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Fallout Wiki

Harper Rosiak was a fixer hired by Daniel Hornwright to intimidate Sam Blackwell before the Great War.


A regular to Daniel Hornwright, Rosiak was contracted again by Daniel Hornwright to solve the issue of Senator Sam Blackwell's opposition to Ballot No. 6, which would have increased funds allocated for automation and a mandate to eliminate human employment within a decade.[1] Rosiak observed his target for a time and made note of his family's schedule, particularly his daughter's Vault-Tec University schedule.

Rosiak targeted what every parent fears most, the safety of their child, and delivered a threatening holotape to Blackwell's office. Blackwell was convinced it was related to his investigations into Thomas Eckhart's activities and vanished after claiming "sinister government forces" were after him.[2] With that, Rosiak's job was officially complete, and Hornwright was impressed by how Rosiak kept all the heat off of Hornwright Industrial. He paid Rosiak in full, along with a tidy bonus for a job well done.[3]


The voice heard for Harper in the holotape We're coming for you is significantly pitch-shifted down, presumably as an in-universe attempt to hide Harper's voice. If the pitch is raised in audio-editing software, it can be heard that Harper's original voice was produced with text-to-speech.


Harper Rosiak is mentioned only in Fallout 76.


  1. Hornwright Industrial Headquarters terminal entries; CEO's terminal, TO:
  2. The Sam Blackwell interview
  3. Hornwright Industrial Headquarters terminal entries; CEO's terminal, TO:: Impressive work, friend.
    Your fee for the Blackwell job has been transferred to your account - plus a little bonus. I don't know what you said to him, but the fact that he's grasping at "sinister government forces" and not us means you said the right thing.