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This is a transcript for dialogue with Brotherhood scout.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Don't take another step if you value your life. For what purpose do you approach me? 1
GREETING Neutral 50 The Elder is likely urgently awaiting that report. You should make your way to him as soon as possible. 2
GREETING Neutral 50 Approach slowly, stranger. If you have no business with me, then go. 3
GREETING Neutral 50 Quick now, off with you! The Elder must see that report! 4
VDialogueHiddenValleyHVScout01Topic001 I'm Elder McNamara's representative. He said to ask if the bears are still hunting. Neutral 50 You speak truly, for it is unlikely that an outsider would know both the Elder's name and that passphrase. 5
Neutral 50 Very well. I've been observing the penal facility there in the distance for some time now, after having followed some rather disturbing rumors. 6
I'm Elder McNamara's representative. He said to ask if the bears are still hunting. Neutral 50 {Attack hasn't happened} The facility was run by the NCR for a time, but the prisoners overcame their guards and now use the prison as a base from which to conduct raids. 7
Neutral 50 What puzzles me is why these men have been allowed to run wild for so long unchecked. Why has the NCR not retaken this place? 8
Neutral 50 Give this to the Elder. My observations are all within. Perhaps he will have a better idea of what this situation portends. 9
I'm Elder McNamara's representative. He said to ask if the bears are still hunting. Neutral 50 {NCR won} The facility was run by the NCR for a time, but the prisoners overcame their guards and used the prison as a base from which to conduct raids. 10
Neutral 50 Eventually, the NCR got around to putting the prisoners down, but not until they had wreaked havoc on nearby trade routes. 11
Neutral 50 Give this to the Elder. My observations are all within. Perhaps he will have a better idea of what this situation portends. 12
I'm Elder McNamara's representative. He said to ask if the bears are still hunting. Neutral 50 {NCR lost} The facility was run by the NCR for a time, but the prisoners overcame their guards and used the prison as a base from which to conduct raids. 13
Neutral 50 Eventually, the NCR tried to put the prisoners down, but they were overwhelmed by them, and haven't sent troops to the area since. 14
Neutral 50 Give this to the Elder. My observations are all within. Perhaps he will have a better idea of what this situation portends. 15
VDialogueHiddenValleyHVScout01Topic004 I'm just wondering what you're doing here. Neutral 50 My purpose here is none of your concern. Now leave me be or I'll be forced to defend myself. 16
VDialogueHiddenValleyHVScout01Topic005 Sorry, didn't mean to disturb you. I'll just be going. Neutral 50 See that you do. I'd advise you to avoid the prison over there. It's overrun by barbarians and the whole place may become a battlefield at any time. 17
VDialogueHiddenValleyHVScout02Topic001 Elder McNamara sent me as his representative. He asks if the bears are still hunting. Neutral 50 Strange that the Elder should send an outsider, but I suppose he has his reasons. 18
Neutral 50 My observations have mostly focused on the small town to the south of here. It was cruelly attacked, its inhabitants slain nearly to the last. 19
Neutral 50 That such an act could occur so far west is nearly unthinkable. The NCR has forces in all directions, and an outpost scant miles west from here. 20
Neutral 50 That they have not responded to this violence shows either an unwillingness or inability to properly defend their borders, which is telling. 21
Neutral 50 I've collected such musings in this report. Please take it to the Elder. 22
VDialogueHiddenValleyHVScout02Topic002 What are you doing way up here? Neutral 50 That's none of your business. I suggest you head back the way you came. 23
VDialogueHiddenValleyHVScout02Topic003 Don't mind me. Just passing through. Neutral 50 If so, you may wish to go around that town to the south. It's been taken by slavers, and they seem to be waiting for something, or someone. 24
VDialogueHiddenValleyHVScout03Topic001 Elder McNamara sent me for your report. He asks if the bears are still hunting. Neutral 50 Then I am sworn to report. I've been dividing my time between the camps to the north and south of here. 25
Neutral 50 One belongs to the NCR, the other to a band of slavers known as Caesar's Legion. I was sure the NCR would quickly win, but that has not happened. 26
Elder McNamara sent me for your report. He asks if the bears are still hunting. Neutral 50 Instead, the two sides have reached a stalemate, and only occasionally send skirmishers against one another. 27
Neutral 50 If I didn't know better, I'd say neither side is confident enough to push for a full victory. Which seems strange given the NCR's technological edge. 28
Neutral 50 In any event, I've recorded my findings in this report. Please deliver it to the Elder. I am sure he will find the contents most interesting. 29
Elder McNamara sent me for your report. He asks if the bears are still hunting. Neutral 50 Instead, the two sides maintained a long stalemate, and only after an extended duration did the NCR finally destroy its opponent. 30
Neutral 50 When they did, it appeared they did so with the help of fresh reinforcements. I do not believe they could have managed the feat without them. 31
Neutral 50 That savages such as these could last so long against the NCR is troubling. Please, take my findings to the Elder. He'll know what to make of this. 32
Elder McNamara sent me for your report. He asks if the bears are still hunting. Neutral 50 Instead, the two sides maintained a long stalemate, and after an extended time the slavers rose up and slaughtered the NCR to the man. 33
Neutral 50 That barbarians with such crude weapons could crush a foe that defeated us is food for much thought. 34
Neutral 50 Here, take my report to the Elder. He must be made aware of what happened here. 35
Elder McNamara sent me for your report. He asks if the bears are still hunting. Neutral 50 Instead, the two sides maintained a long stalemate, and after some time fighting broke out and both sides were mysteriously wiped out. 36
Neutral 50 Things were rather chaotic, so I wasn't able to see exactly what happened, or who did the deed, but seeing the NCR suffer such a loss was a shock. 37
Neutral 50 The Elder must know of what happened here. Take this report to him. It contains my notes on these events. Maybe he'll make some sense of it all. 38
VDialogueHiddenValleyHVScout03Topic002 What are you doing here? Neutral 50 I've no reason to disclose the purpose of my actions to a stranger. Please leave. 39
VDialogueHiddenValleyHVScout03Topic003 Guess I'll be going then. Neutral 50 Do that. And take care to avoid the valley to the east, if you know what's good for you. 40