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This is a transcript for dialogue with Harold in Fallout 3.


DialogOasisHaroldBailout Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 Okay. 1
DialogOasisHaroldTreeminders About those Treeminders... Disgust 50 Oh, don't get me started on them. I'm liable to talk about them all day! It even drives poor old Bob crazy. 2
DialogOasisHaroldTreeminders01 Had you ever asked one of them to kill you before? Disgust 70 They wouldn't listen to me at all! If I told them something simple, then it got done. Otherwise, Birch spent a week looking for a hidden meaning. 3
Disgust 70 Plus, he used to just pop in whenever he wanted and started chanting this nonsense. 4
Happy 80 Sometimes I used to just sit there silently just to make him mad! That was fun for a while. 5
Happy 50 Hopefully this will all change now that things are different... thanks to you! 6
Did you ever ask one of them to kill you? Disgust 70 They won't listen to me at all. If I tell them something simple, then it gets done. Otherwise, Birch spends a week looking for a hidden meaning. 7
Disgust 70 Plus, he just pops in whenever he wants and starts chanting this nonsense. 8
Happy 80 Sometimes I just sit there silently just to make him mad. That was fun for a while, but even that's getting boring now. 9
DialogOasisHaroldTreeminders02 How do the Treeminders normally handle other Outsiders? Happy 70 Oh, you wouldn't believe how they handle them. They make them drink this gunk that Poplar makes. 10
Neutral 50 Sometimes they just go nuts and start running around, and sometimes when they wake up and see me they run for the hills! 11
Happy 60 I'll tell you, Outsiders are almost as entertaining as the Treeminders! 12
DialogOasisHaroldTreeminders03 Which Treeminder do you get along with the best? Neutral 50 Actually, the kid is the nicest one of all. Yew's her name. She sneaks in here sometimes and just lets me talk about stuff I wanna talk about. 13
Neutral 50 Bob really likes her too, cause she makes me happy. 14
DialogOasisNames What's with all the names? Bob, Herbert and Harold? I don't get it. Disgust 50 Okay, okay. Let me talk real careful for the slow folks. 15
Neutral 50 I was once a man a long time ago named Harold. Something in me changed and a weird little tree started growing right out of my head. 16
Neutral 50 It kept getting bigger until I ended up stuck inside. When people would ask about it, I decided to name it Bob. You know, like a friend or something. 17
Happy 50 Sometimes I call him Herbert instead of Bob, because I get bored and I think it's funny. So long story short, call me Harold! 18
GREETING GREETING Disgust 50 Lemme guess... you said something dumb and now Birch wants you outta Oasis. Wonderful. 19
Fear 50 You better get a move on before they really get mad and hunt you down. 20
GREETING Sad 80 Oh great. Now you got yourself kicked out of here. 21
Fear 50 Looks like I'll have to find someone else to help me. You better get outta here... these guys will get pretty cross if you stick around. 22
GREETING Anger 50 I can't believe you'd kill those innocent people like that. And I thought I was a monster! 23
Anger 50 If I could move, I would show you a thing or two, but Bob has me stuck here. 24
GREETING Anger 50 Those people you killed were some of the most peaceful people in the Wasteland! 25
Anger 50 How could you do that to them? 26
GREETING Anger 50 Leave me alone! Me and Bob have better things to do than speak to a murderer! 27
Anger 50 Now go away and never come back! 28
GREETING Anger 50 How dare you come into Oasis and shoot up the place! 29
Anger 50 Even Bob is mad at you, and he never gets mad except when I don't stop calling him Herbert! 30
GREETING Sad 50 So, it looks like you decided to do things their way. How come? 31
GREETING Happy 50 See Herbert? Now that's a nice person for you. Why can't you be more like that! 32
GREETING Happy 50 Look, Herbert, he's back. I told you! 33
GREETING Happy 50 Look, Herbert, she's back. I told you! 34
GREETING Neutral 50 Glad to see you're finally awake. I can't believe they made you do that stupid ceremony. 35
