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This is a transcript for dialogue with Gabriel.


1Inst301BranchBossExtortGuard1: What are you doing, boss? We can take these guys!{An angry rebuke / Angry} Keep your mouth shut. I know what I'm doing.SynthBoss: We have a modest little stash. I'll tell you what - I'll give it to you freely if you walk away afterwards.A1a
2SynthBoss: Keep your mouth shut. I know what I'm doing.{Under threat, trying to bargain your way out of it / Confident} We have a modest little stash. I'll tell you what - I'll give it to you freely if you walk away afterwards.A1a
3{Under threat, trying to bargain your way out of it / Question} What do you say? Do I have your word?Player Default: You have my word. Give me you what you've got, and we'll leave.A1b
4Player Default: You have my word. Give me you what you've got, and we'll leave.{Confident} The password to get into the stash is "Mad Orca".A1a
5{Starts friendly, gregarious, then turns sinister / Friendly} Help yourself, my fellow pirate. We can always get more.X6: I'm sorry, sir, but I have my orders.A1b
6Player Default: You have my word. Give me you what you've got, and we'll leave.{Smug disbelief... the player's attempt to trick you has failed / SinisterSmile} You had me for a minute there.A2a
7{Menacing... you're about to start shooting. / SinisterSmile} Anyway, I think we've talked enough, don't you?A2b
8{Shouting a command to your men. / Angry} Kill these sons-of-bitches!X6: I'm sorry, sir, but I have my orders.A2c
9Inst301SceneBossAttack{Angry} If you're not here to talk, then you're here to die.A1a
10{Angry} Kill these sons of bitches!A1b
11Inst301SceneBossConfront{Mock surprise / Confident} Well done, very impressive. Just like me, you've made it to the top.SynthBoss: Judging by your gear, I'm gonna guess you two are agents of the Institute.A
12RaiderMale02: Well done, very impressive. Just like me, you've made it to the top.{Question} Judging by your gear, I'm gonna guess you two are agents of the Institute.A1a
13{Flamboyant, cocky... mock sadness in the second half / SinisterSmile} So tell me, is the Institute so desperate for resources that it's stealing plunder from honest, hard-working Commonwealth gangs?Player Default: Gabriel, you aren't who you think you are. You're a synth, and we're here to take you home.A1b
14Player Default: There's a lot of blood on your hands. That ends now.{Menacing, about to attack / Angry} If that's the way you want it, then let's finish this.SynthBoss: A synth?! What the hell are you talking about?B1a
15Player Default: B5-92, initialize factory reset. Authorization gamma-7-1-epsilon.{Amused, then sinister / Impressed} Oh, so you're a funny man, huh? We had one of those for dinner not long ago.X1a
16{Irritated} Now I'm going to ask you one last time. Why are you here?Player Default: Gabriel, you aren't who you think you are. You're a synth, and we're here to take you home.X1b
17Player Default: How much plunder have you got?{Emphasis on "are"... a realization / SinisterSmile} Hah! So you are here for loot, then.Guard1: What are you doing, boss? We can take these guys!Y1a
18Player Default: How much plunder have you got?{Irritated / Angry} What are you, a broken record? I gave you the password, so why are you still here?SynthBoss: A synth?! What the hell are you talking about?Y2a
19Player Default: If that's the way you want it, then let's finish this.{Shocked, in denial. / Surprised} A synth?! What the hell are you talking about?A1a
20{Shocked, in denial. / Nervous} I remember my whole life. I know where I grew up, and who my parents were.A1b
21{Shocked, in denial. / Angry} Explain that to me!Player Default: I know this is hard, but it's the truth. Your memories were altered. You are a synth.A1c
22Player Default: I'll make this easy for you. Surrender now, or we kill you.{Capitulating / Nervous} Okay, okay. I can see we're no match for you guys. Just don't kill us.Guard1: Don't listen to these guys! They're messing with your head, man!B1a
23-{Under threat and getting desperate} I've got guns, ammo, caps, supplies... anything you want, man.
24{Emphasis on "are"...} Then why are you here?
25{Flabbergasted, totally not expecting this. / Surprised} What?! You think I'm a synth? No way, pal. I'd know if I was some kind of machine.