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Gunther's journal is a paper note in Fallout 76, introduced in the Nuka-World on Tour update. It is written by Gunther Jenkins.


The note can be found at Nuka-World on Tour, on a dresser inside of Gunther Jenkins' staff trailer to the south. It is the first one on the right at the lower section. The note cannot be taken.



Still think about Tabitha from time to time, but definitely wanna forget those assholes at the orphanage. Don't regret it though, not right treating a lady like that, especially Tabitha.

Thought he could get away with saying that shit in front of me, what was he thinking? Backs got a few kinks from roughing it last night, gonna have to find some permanent digs soon now I can't go back. Eight years...

Don't regret it though, punk got what he deserved.

Nuka World, still can't believe they hired a bum like me. A travelling western show... never did imagine my cowboy impressions would score a gig like this. I guess my old man getting me into binging old westerns weren't a waste of time after all. Still miss the old man and mom every time I watch them old films.

So this is a new chapter, good riddance to the orphanage and about time I left Boston. Time to see the rest of this fine ass country, and one day those dusty Texan dunes.

Looking forward to teaching the kiddos how to be real little cowboys and cowgirls, like my old man showed me. Lord knows with all the fuss over the energy crisis, we need a break from all the doom and gloom.

As I sit here waiting for the rumbling to stop, it's stupid but all I can think about is that I never got to go to Texas, and I wonder if there's even a Texas left to visit.

So the commies actually did it... Saw the bombs from a distance, rushed into sewers to keep safe along with some other folk. In all the commotion most scattered, no idea if they're safe and if there's a world above worth going back to. Got little Pat and Pete with me to worry about. I'm hoping their folks are hunkering down because last thing I'd want is for these kids to end up as orphans like me. Will have to go out and look for them soon I guess.

Worst fucking morning show I ever ran...

Still regret going out after the bombs dropped. I thought losing my hair was bad enough, but my skin started to rot, then my damn nose fell off! Yet death never came by some miracle or curse. Worse yet been seeing others like me, crazed damn zombies, ghouls people call them. I've even had to put some of those poor mindless creatures down. Every time I do, I add a notch to my piece, wondering when I'll finally lose it and become a notch for someone else... I often wonder if Muriel and Randall would have gone that way if their time was not cut short.

The kids help keep my mind off it though, and we've been focusing on altering the attractions and keeping the fair going. Pete's become a wiz at mechanics like his old man, been helping me tweak and set up the wild west showdown attraction. He struggles sometimes with the lifestyle in this new world, and I can't blame him. So Del has been keeping an eye on him for us and prescribing him chems to help him cope.

As for Pat, real determined that one, like her mom. She had to grow up real fast due to what happened to her folks. Heck, after the camp got raided some time back, morale was real low, she was the only thing that kept us going, even when some quit. I think it's because the carnival is all she's ever known, and she keeps it going in memory of her folks. Got her to jot down her thoughts in a journal a bit back so she could process it all, seems to be doing the trick, lord knows it helps me.

Carnival life ain't perfect these days but I'll keep them safe, I owe Muriel and Randall that much. Afterall, love them kids like they're my own, and they never treated me any different, even after I lost my sniffer.

This kid is gonna be the end of me. Looks like he took a few too many chems and nearly overdosed. Pat came pounding on my trailer last night when she found him zonked out. Del fixed him back up, but I'll have to have a word with him about those prescriptions in the morning. Don't think the boy wants to end it, probably just messed up the dose. He needs to learn his limits I guess, because if this wild wasteland won't get him, the chems might.

Though looking at his work, the results help you overlook the character flaw. The attractions are in tip top shape and we've even re-programmed the bots we found to do all sorts of antics. Boy's a genius with a bad habit, and I don't mean the poetry. Depression is a hard thing to kick, took me a spell to kick mine before Nuka World. We'll just have to find him something or someone to change his tune.

Came across many folk like myself over the years, but none who were born after the bombs dropped. Betty is her name, and she was pretty worn down when we met her, needed her affliction explained and told it's not a curse. Being a ghoul for nearly 30 years I can say despite the rough skin and looks, I'm not feeling so bad for someone in their 60's and the rads don't bother me no more. She's become a fine addition to the family, and we've been helping her adjust. Got her one of the old show wigs and we gave her a job at the fair. It's also looking like she might have a thing for my Pete. Lucky kid, maybe she'll be the one to help him kick his old habits.

We've been settling just outside Lewisburg for spell, the Ash Heap people are calling it. Not my first choice of a spot, but we are revisiting old show tour stops. Been setting up the attractions for the past few days, all good and running except the Nuka Launcher. Pete's having some issues with it for some time now. Starting to think he's skipping work and getting hopped up on chems again. Hoping Betty will keep an eye on him for us and help change his tune.

