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This is a transcript for dialogue with Huntmaster.


# Scene Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 TW004a_Intro 0011D76F I am the huntmaster for Black Bear Lodge.
2 You must be here to sign up for the tournament. Very well, I'll add your name to the rolls.
3 Each hunter is given three animals to track and kill.
4 We've had a recent influx of new species, so don't be surprised when you see your list.
5 I've marked some hunting grounds for you, but any kill made anywhere will count.
6 00267FCC You look like you're ready for another round in the hunting tournament.
7 Here are three new hunts. Remember, you can bag one anywhere, not just in our recommended hunting grounds.
8 003EB317 You are just in time for the next round of our grand tournament.
9 Bring down all three of these to win a prize. Remember, you can bag one anywhere, not just in our recommended hunting grounds.
10 003EB318 Nothing like the thrill of the hunt. That's why we put on this tournament.
11 Same as before, kill all three types of animals to win. Remember, you can bag one anywhere, not just in our recommended hunting grounds.
12 0014B9C7 Your game won't hunt itself. Better get out there.
13 003BAF7B Be careful out there. Some of those beasts are mighty dangerous.
14 003BAFA5 The hunt is on! Go shoot some animals.
15 0014B9C6 Welcome to the Black Bear Lodge, a family friendly hunting club.
16 003EAF79 Welcome back.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
17 0014901B 0014B9C2 I am the Huntmaster 4000. I manage all the game animals for the Black Bear Lodge.
18 0014B9C3 Sign up for a hunting tournament today. Slots fill up quickly.
19 0014B9C4 The Black Bear Lodge has recently expanded allowed weapons to include hand grenades for all hunting programs.
20 0014B9C5 In order to give the game animals a fighting chance, all hunters are asked to be within 10,000 meters when shooting.