Neutral 50 They listen when I talk, but they don't hear... know what I mean? 36
MS10FinEndgameDiscuss01 You've become an important part of their life. Without you, they're lost. Happy 70 Should we give them another chance, Herbert? 37
Happy 50 Fine, fine. I mean Bob. I still think it's funny when I call him Herbert. 38
MS10FinEndgameDiscuss02 I'm not the killing type. Neutral 50 No, I suppose you aren't. My mistake for making you do something you didn't want to do in the first place I guess. 39
Neutral 50 Still, maybe it's all for the best. I mean, I've been talking with Birch and they really seem to need me. 40
Neutral 50 What do you say Herbert, should I give them another chance? 41
Neutral 50 Fine, fine. I mean Bob. I still think it's funny when I call him Herbert. 42
MS10FinEndgameDiscuss03 You're obviously crazier than they are. Why would I listen to you? Neutral 50 I can't say I blame you. Its my mistake for making you do something you didn't want to do in the first place I guess. 43
Neutral 50 Still, maybe it's all for the best. I mean, I've been talking with Birch and they really seem to need me. 44
Neutral 50 What do you say Herbert, should I give them another chance? 45
Neutral 50 Fine, fine. I mean Bob. I still think it's funny when I call him Herbert. 46
MS10FinGoodbyes I've got to go now. Happy 50 Now don't get crazy on me and start wearing branches... 47
I've got to go now. Happy 50 Come back and visit me some time. 48
I've got to go now. Happy 50 Okay! Wave bye-bye Bob! Oh come one, move a branch at least... sigh. 49
MS10HaroldCT01 Um... I must be dreaming. Neutral 50 <Sigh> I wish I was too. Then me and Herbert could be the best of friends and live side by side. 50
Neutral 50 He's the tree, you see. We're old pals... the best of buddies and we know each other inside and out; literally. 51
Neutral 50 Well, his name's really Bob. I think it's funny to call him Herbert. But I don't think he thinks it's that funny. 52
MS10HaroldCT02 I've never met a talking tree before. Neutral 50 Neither have I. Well, I mean I talk to Herbert, but he never really says anything back. 53
Neutral 50 He kept growing around me, maybe for calling him Herbert all the time. His name's really Bob. I think it's funny when I call him Herbert though. 54
MS10HaroldCT03 Okay. What's the trick? I know there's a guy with a microphone somewhere. Surprise 50 Where? You mean in here? Nah, it's just me and Herbert. He's the tree. 55
Neutral 50 We're old pals... the best of buddies and we know each other inside and out; literally. 56
Happy 50 Well, his name's really Bob. I think it's funny to call him Herbert. But I don't think he thinks it's that funny. 57
MS10HaroldCT04 They're worshipping a tree? Ha ha ha! Sad 50 I know they mean well... and for awhile it was nice to be needed. But I'm not sure I want to be a giant tree anymore. 58
Neutral 50 Well, truth be told it's Herbert that's the tree. He sorta just took over, you know? Probably to get back at me for calling him Herbert all the time. 59
Neutral 50 His name's really Bob. I think it's funny when I call him Herbert though. 60
MS10HaroldCT05 So you're trapped in there, inside this Herbert... I mean Bob... thing? Neutral 50 Well, I suppose you could look at it that way. See, Bob used to ride around on top of my head, sunk his roots right in there, ya know? 61
Neutral 50 Well, eventually he got bigger than me, and then I pretty much ended up inside. 62
MS10HaroldCT06 I'm beginning to suspect you weren't always this way. Surprise 70 Well, you're quite clever. 63
Neutral 50 See, Bob used to ride around on top of my head, sunk his roots right in there, ya know? 64
Neutral 50 Well, eventually he got bigger than me, and then I pretty much ended up inside. 65
MS10HaroldCT07 What in the hell are you talking about? Disgust 50 Not very bright, are you? 66
Neutral 50 Bob, that's the tree, used to ride around on top of my head, sunk his roots right in there, ya know? 67
Neutral 50 Well, eventually he got bigger than me, and then I pretty much ended up inside. 68
