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This is a transcript for dialogue with Holly.


1DialogueTheSlogHollyBranchPlayer Default: I think you look pretty good.{Friendly, flirty / Flirting} Yeah? You're lookin' pretty damn fine yourself, stranger.Holly: I know I come on a little strong sometimes, but why wait around for someone to chase me?A1a
2Player Default: You can't be serious.{Playful, flirty / Flirting} Sweetheart, when it comes to looking good, I'm always serious.Holly: I know I come on a little strong sometimes, but why wait around for someone to chase me?B1a
3Player Default: You're... not really my type.{Flirtatious / Flirting} You might think that now, but how do you really know until you try?Holly: I know I come on a little strong sometimes, but why wait around for someone to chase me?X1a
4Player Default: About What?{Playful} About me, of course. And be honest.Player Default: I think you look pretty good.Y1a
5Player Default: Yeah? You're lookin' pretty damn fine yourself, stranger.{Friendly, confident / Friendly} I know I come on a little strong sometimes, but why wait around for someone to chase me?A1a
6{Friendly, confident / Friendly} When I see something I like, I go after it. After all, we ghouls might live a long time compared to humans, but I won't be around forever.A1b
7{Hopeful / Friendly} So... do you think you could ever see yourself, you know, dating a ghoul?Player Default: One day, maybe. I'm still getting over the loss of my wife.A1c
8Player Default: One day, maybe. I'm still getting over the loss of my wife.{Guilty, sheepish, sad / Sad} I... I'm sorry. I feel like a complete fool. Do you want to talk about it?Player Default: My wife was murdered and my son was kidnapped.A1a
9Player Default: Are you... hitting on me?{Friendly, flirty / Flirting} Not used to aggressive women, huh? Well, I won't hold it against you.Y1a
10{Friendly, hopeful / Friendly} I'd still like to know your answer, though. So tell me, would you date a Ghoul?Player Default: One day, maybe. I'm still getting over the loss of my wife.Y1b
11Player Default: My wife was murdered and my son was kidnapped.{Sympathetic, consoling / Sad} That's horrible. I can't even imagine what you must be going through.Holly: I'll say goodbye, then. Good luck with everything.A1a
12Player Default: I really don't.{Guilty, sheepish / Sad} How about I just quit while I'm ahead. I've done enough damage for one conversation.B1a
13{Guilty, hesitant... you hurt someone's feeling and you're not sure what else to say / Worried} I'll, uh, see you around.Holly: I'll say goodbye, then. Good luck with everything.B1b
14Player Default: If you really want to help me, give me something I can use.{Friendly, generous / Friendly} Of course, sweetheart. I don't have much, but here, take these. I hope they'll help.Holly: I'll say goodbye, then. Good luck with everything.X1a
15Player Default: If you really want to help me, give me something I can use.{Friendly, apologetic / Friendly} I just don't have anything much to give you, sweetheart. We're barely scraping by as it is out here.Holly: I'll say goodbye, then. Good luck with everything.X2a
16Player Default: That's horrible. I can't even imagine what you must be going through.{Friendly and a bit sad... a bittersweet farewell / Friendly} I'll say goodbye, then. Good luck with everything.A1a
17DialogueTheSlogScenePayPlayer Default: Yeah, I'll take those caps now.Here you go, two caps per berry.A1a
18Thanks much!A1b
19Player Default: Not now.Okay then. Hope to see you soon!B1a
20Player Default: Tell me about these goods.{Flirtatious... "check me out" / Flirting} You're lookin' at 'em, hot stuff. I might be a ghoul, but I'm still all woman. So what do you think?Player Default: I think you look pretty good.X1a
21Player Default: What are you offering, exactly?It's two caps for each tarberry. Good enough?Player Default: Yeah, I'll take those caps now.Y1a


22DialogueTheSlogHollyDeirdreScene{Hopeful} Hey boss. Any chance I could talk you into picking up some perfume from the next trader who comes through?Wiseman: Perfume? Um, listen darlin'...A1a
23Wiseman: We're ghouls, and there ain't a fragrance in the Commonwealth that's going to cover that up.{Despondent} I just thought, you know, maybe I ain't meeting anyone because I'm not maximizing my sex appeal.Wiseman: I understand. If I see any, I'll pick you up a bottle.A1a
24Wiseman: I understand. If I see any, I'll pick you up a bottle.{Grateful} Aw... you take good care of me, boss.A1a


25DialogueTheSlogJonesHollySceneJones: Corn's really growing'' in, huh? For awhile there I wasn't sure it would take hold.You're not kidding. The carrots are doing pretty well, too.A1a
26{Pleased, impressed} If this keeps up, we might pass Warwick as the most successful farm in the Commonwealth.Jones: If we do, I hope that fat mayor in Diamond City hears about it.A1b
27Jones: I want nothing more than to make him feel like a fool for throwing all the ghouls out of Diamond City.I know how you feel, but remember, we're not out to get revenge on anyone.A1a
28We need to be better than the people who condemn us, to show that we can be better than them.A1b
29That's the only way we're going to earn their respect.Jones: You're right, Holly. The last thing I'd ever want to do is let you guys down.A1c
30Jones: Thanks for reminding me about what's important.{Familial affection} Sure thing. You're a good kid, Jones. Stay that way.A1a


31DialogueTheSlogWisemanHollySceneHey boss, you ever think about setting up a stall outside of Diamond City?A1a
32Just cause ghouls ain't allowed inside the city doesn't mean we can't sell our goods just outside the walls.Wiseman: Now let me guess. if I say yes, you'll ask to work the stand so you can meet some good-looking boys. Am I right?A1b
33Wiseman: Now let me guess. if I say yes, you'll ask to work the stand so you can meet some good-looking boys. Am I right?{Abashed} Aw, I can't pull anything over on you, can I?A1a
34I just get lonely sometimes. You know how it is. I hardly get to meet anyone out here.Wiseman: Well, it's a nice idea, but I don't think the humans are going to let us get anywhere near that place.A1b
35Wiseman: Besides, we've got a few eligible bachelors right here that aren't so bad.I know, I know, it's just... well, I always had a thing for smoothskins.Wiseman: The man of your dreams is out there somewhere, Holly, I'm sure of it.A1a
36Wiseman: You have to be patient, that's all.{Crestfallen} Being patient is the one thing I ain't very good at, but I'll try.A1a