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This is a transcript for dialogue with raider at Libertalia during Synth Retention (Gabriel's guard).


1Inst301BranchBossExtort{Spoiling for action, surprised your leader is capitulating / Surprised} What are you doing, boss? We can take these guys!SynthBoss: Keep your mouth shut. I know what I'm doing.A1a
2Inst301SceneBossConfrontPlayer Default: Okay, okay. I can see we're no match for you guys. Just don't kill us.{Increasingly desperate / Angry} Don't listen to these guys! They're messing with your head, man!Guard1: Just shut the hell up, you got me? Don't say another word.A1a
3Guard1: Don't listen to these guys! They're messing with your head, man!{Growing desperation, backed into a corner, violence imminent / Angry} Just shut the hell up, you got me? Don't say another word.X6: I'm sorry, sir, but I have my orders.A1a
4Inst301SceneLieutenantsAttack{Surprised, confused and frightened / Worried} Boss? You okay?A1a
5{Surprised, confused and frightened / Worried} Gabriel, can you hear me?Guard1: Shit! They did something to him! Take them out!A1b
6Guard1: Gabriel, can you hear me?{Frantic / Angry} Shit! They did something to him! Take them out!A1a