MS10HaroldCT08 How did a tree end up growing out of your head? Sad 50 It was a long time ago... I tend to lose track. 69
Neutral 50 I was exploring some sort of a military base with some other people... I think it was called Mariposa. 70
Fear 50 We were pretty deep inside and we found some weird vats of this nasty green goo. Right when we were about to leave, I think we were attacked. 71
Sad 50 Last thing I remember before blacking out was something knocking my friend into the stuff. 72
MS10HaroldCT08Science A genetic mutation of that magnitude could only be caused by F.E.V. Surprise 50 Whoa-ho! Check out the brain on this guy! 73
Neutral 50 It was a long time ago... I tend to lose track. 74
Neutral 50 I was exploring some sort of a military base with some other people... I think it was called Mariposa. 75
Fear 50 We were pretty deep inside and we found some weird vats of this nasty green goo. Right when we were about to leave, I think we were attacked. 76
Sad 50 Last thing I remember before blacking out was something knocking my friend into the stuff. 77
MS10HaroldCT09 How on Earth did that happen? Sad 50 It was a long time ago... I tend to lose track. 78
Neutral 50 I was exploring some sort of a military base with some other people... I think it was called Mariposa. 79
Fear 50 We were pretty deep inside and we found some weird vats of this nasty green goo. Right when we were about to leave, I think we were attacked. 80
Sad 50 Last thing I remember before blacking out was something knocking my friend into the stuff. 81
MS10HaroldCT10 I still don't understand what the hell you're talking about. Neutral 50 Yes, perhaps it doesn't even matter anyway. Forget I mentioned it. 82
MS10HaroldDirect01 Well, hopefully your troubles will be over. I'm here to help. Neutral 50 You have no idea how glad I am to hear that. Or, we're glad to hear that... me and Bob. 83
Neutral 50 I had you brought in here to ask a very simple favor. 84
Sad 50 Would you please kill me? 85
MS10HaroldDirect02 So, the Treeminders said you needed my help? Neutral 50 Yes, yes I do. Or I guess WE do... me and Bob that is. 86
Neutral 50 I had you brought in here to ask a very simple favor. 87
Sad 50 Would you please kill me? 88
MS10HaroldDirect03 Look, let's cut the bullshit and get to the matter at hand. Neutral 50 Yes, you're right of course, I completely agree. Or I guess WE completely agree... me and Bob that is. 89
Neutral 50 I had you brought in here to ask a very simple favor. 90
Sad 50 Would you please kill me? 91
MS10HaroldEndgame01 You've become an important part of their life. Without you, they're lost. Neutral 50 So, they really need me that badly, huh? I guess I never thought of it that way. Awfully selfish of me. 92
Happy 70 Should we give them another chance, Herbert? 93
Happy 50 Fine, fine. I mean Bob. I still think it's funny when I call him Herbert. 94
MS10HaroldEndgame02 I'm not the killing type. Sad 50 No, I suppose you aren't. My mistake for making you do something you didn't want to do in the first place I guess. 95
Happy 50 Still, maybe it's all for the best. I mean, I've been talking with Birch and they really seem to need me. 96
Happy 70 What do you say Herbert, should I give them another chance? 97
Happy 50 Fine, fine. I mean Bob. I still think it's funny when I call him Herbert. 98
MS10HaroldEndgame03 You're obviously crazier than they are. Why would I listen to you? Sad 50 I can't say I blame you. Its my mistake for making you do something you didn't want to do in the first place I guess. 99
Happy 50 Still, maybe it's all for the best. I mean, I've been talking with Birch and they really seem to need me. 100
Happy 70 What do you say Herbert, should I give them another chance? 101
Happy 50 Fine, fine. I mean Bob. I still think it's funny when I call him Herbert. 102
MS10HaroldNameReveal01 Well, goodbye for now then, Herbert. Or was it Bob? Happy 50 No, no. Herbert is the tree... Bob is his real name, but I call him Herbert cause I think it's pretty funny. 103
Happy 50 But I'm still in here too, what's left of me. The name's Harold. 104
MS10HaroldNameReveal02 Okay. Goodbye, err... Tree. Happy 50 No, no. Herbert is the tree... Bob is his real name, but I call him Herbert cause I think it's pretty funny. 105
