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This is a transcript for dialogue with Heather Ellis.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0057754F 0057828E No problem.
2 00577551 00577572 To be honest, you don't really have the look and feel of someone who's spent their life out here in the wilds.
3 The other people I've met from Vault 76 seemed a little more... how to put it... wide-eyed. Inexperienced. Still figuring things out, you know?
4 They also tend to look healthier, more well-fed, and their skin's not so rough and calloused.
5 00577553 0057757C I keep hearing about it. I've even met some people who say they came from there, and honestly, I believe them.
6 It's so interesting, people living underground for years and then the doors open and suddenly there's this whole new world to explore. Enthusiastic, intrigued
7 So, did I guess right?
8 00577555 00577577 Oh, never mind then. Maybe I'm not as good a judge of people as I thought.
9 00577557 0057757F I knew it! I could tell just by looking at you. Excited
10 I've always thought that life in a vault must be so amazing, with the robots and all the machines and having everything you need, every day.
11 Best of all you're safe, which, let me tell you, is a thing us outsiders very rarely get to feel.
12 Though I guess you're one of us now, so that's all in the past for you. Wistful
13 00577559 00577578 Wait a minute... are you one of those people who was in Vault 76? Growing excitement
14 0057755A 00577580 Whoa, hold on. I'm not looking for a fight, okay? I'm a peaceful person, at least when it comes to other human beings.
15 0057755C 00577579 Of course! I know how hard it can be out there.
16 0057755E 00577574 Okay, see you.
17 00577560 0057757A Go right ahead.
18 00577562 0057828A Me? There's not that much to tell, really. I came in with Paige and the rest, and stayed up at Foundation for awhile. It was nice.
19 But eventually I wanted to go my own way, you know? Get out and see some places I've never seen, figure out who I am.
20 When I heard the message on the radio about Flatwoods, I was curious to meet the Responders, so I made my way here.
21 Of course, they were long gone by then, but I was interested in the work they'd been doing. The more I learned about them, the more I admired them.
22 I decided to stay here and see what else I could learn. That's pretty much my story.
23 00577564 0057828F Yeah, there's a couple of places around here that qualify as interesting, at least to me.
24 The Agricultural Research Center is infested with Feral Ghouls and homicidal robots, but you can find some good scrap in there if you're up to it.
25 The New River Gorge Resort to the east is the same story, maybe minus the robots.
26 Oh, and I found a note about a place called Gauley Mine, which I think is northeast of here. I'm haven't checked it out yet.
27 00577566 0057828B I found it in one of the houses. It fits great, and it's really comfortable and pretty durable, too.
28 I'd also be lying if I said it didn't have some sentimental value for me. I've admired the Responders ever since I first heard about them.
29 What they stood for - helping people no matter what - that was really important. Admiration
30 Who knows, maybe someday there can be a new generation of Responders. I'd like to see that.
31 Was that it? As in "was there anything else you wanted to as me?"
32 00577568 00577575 Absolutely! Even in the face of an atomic holocaust, the Responders only thought about helping other people. Admiration, hero worship
33 They saved a lot of lives, and even when everything looked hopeless, they didn't stop trying to do what was right. Admiration, hero worship
34 It's a real tragedy that they're all gone now. People like us will never have the chance to thank them for everything they did. Admiration, hero worship, a bit sad
35 0057756A 0057757B That's a really insensitive thing to say. Those people risked their lives every day to help people survive. I think they were incredibly noble. Surprise and disappointment,the player has criticized your heroes
36 And yes, as far as anyone knows, they were all killed when the Scorched attacked their base at Morgantown Airport. Surprise and disappointment,the player has criticized your heroes
37 But that death wasn't a failure, it was a sacrifice, and a really heroic one, if you ask me. They could have run, but they didn't. Surprise and disappointment,the player has criticized your heroes
38 I guess you must not have been around when the Responders were here, or you'd know all of this.
39 0057756C 00577576 Well, it was good to meet you. Be careful out there! Friendly
40 0057756E 00577573 Then you're not alone. A lot of people come here because of that radio message the Responders left. That's what brought me here, too.
