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This is a transcript for dialogue with Ham.


1-{short-tempered, tough-as-nails, a softy at heart} Hancock says newcomers are welcome in the Third Rail. Go on in.
2{short-tempered, tough-as-nails, a softy at heart} Any friend of Mayor Hancock is a friend of the Third Rail.
3{professional, but not friendly} Enjoy your stay.
4{short-tempered, tough-as-nails, a softy at heart} Entertainment's down the stairs.
5{short-tempered, tough-as-nails, a softy at heart} I toss out the troublemakers. You keep that in mind.
6{short-tempered, tough-as-nails, a softy at heart} Charlie serves the drinks. I deal with the drunks.
7{short-tempered, tough-as-nails, a softy at heart} Downstairs. Don't bother the other patrons.


8MS09Mission2MagnoliaHamSceneMagnolia: Thanks, honey. You were a big help.{soft-hearted / Friendly} Anything for you, miss...Magnolia: I hope Emogene's all right. I didn't much like the idea of her going off with that preacher fellow.A1a
9Magnolia: Ham! Will you come over here a minute?{Suspicious} Is there a problem, Miss Magnolia?Magnolia: Oh, no. This fine gentleman here was just looking for Emogene. Do you happen to know where that preacher fellow came from?A1a
10Magnolia: Oh, no. This fine gentleman here was just looking for Emogene. Do you happen to know where that preacher fellow came from?{Question} Brother Thomas?Magnolia: Yes, that's right. The one Emogene was always hanging on.A1a
11Magnolia: Yes, that's right. The one Emogene was always hanging on.{Disgust} Had to throw him out. Wouldn't stop bothering the customers with that "salvation" racket...A1a
12{Irritated} Kept going on and on about joining him at the Back Bay. Then he'd shove those stupid fliers in your face.A1b
13{Neutral} Here, I kept one of them. Just in case he didn't pay his bar tab.Magnolia: Thanks, honey. You were a big help.A1c