Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Gameplay articles
Fallout 4Heavy Gunner
Fallout 76Heavy Gunner

Heavy Gunner is a perk in Fallout 4 and Fallout 76.


Fallout 4[]

Fo4 Heavy Gunner
Gameplay article: Fallout 4

A perk with five ranks, each of which increases damage dealt with heavy guns by 20%. Higher ranks grant additional benefits, such as increased accuracy and a chance to stagger enemies.

Fallout 76[]

Fo76 Heavy Gunner
Gameplay article: Fallout 76

The perk was reduced to three ranks, and only affects non-explosive heavy guns. The granted bonus damage is also lower, as it was split across the perk's higher tier versions, Expert Heavy Gunner and Master Heavy Gunner.