41 At first, I was planning to just do the training and move on, but honestly, I kind of like it here. Friendly, conversational, happy tro have someone to talk to
42 I really enjoy meeting all the people that pass through, and hearing their stories.
43 00577570 0057757D Are you here for the Responder training? Friendly
44 0057757E Here to brush up on your Responder survival training? Friendly
45 0057828C It's good to see you again. Here for more Responder training? Very happy to see the player
46 0057828D I take it you're back for more Responder training? Because if you're here to extort supplies from me again, I've got nothing for you. Unhappy, you don't like the player, they tried to threaten you into giving them stuff last time.
47 00577571 00578291 Hi there.
48 00578292 Chloe's my pet. Or maybe I'm hers, I'm not sure. Amused, end with a giggle
49 00578293 Make yourself at home. I did.
50 00578294 I bet this town was really nice before the war.
51 00578296 You again? Great. Sarcasm and dislike. Said with an eyeroll.
52 00578297 I don't have any more supplies to give you, no matter you much you threaten me. Unhappy. You don't like the player.
53 00578298 Can't you go bully someone else for supplies? Unhappy. You don't like the player.
54 00578299 Oh no, not you again. Unhappy. You don't like the player.
55 0057829B Hi! I wondering if you'd be back. Happy to see the player.
56 0057829C Sometimes, this place is really peaceful. I love that.
57 0057829D Here to brighten my day? Happy to see the player
58 0057829E Always nice to have some company. Happy to see the player
59 0057864D If you try to bully me into giving you stuff again, I'll sic my dog on you. I mean it. Angry
60 0057864E Chloe knows a good person when she sees one. That's why she likes you. Cheerful, welcoming
61 0057864F Chloe looks after me. She's the best guardian a girl could have. Happy, proud
62 0057864B 0057864C That's right. They set up a radio signal that's been repeating for years now, calling people here to learn basic survival skills.
63 Unfortunately the Responders are long gone now, but the training system is fully automated, so you can still learn everything you need to. Sad about the responders, but impressed by their automated system
64 I'm surprised you didn't know that. You must be new around here.
65 0057E1D0 0057E1DF No problem.
66 0057E1D2 0057E1DB Yeah, there's a couple of places around here that qualify as interesting, at least to me.
67 The Agricultural Research Center is infested with Feral Ghouls and homicidal robots, but you can find some good scrap in there if you're up to it.
68 The New River Gorge Resort to the east is the same story, maybe minus the robots.
69 0057E1D4 0057E1E0 I found it in one of the houses. It fits great, and it's really comfortable and pretty durable, too.
70 I'd also be lying if I said it didn't have some sentimental value for me. I've admired the Responders ever since I first heard about them.
71 What they stood for - helping people no matter what - that was really important. Admiration
72 0057E1D6 0057E1DC Me? There's not that much to tell, really. I came in with Paige and the rest, and stayed up at Foundation for a while. It was nice.
73 But eventually I wanted to go my own way, you know? Get out and see some places I've never seen, figure out who I am.
74 When I heard the message on the radio about Flatwoods, I was curious to meet the Responders, so I made my way here.
75 I decided to stay here and see what else I could learn. That's pretty much my story.
76 00583D27 00583D6B It's a community of settlers up in the mountains to the east. It's a nice enough place, I guess.
77 That being said, it's a hell of a dangerous trip trying to get there. I barely made it out of the mountains alive.
78 If I were you, I'd keep to the forest until you're ready to deal with some seriously nasty stuff.
79 00583D29 00583D57 Okay. What is it?
80 00583D2B 00583D4D He's the closest Foundation has to a leader, I guess.
81 I never got to know him real well, but he always seemed like a decent guy. Honest, reliable, cares about the people, that kind of stuff.
82 00583D2D 00583D59 It's up in the Savage Divide, which is what they call the mountains to the east.
83 There are maybe a dozen settlers up there, though people always come and go so it changes.
84 Honestly, life is pretty good there. It's a community, and everybody does their part to help.
85 00583D2F 00583D4F I just made up some stimpaks. Here, you can have these. Give yourself an injection when you're hurt, and they'll heal you right up.