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This is a transcript for dialogue with High Rise.


2{Friendly, appreciative} Remember, my house is yours.
3{Sincere thankful offer} Take whatever you need here.
4{Sincere} I appreciate what you did for me and H2.


5RRM01_0450_Highrise{Cautious} Don't shoot.HighRise: Fixer, right?A
6HighRise: Fixer, right?{Banter with a good friend / Friendly} And my man, Deacon. Still with the same old face?A1a
7{Banter with a good friend / Amused} What, it's been three whole months. You're getting slow.HighRise: Word is the rookie cleared out the Switchboard, while you sat on the sidelines. Glad you joined the team, by the way.A1b
8HighRise: What, it's been three whole months. You're getting slow.{Impressed / Amused} Word is the rookie cleared out the Switchboard, while you sat on the sidelines. Glad you joined the team, by the way.Player Default: It's nice to meet you.A1a
9HighRise: What, it's been three whole months. You're getting slow.{Impressed / Impressed} I heard about you. Walked the Freedom Trail, cleared out Switchboard. Glad you joined the team.Player Default: It's nice to meet you.A2a
10Player Default: It's nice to meet you.{Honored / Friendly} Honor's all mine. Let's take a look at our friend.HighRise: Hey you. You OK?A1a
11Player Default: Moonlight's burning, we have to go.{Distracted} I need a moment.HighRise: Hey you. You OK?B1a
12Player Default: "Do you have a geiger counter?"{Professional, "Mine is in the shop" is a secret code phrase.} Right, you are. "Mine is in the shop." All good?X1a
13{Distracted} Now, let's take a look at our friend.HighRise: Hey you. You OK?X1b
14Player Default: You here to pick up a package?{A little distracted} Yeah, I'm here for the package. Speaking of which.HighRise: Hey you. You OK?Y1a
15Player Default: Honor's all mine. Let's take a look at our friend.{Said to H2, who is probably a little panicky - reassuring / Concerned} Hey you. You OK?H222: A little rattled. But I've never been better. The other man... He said I shouldn't talk too much.A1a
16H222: A little rattled. But I've never been better. The other man... He said I shouldn't talk too much.{Reassuring, trying to be delicate and helpful / Friendly} He told you right, H2. You'll need a real name, and a new face, but we'll get to that.HighRise: There's more of them raiders behind me. Afraid we need a little more help.A1a
17HighRise: He told you right, H2. You'll need a real name, and a new face, but we'll get to that.{Turning to player, serious / Apologetic} There's more of them raiders behind me. Afraid we need a little more help.Player Default: More raiders. Not a problem.A1a
18Player Default: More raiders. Not a problem.{Impressed} You headquarter heavies mean business.HighRise: We need to get to Ticonderoga Safehouse. My home.A1a
19Player Default: You're supposed to take it from here.{Defensive / Apologetic} Too much activity on the route and I ain't a heavy like you.HighRise: We need to get to Ticonderoga Safehouse. My home.B1a
20Player Default: What do you mean a new face?{Explaining with personality} We got to file off the serial numbers on new arrivals. Make it hard for the Institute to find them.Y1a
21{Explaining with personality, then serious} Most synths go in for a brand new set of memories, as well. For that extra protection and all. But first we got to get him to safety.HighRise: We need to get to Ticonderoga Safehouse. My home.Y1b
22Player Default: You headquarter heavies mean business.{Laced with urgency, proud of his home} We need to get to Ticonderoga Safehouse. My home.A1a
23{Proud, compassionate to synths} A lot of synths fresh off the boat crash there until we smuggle them out of the Commonwealth.Player Default: Nice that you're willing to do that for us.A1b
24Player Default: Yeah, I'm working off sins from a misspent youth.{Decisive} I'll lead the way.A1a
25Player Default: Nice that you're willing to do that for us.{Enjoying cultivating mystery / Amused} Yeah, I'm working off sins from a misspent youth.HighRise: I'll lead the way.A1a
26Player Default: You do anything else there?{Proud, compassionate} Most of what we do is look after the new guys. They usually got a million questions, so I try and answer as best I can.Y1a
27{A little cautious here, it's not exactly nice to pump synths for information (feels a little guilty)} We got some of our own questions, too, about the Institute and what not.Y1b