Happy 50 But I'm still in here too, what's left of me. The name's Harold. 106
MS10HaroldNameReveal03 Fine. What the hell do I call you anyway? Herbert or Bob? Neutral 50 No, no. Herbert is the tree... Bob is his real name, but I call him Herbert cause I think it's pretty funny. 107
Happy 50 But I'm still in here too, what's left of me. The name's Harold. 108
MS10HaroldQuest01 You want me to murder you? Neutral 50 Oh no, no, no. It wouldn't be murder. You'd be doing me a favor. 109
Neutral 50 You see, I've been stuck here for over two decades now... rooted right into the ground. 110
Neutral 50 The only friends I've got are Bob and those weirdos out there who think I'm a god. 111
MS10HaroldQuest02 Kill you? You can't be serious! Neutral 50 Completely serious. You'd be doing me a favor. 112
Neutral 50 You see, I've been stuck here for over two decades now... rooted right into the ground. 113
Neutral 50 The only friends I've got are Bob and those weirdos out there who think I'm a god. 114
MS10HaroldQuest03 Sure. Where do you want the bullet, head or gut? Sad 50 I wish it was that simple. No, no. There's only one way you're going to be able to do this for me. 115
MS10HaroldQuest04 How would I be able to kill you? You're a tree. Neutral 50 How to put this? ...I've been feeling rather "spread out" lately. I think Bob's kinda shoved my insides around some. 116
Neutral 50 It's hard to tell where everything is, but it's always that way with one's insides, isn't it? 117
Neutral 50 Anyway, I believe Bob's carried some of my organs into his root system. I want you to go underground and destroy my heart. 118
MS10HaroldQuest05 If I kill you, every Treeminder will come after me. Happy 50 Oh no, don't worry about them. When you decide to go down there, I'll have a little chat with Birch and the rest of the gang. 119
Neutral 50 They usually don't understand a word I say, but I'll make them come around. 120
MS10HaroldQuest06 Why don't you just kill yourself? Disgust 50 Now how exactly am I supposed to do that? I can barely move anymore. 121
Neutral 50 Thanks to Bob, I'm obviously not going to be doing anything for a very long time. 122
MS10HaroldQuest07 Ok, I'll do it. Neutral 50 You will? Oh! You've made us so happy! Isn't that right Bob? 123
Happy 50 Just give me a little time to say goodbye to good old Bob and then I'll be ready. 124
MS10HaroldQuest08 Look, I really don't want to kill you... Disgust 50 Of all the Wastelanders I had to bump into it has to be one with a conscience. {To self annoyed} 125
Neutral 50 Let's keep it an open invitation then. I don't want to wait until the next person visits, it could be years. 126
Neutral 50 Just think about it, okay? 127
MS10HaroldQuest09 Can I have some time to think about it? Neutral 50 Of course. I know this is an unusual request, but hey, I'm an unusual tree. Well, Bob is anyway... 128
Neutral 50 We'll just keep it an open invitation then. I don't want to wait until the next person visits, it could be years... you're all I've got. 129
MS10HaroldQuest10 I'm not a charity. You want to die, cough up some caps. Happy 50 Well, I used to carry those pesky caps a long time ago, but I think my pockets are in those shrubs over yonder. 130
Happy 50 I'm pretty sure the caves below me are full of all kinds of nifty gizmos you could take on your way to my heart. Help yourself! 131
MS10TLBurn You're mostly a tree, right? Can't I just burn you down? Fear 50 Oh, no no no no! Fire would be too painful for me and poor old Bob. Keep that stuff away from us! 132
Neutral 50 The heart would be just fine... I won't feel a thing. 133
MS10TLCaves I have some quick questions about those caves. Happy 50 Leave it to good old Bob to get me stuck above some caves. Now my dang feet are cold! 134
MS10TLCaves01 How do I get into the caves? Neutral 50 I think the best way for you to get down there would be to get the key from the one those loonies call "Cypress." 135
Neutral 50 There's supposed to be some old gate or something back in the other grove. 136
