Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

"We're in the business of happiness."Ledger terminal

Hawthorne was a chem dealer who lived in and operated out of Sanctuary Hills before the Great War.


From their house in Sanctuary Hills, Hawthorne supplied chems throughout the greater Boston area, to customers as far away as Braintree.[1] Hawthorne supplied all types of chems, from Stimpaks to Daddy-O. They had not heard of Psycho, though they had a "contact" in the U.S. Army and believed that this contact could help them gather more information on the substance.[2]

However, there were some supply issues, as the wartime rationing of supplies meant Hawthorne couldn't give several customers the Buffout they wanted. The dealer's Buffout-related worries were mainly because of McDermott, a crooked cop and longtime customer, whom Hawthorne feared would stop looking the other way if they could not supply his demands.[3][4]

Hawthorne also sold directly to the residents of Sanctuary Hills (Baker, Rosa, Jahani, and Russell) and was in the process of trying to convert DiPietro into a client as well. In particular, the dealer had a contentious relationship with Russell, who owed money for an X-cell order. Hawthorne was angered by the thought that Russell might be using the drugs on his dogs, and contemplated stealing the owed money from his house.[2][3][5]

Hawthorne kept a ledger of all customers' orders and had a habit of speculating what they did with their chems.[1] Ultimately though, the dealer did not care who they were or what they did as long as their business was profitable.[6][7][8][9]


Hawthorne is mentioned only in Fallout 4.

