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Fallout Wiki

Hawksbill weather station terminal entries are entries found on terminals in Hawksbill weather station.

Maintenance terminal[]

This standing terminal is located in the Hawksbill weather station lounge.


Vault 63 Maintenance


              |  Vault 63 Maintenance  |
              |        Terminal        |

Construction Report[]


So Stolz has been on our case about getting this massive Vault done. The construction crew are scattered, and they're having to cut corners due to the ridiculous deadlines.

Heck, they barely had enough insulated panels for the flooring, so hopefully the supplies arrive on time, but for now they've done the best they can. Can't expect things to be perfect if you cut deadlines in half all of a sudden.

Should get the guys to take another swing at the laser grid, too. The things are on the fritz, constantly powering down randomly. Better than nothing for now, considering the rush job and all.



Access Linked Terminal[]




|                      Project                      |
|                   Storm Goliath                   |



Project Summary[]


Classified Eyes Only

Power Concerns for Storm Goliath
Report: Per Stolz's orders, Lt. Col. Oberlin proved to be useful in the collection of sensitive information regarding roadblocks hit in the Pentagon's large-sized robotics project. It is critical to point out: Oberlin was NOT informed that his Holotape would be used to scrape data from the terminal. Under no circumstances should he be made aware of information leaks from the Pentagon.

The report confirmed our suspicions: energy requirements far exceed what can be readily made available to a platform of that size. Our reliance on direct power from a storm would solve this problem for local defense. Attempting to deploy to the field would be fruitless without first being able to ensure a mobile weather control method. Lucky for us, our sights remain firmly on protection of the immediate area only.

Complaint: Outside Sources
I'm growing tired of the insistence on using data acquired from outside sources. Stolz's connections out west do not necessarily meld with our own brain unit's intelligence needs - less is more in our case. This is the Hexcrete situation all over again. We were hired for our expertise in this field, we do not need a sudden drop of ill-gotten research to help us reach the finish line. We're likely to spend twice as much time dismantling ideas that have been haphazardly grafted onto our own. Let's try to set the Overseer straight: thanks, but no thanks.



Automated Deployment[]


Automated Deployment
If the Vault is ever under high alert, the automated system from the Engineering Sector will deploy a Storm Goliath variant (Nona/Decima/Morta) to stand ready to dispose of any intruders.

With the resources at our disposal at Vault 63, the Engineering Sector will automatically construct a new unit if one should fall, allowing automatic deployment of reinforcements.

The only way to stand down the alert is to have a Vault-Tec representative de-escalate the alert in the Engineering Sector.



Combat Armaments[]


The Storm Goliath has been designed by the brightest minds of Vault 63 to defend the Vault using an array of armaments.

Reinforced Steel
We have reinforced the outer shell of the Storm Goliath so it is resistant to the lightning it calls down, adding to the overall weight of the unit. To support this we had to increase the strength for the carry capacity, adding the benefit of a heavy bludgeoning blow in close quarters combat.

Each Storm Goliath is equipped with an energy cannon which shoots electrical beams at its target.

The secondary purpose is to fire mines at the target. Each Storm Goliath has been designated a code name to identify what variant of mines they carry.

- Storm Goliath Nona:   Fragmentation Mines
- Storm Goliath Decima: Cryogenic Mines
- Storm Goliath Morta:  Plasma Mines

Electromagnetic Weather Manipulation
With the continued research from the ATLAS Program, we were able to give the Storm Goliath the ability to manipulate the weather by acting as a lightning rod of sorts. With this it can call forth bolts of lightning during a storm.

The only negative side effect is we would need to induce a storm prior to deployment to let it utilize this ability.

Self-Destruct Sequence
A feature added to every Storm Goliath is the ability to overcharge their power cells to induce a self-destruct sequence, ensuring a large enough blast to take out any targets in close proximity.

This is an effective counter measure to overwhelming forces in the proximity, but also doubles as a way to keep enemies from getting their hands on our technology.

The loss of a Storm Goliath is a small price to pay considering the automated construction and deployment of new units from the Engineering Sector.

Psychological Warfare
Each Storm Goliath has a wide vocabulary of quotes from philosophers and historical figures, which are repeated continuously during combat.

Though the selection may appear odd, the aim is to confuse and disorientate targets on the battlefield, allowing the Storm Goliath to seize those opportunities to dispose of its enemies.



Ammo Deployment[]


Ammo Deployment
Inside compartments on the limbs of every Storm Goliath, we have installed ammo deployment containers to aid our forces during conflicts.

This feature is designed for support during warfare by helping our troops travel light and have a source to replenish their supplies on the battlefield.



Maintenance terminal[]

This wall terminal is located in the Hawksbill weather station lounge, next to the door to the robot testing waiting area.


Hawksbill Weather Station Maintenance


              |       Maintenance      |
              |        Terminal        |

Unlock Door[]

This version of the entry appears when the robot testing waiting area door is locked and Neurological Warfare is not active.


ERROR: Invalid Credentials.

This version of the entry appears when the robot testing waiting area door is locked and Neurological Warfare is active.


ERROR: Security unlock will complete shortly...