MS10TLCaves02 Is there anything down there to look out for? Happy 50 Sometimes I feel stuff tickling me, but I think that's just Bob getting back at me for all the times I called him Herbert. 137
MS10TLDeath You don't actually seem that sad. Why do you want to die? Sad 50 I've been literally rooted to this spot thanks to Bob for maybe twenty or thirty years... I can't even remember anymore. 138
Neutral 50 Can you imagine being stuck in one place for that long not being able to eat or to read or to sleep or anything? 139
Sad 50 In the meantime, I have these Treeminders bothering me every day about things I don't even care about. I can't stand it anymore. 140
MS10TLDeath01 Hey, life is a gift. Even if it lasts a long time, be glad you have it! Fear 50 I've tried to stay happy, really I have. Bloomseer Poplar thinks I'll live for hundreds of years... maybe even more! 141
Neutral 50 Can you imagine THAT? Stuck here for centuries? I can't do it, I just want to be alone. Just me and Bob until the end. 142
Sad 50 When I saw you coming towards Oasis, I thought I felt that you'd understand me. I guess I was wrong. 143
MS10TLDeath02 I understand what you mean. Happy 50 I knew you would. That's why I picked you when I saw you coming. 144
MS10TLDeath03 If people thought I was a god, I'd exploit it for all it's worth! Surprise 50 Hey, I thought that too... at first. 145
Happy 50 I had them sing me songs, I made them do stupid dances and things like that. Bob even told me to make Maple stand on his head for a whole day! 146
Neutral 50 After a while though, it just gets boring. Then it becomes a nuisance and now it's completely driving me nuts! 147
Neutral 50 When I saw you coming towards Oasis, I thought I felt that you'd understand me. I guess I was wrong. 148
MS10TLDeath04 Seeing me approach Oasis is quite a feat for a living tree. Neutral 50 Maybe I'm just losing my mind from all this boredom, but I swear if I try I can see all around me like my eyes are in every leaf on every tree. 149
Happy 50 I think it's making Bob kind of jealous, cause he was the first tree in my life and all that. 150
MS10TLDeath05 See me coming? That's not possible. Neutral 50 I'm telling you, it is possible, or maybe I'm just losing my mind from all this boredom. 151
Neutral 50 I swear if I try real hard, I can see all around me like my eyes are in every leaf on every tree. 152
Happy 50 I think it's making Bob kind of jealous, cause he was the first tree in my life and all that. 153
MS10TLDeath06 You say you saw me coming to Oasis. And you call the Treeminders crazy... Neutral 50 You have a point there. Maybe I'm just losing my marbles from all this boredom. 154
Neutral 50 I swear if I try real hard, I can see all around me like my eyes are in every leaf on every tree. 155
Happy 50 I think it's making Bob kind of jealous, cause he was the first tree in my life and all that. 156
MS10TLGoodbye I have to go now. Happy 50 Don't worry, Herbert, he'll be back. Ha! I love that one... gets me every time. 157
I have to go now. Happy 50 Don't worry, Herbert, she'll be back. Ha! I love that one... gets me every time. 158
I have to go now. Neutral 50 See you later... well, maybe not if you do what I've asked. 159
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Oh okay... I guess me and Bob will see you again soon. 160
MS10TLGrow How is it you're causing all of these things to grow around you? Sad 50 It's kind of embarrassing really. Once a year, Bob decides he's going to go ahead and start growing these weird pods filled with tiny seeds. 161
Neutral 50 Well, all it takes is a good wind and the seeds just fly everywhere. 162
Happy 50 I call them Herbert's Seeds. He hates that! 163
MS10TopicBailout I'd like to ask about something else. Neutral 50 Okay. 164


MS10HaroldCantSee OasisHaroldCantSee Neutral 50 Please, I can't very well speak to you when you're back there. {can't see the person who is approaching} 165
OasisHaroldCantSee Neutral 50 Come around to where I can see you. {can't see the person who is approaching} 166
OasisHaroldCantSee Neutral 50 Stand where I can see you. {can't see the person who is approaching} 167