28{Back to proud, chuckle at the end} Agents sometimes drop by to lay low if the bad guys are on their tail. Never a dull moment.HighRise: I'll lead the way.Y1c
29NPCMLowRoadFranklin: Don't shoot.{Confirming identity} Fixer, right?HighRise: Word is the rookie cleared out the Switchboard, while you sat on the sidelines. Glad you joined the team, by the way.A1a
30NPCMLowRoadFranklin: Don't shoot.{Confirming identity} Professor, right?HighRise: Word is the rookie cleared out the Switchboard, while you sat on the sidelines. Glad you joined the team, by the way.A2a
31NPCMLowRoadFranklin: Don't shoot.Charmer, right?HighRise: Word is the rookie cleared out the Switchboard, while you sat on the sidelines. Glad you joined the team, by the way.A3a
32NPCMLowRoadFranklin: Don't shoot.Whisper, right?HighRise: Word is the rookie cleared out the Switchboard, while you sat on the sidelines. Glad you joined the team, by the way.A4a
33NPCMLowRoadFranklin: Don't shoot.Bullseye, right?HighRise: Word is the rookie cleared out the Switchboard, while you sat on the sidelines. Glad you joined the team, by the way.A5a
34NPCMLowRoadFranklin: Don't shoot.Wanderer, right?HighRise: Word is the rookie cleared out the Switchboard, while you sat on the sidelines. Glad you joined the team, by the way.A6a
35RRM01_0600_AtTicon{Happy} And we're here.HighRise: All in a night's work for you agent types, huh?A
36NPCMLowRoadFranklin: And we're here.{Happy to be alive, thankful, impressed / Grateful} All in a night's work for you agent types, huh?Player Default: Just part of the service.A1a
37Player Default: Just part of the service.{Laughing tone, impressed / Grateful} I think I'm going to like you even more than Glory.HighRise: If you ever need grub, bullets, or just a power-nap take the elevator up to Ticon. My house is yours.A1a
38Player Default: I didn't sign up to babysit your ass.{Trying to mollify the player, defensive / Apologetic} Sorry to impose. But, hey, it's all our jobs to look after synths, right?HighRise: If you ever need grub, bullets, or just a power-nap take the elevator up to Ticon. My house is yours.B1a
39Player Default: I'm not here for chit chat.{Thankful} To the point then.HighRise: If you ever need grub, bullets, or just a power-nap take the elevator up to Ticon. My house is yours.X1a
40Player Default: So, is this a normal operation?{Proud of himself} More than I'd like. Sometimes I can sneak our friends through all by my lonesome.Y1a
41{He's concerned about this, but sounding cool} But other times it's like the damned raiders are holding a convention.Y1b
42{Thankful} Working with you made it a whole lot easier.HighRise: If you ever need grub, bullets, or just a power-nap take the elevator up to Ticon. My house is yours.Y1c
43Player Default: I think I'm going to like you even more than Glory.{Thankful, earnest offer / Grateful} If you ever need grub, bullets, or just a power-nap take the elevator up to Ticon. My house is yours.HighRise: And, Deacon, try not to give the rookie too much shit.A1a
44HighRise: If you ever need grub, bullets, or just a power-nap take the elevator up to Ticon. My house is yours.{Parting goodbye to a good friend / Amused} And, Deacon, try not to give the rookie too much shit.A1a
45{Confiding to the player, friendly / Friendly} Deacon may be a terrible liar, but it always pays to have him on your side. Later.A1b
46HighRise: If you ever need grub, bullets, or just a power-nap take the elevator up to Ticon. My house is yours.{Thankful / Friendly} But right now, I need to take care of H2. Later.A2a
47-{Shouting to the player, concerned} Protect H2.
48{Shouting, fierce} You've tangled with the wrong people.
49{Fierce, shouting} With my buddy here, we're going to make short work of you.
50{Angry, shouting, fierce} You want H2, you got to go through me first.
51{Fierce, shouting} We ain't no easy pickings.
52{Fierce, bravado} We're going to make Charlestown a safer place, one asshole at a time.
53{Relieved, "to business" tone} When you're done looting up, I'll be up ahead.
54{Catching breath, concerned for H2, urgency} You safe, H2? We got to keep moving.
55{Catching breath, relieved} I'm happy as hell HQ sent back up tonight.
56{Appreciative} Thanks again. The Commonwealth ain't safe at night.
57{Distracted, half muttering the last bit to himself (worried)} We can catch up at Ticon. We just got to make it there alive first.