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This is a transcript for dialogue with H2-22.


1H222Scene{Concerned, a touch lost} From what I've been told it's probably safer if I don't say anything. I don't want to put you in any more danger.Player Default: I appreciate the thought.A
2Player Default: What's life like for a synth in the Institute?{Never had to explain something so obvious, the list is rote in his head.} Synths are expected to behave... like machines. You await instructions. You execute instructions. You perform basic self-maintenance.A1a
3{Chilling to think about / Afraid} Anything else is considered defective. And then the SRB comes.Player Default: What's life like for a synth in the Institute?A1b
4Player Default: What's life like for a synth in the Institute?{Talking about the boogey-man here} They're the ones that watch us. To make sure we're not defective. To make sure we don't run.A2a
5{Talking about the boogey-man here, scared / Somber} Synths that get noticed just disappear. I don't know where they go.Player Default: What's life like for a synth in the Institute?A2b
6Player Default: Goodbye, H2.{Profoundly thankful, choked up} Thank you. You have no idea how nice it is to talk to someone.B1a
7Player Default: You worked with scientists?{Clarifying} Yes. At least that's what we called them. My only interaction with them was to receive orders on what to clean.X1a
8{A little bleak, sorry he's not helpful} I would acknowledge my task and occasionally ask for necessary clarification. But that's really it.Player Default: What's life like for a synth in the Institute?X1b
9Player Default: You worked with scientists?{Wracking his brain, residual confusion about the concepts of "huge" "green"} I heard there was a Concourse above the tunnels. It's huge, big, and green. With many synths.X2a
10{Grim / Somber} But they're watched more carefully by the scientists. Mr. Stockton said very few synths from that section ever escape.Player Default: What's life like for a synth in the Institute?X2b
11Player Default: So you know where the Institute is, right?{He's talking about something he is programmed not to remember. It's a difficult subject. He tries to force himself to remember and fails.} Stockton already asked me that. I don't know. I really don't. He says no synths know. How or why thatPlayer Default: What's life like for a synth in the Institute?Y1a
12Player Default: So you know where the Institute is, right?{Someone saved him from hell, he will in no way shape or form put that person in danger. So he clams up, even to someone he respects greatly.} The only thing I'll say is I had help. Sorry. It's the one thing I won't talk about.Player Default: What's life like for a synth in the Institute?Y2a
13Player Default: I appreciate the thought.{Overwhelmed in a thankful way / Grateful} You guys are all... well, no one's ever stuck their neck out for me.H222: I wanted to thank you. This world is... overwhelming. But people like you make me feel better about coming here.A1a
14Player Default: I eat danger for breakfast. Tastes like chicken.{Doesn't know what a chicken is. Confused / Puzzled} Chicken? I'm sorry, I don't understand. But...H222: I wanted to thank you. This world is... overwhelming. But people like you make me feel better about coming here.X1a
15Player Default: Why not talk to me?{In the dark, trying to be helpful / Suspicious} I don't really know. But Mr. Stockton told me it's best for everyone. I don't think he was lying to me.H222: I wanted to thank you. This world is... overwhelming. But people like you make me feel better about coming here.Y1a
16Player Default: You guys are all... well, no one's ever stuck their neck out for me.{Lost but profoundly appreciative / Grateful} I wanted to thank you. This world is... overwhelming. But people like you make me feel better about coming here.Player Default: We do all of this to give you a better life.A1a
17Player Default: We do all of this to give you a better life.{Almost breaking down here, so thankful (Goodbye line) / Grateful} You really. You really have no idea how much I appreciate all of this.Player Default: What's life like for a synth in the Institute?A1a
18Player Default: Yeah, yeah. Enough of the sappiness.{Awkward, doesn't want to annoy the PC} Of course. Well, take care.Player Default: What's life like for a synth in the Institute?B1a
19Player Default: I have a lot of questions. Especially about the Institute.{Serious / Suspicious} That's precisely what Mr. Stockton said I shouldn't talk about. At all.Player Default: We do all of this to give you a better life.Y1a
20Player Default: I have a lot of questions. Especially about the Institute.{Trying to help, knowing he's going to disappoint his hero} I'm sorry, I don't know much about the Institute. I worked the maintenance tunnels. Every day for as long as I can remember.Y2a
21{Fragile, overwhelmed} The only time I spoke to anyone was to acknowledge scientists' orders and very rarely to other synths. I've talked more in the past few days than I have my entire life.Player Default: What's life like for a synth in the Institute?Y2b
22Player Default: I have a lot of questions. Especially about the Institute.{Wishes he could say stuff, but can't - overflowing with thanks} Listen, I don't want to cause any of you any more trouble than I already have. So I'll just hold my tongue. Thanks, again.Player Default: What's life like for a synth in the Institute?Y3a
23-I'm glad to be off the streets.
24Is this the sort of place people live?
25High Rise seems friendly.
26Sorry, I'm really not used to small talk.


31RRM01_0400_H222ArrivesPlayer Default: Nice to meet you, H2.{Disoriented, confused / Surprised} Another person actually happy to meet me. This'll take some getting used to.OldManStockton: Remember what I told you, H2.A1a
32Player Default: There may be more raiders out there. We should make this quick.{Unsteady} Quick. Got it.OldManStockton: Remember what I told you, H2.X1a
33Player Default: What sort of name is H2-22?{Confused by the question / Worried} It's my designation.OldManStockton: The Institute doesn't bother to name their property. Synths are just numbers and letters to them.Y1a
34RRM01_0450_HighriseHighRise: Hey you. You OK?{Being carefully, but excited / Nervous} A little rattled. But I've never been better. The other man... He said I shouldn't talk too much.HighRise: He told you right, H2. You'll need a real name, and a new face, but we'll get to that.A1a
35-{Terrified} What? What is that?
36{Terrified} Why are they attacking us?
37{Terrified} So violent.
38{Disoriented} Mr. Stockton said I shouldn't say anything.
39{Deeply sincere, almost choked up} But thank you. Thank all of you.
40{Disoriented, scared} This whole... place... is like a bad dream.
41-{Confused, then some alarm} Who are you? Stay back.
42{Alarmed} The doc said I got some sort of contagious disease or something. I'm under quarantine.
43{Worried, then a touch confused} I don't know what I got. I just woke up here. Wherever here is.
44{Adamant} As soon as the doctor says it's safe, I'm leaving.


Goodbye from H2-22
The doctor said I could say goodbye. I've decided... to have the operation. I know I'll lose all my memories. I don't want you to be sad.Player Default: I... I have nightmares. And this world, the SRB, being hunted. I just can't handle it. Everyone says I'll be safer if I start a new life. I know I'll be happier.A1a
28Player Default: The doctor said I could say goodbye. I've decided... to have the operation. I know I'll lose all my memories. I don't want you to be sad.I... I have nightmares. And this world, the SRB, being hunted. I just can't handle it. Everyone says I'll be safer if I start a new life. I know I'll be happier.Player Default: My only regret is I'll forget... Old Man Stockton. High Rise. And you. Looking back, there's only fear. Worse than fear. But I will miss my new... friends.A1a
29Player Default: I... I have nightmares. And this world, the SRB, being hunted. I just can't handle it. Everyone says I'll be safer if I start a new life. I know I'll be happier.My only regret is I'll forget... Old Man Stockton. High Rise. And you. Looking back, there's only fear. Worse than fear. But I will miss my new... friends.Player Default: It's time, H2.A1a
30Player Default: It's time, H2.I... uh... Thanks.A1a