Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Hollywood Hills was a pre-War neighborhood in Los Angeles.


Max, Hero, Female Officer, and Scholar ride through the remains of this neighborhood, from which they first see what has become of Los Angeles.


Hollywood Hills was set to appear in the Fallout movie by Interplay Films.[1]


  1. Max drives his ATV to the top of the Hollywood Hills. Looking down on the L.A. basin our team is stunned by the sight: L.A. has literally become a jungle. A massive tangle of mutated flora and fauna spreading from the foot of the hills all the way to the ocean. Poking up through the canopy are the remains of the scattered L.A. skyline. According to Max, this jungle was created by multiple G.E.C.K.s used when the soil was still irradiated -- nobody knows who started it.
    (Fallout film treatment)