to run for cover.X418: The situation appears to have escalated. A covert approach is likely impossible.A1a
6X418: Our targets are inside: four synths under Railroad protection. Majority of the settlement is uninvolved, and are expected to run for cover.The situation appears to have escalated. A covert approach is likely impossible.X418: We move in, secure the synths, and I Relay out with them back to the Institute. Clear?A1a
7X418: The situation appears to have escalated. A covert approach is likely impossible.We move in, secure the synths, and I Relay out with them back to the Institute. Clear?Player Default: Yeah. We've got this.A1a
8Player Default: Yeah. We've got this.Remember, the synths are the primary objective. Harm must be avoided at all costs.Companion: Just point us to the fun, and we'll take care of the rest.A1a
9Player Default: Hey, I'm gonna need some of your grenades. Hand 'em over.{annoyed, but conceding} Very well. Our targets are being sheltered by a man named Stockton.B1a
10Limited backup will be available to us. Use these only if necessary.Companion: Just point us to the fun, and we'll take care of the rest.B1b
11Player Default: Hey, I'm gonna need some of your grenades. Hand 'em over.Negative. You are not authorized to carry them.Companion: Just point us to the fun, and we'll take care of the rest.B2a
12Player Default: Let's get going already.Affirmitive.Companion: Just point us to the fun, and we'll take care of the rest.X1a
13Player Default: Should we try and avoid killing anyone?Irrelevant. Any threats between us and the target are to be eliminated. Only the synths matter.Companion: Just point us to the fun, and we'll take care of the rest.Y1a
14Player Default: Remember, the synths are the primary objective. Harm must be avoided at all costs.Here are the recall codes. Follow me.A1a
15Inst302Stage50CourserTravelSceneSRB intelligence reports indicate that the synths are being held below the main structure in the settlement.X418: It would appear the Brotherhood of Steel has also taken note of the situation.A1a
16X418: SRB intelligence reports indicate that the synths are being held below the main structure in the settlement.It would appear the Brotherhood of Steel has also taken note of the situation.X418: If necessary, we circle around the exterior to an alternate entrance.A1a
17X418: It would appear the Brotherhood of Steel has also taken note of the situation.If necessary, we circle around the exterior to an alternate entrance.X418: Remember, the synths are our primary target. Reset codes must be issued to ensure their compliance.A1a
18X418: If necessary, we circle around the exterior to an alternate entrance.Remember, the synths are our primary target. Reset codes must be issued to ensure their compliance.A1a
19Inst302Stage55SceneHere they are.Y915: God, it's a Courser...A1a
20B257: Oh, no...Issue the reset codes and we'll Relay back to the Institute. Time is critical.A1a
21Inst302Stage60CourserFreedSynthI cannot allow you to set these synths free. You will be terminated and your actions will be reported.A1a
22Inst302Stage60CourserKilledSynth01Synths are to be returned to the Institute, not terminated. Further hostilities will necessitate a response.X418: You have been warned.A1a
23X418: Synths are to be returned to the Institute, not terminated. Further hostilities will necessitate a response.You have been warned.A1a
24Inst302Stage60CourserKilledSynth02Further violence against synths will not be permitted.A1a
25Inst302Stage60CourserSceneHurry with the reset codes.A1a
26We need to move.A2a
27Issue the reset codes quickly.A3a
28Inst302Stage90CourserSceneThat's all of them. Objective complete.X418: Return to the town, make sure all hostiles have been eliminated.A1a
29X418: That's all of them. Objective complete.Return to the town, make sure all hostiles have been eliminated.X418: I will Relay the synths back to the Institute.A1a
30X418: Return to the town, make sure all hostiles have been eliminated.I will Relay the synths back to the Institute.X418: Report to Father upon your return. And... Good work.A1a
31X418: I will Relay the synths back to the Institute.Report to Father upon your return. And... Good work.A1a
32Inst302SynthTeleportGateSceneThe mission's parameters just changed. We go in shooting.X418: Requesting backup relay now.A1a
33X418: The mission's parameters just changed. We go in shooting.Requesting backup relay now.A1a