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This is a transcript for dialogue with Gumley.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0075CBC1 0075DD85 Well you're at Rapidan Camp in Shenandoah National Park.
2 0075CBC2 0075DD78 Well of course I can. He's a pretty interesting fellow.
3 0075CBC3 0075DD79 Ta-ta friend, take care now. Remember, if you need anything, I'm here to help.
4 0075CBC4 0075DD7A Well, maintaining the flora here at Rapidan Camp isn't about just the aesthetics.
5 These FLOWERS provide me and any guests sense of normality in this chaotic world. Gumley puts extra emphasis on the word "flowers" as he feels responsible for them and is panicked that they are wilting.
6 Besides a well-tended garden does wonders for the guests mental health and wellbeing.
7 That's something in short supply out here.
8 0075CBC5 0075DD83 Well, I'm Gumley the supervisor here, but as you can see, my colleagues aren't the friendliest bunch.
9 I try to keep the grounds in tip-top condition but ever since we ran out of fertilizer and the sky changed color, it's almost impossible to do so.
10 0075CBC6 0075DD7D Well yes. President Hoover and his wife Lou Hoover built Rapidan Camp.
11 0075CBC8 0075DD7B Oh goodie, I do love answering questions about President Hoover's home away from home... It's been years since I've had anyone ask.
12 0075CBC9 0075DD84 It all started with that ruckus from the Dark Hollow Manor you see. Oh I do hope that they're alright.
13 They are in the thick of it after all but ah, according to my colleague Hemsworth, the garden is in complete chaos.
14 This ah brings me a lot of joy, as I've always felt that his garden was pretty tacky and didn't deserve all those Gala Awards.
15 I've always believed the man was clearly over compensating for something, if you catch my drift.
16 Recently our FLOWERS have started changing colors. Eh just as I thought we had a chance of winning this years Gala. Gumley puts extra emphasis on the word "flowers" as he feels responsible for them.
17 But n-now our beautiful flowers are WILTING, and I'd hate have to resort t... to... PLASTIC! Gumley puts extra emphasis on the word "flowers" & "wilting". He also gets more panicked at the thought of using plastic and stutters it.
18 0075CBCF 0075DD92 Herbert Hoover was the 31st President of the United States of America.
19 0075CBD0 0075DD7C Certainty, I would like nothing more. Anything in particular?
20 0075CBD5 0075CBDD Oh hello there. Welcome to Rapidan Camp the President's home away from home.
21 0075CBD6 0075CBDF The weather has simply been awful as of late.
22 0075CBE0 The garden always looks splendid this time of year.
23 0075CBE1 Oh no you're WILTING! Gumley puts extra emphasis on the word "flowers" & "wilting" as he feels responsible for them and is panicked that they are wilting.
24 0075CBE2 If you notice WILTING FLOWERS then p-please do let me know. Gumley puts extra emphasis on the word "flowers" & "wilting" as he feels responsible for them and is panicked that they are wilting.
25 0075CBE3 I hope that you're enjoying your stay at Rapidan Camp.
26 0075CBE4 We simply can't show WILTING FLOWERS at the Flower Gala; we'll be the laughing stock of the show. Gumley puts extra emphasis on the word "flowers" & "wilting" as he feels responsible for them and is panicked that they are wilting.
27 007821D0 If he's good enough for Lindy, he's good enough for me. If he's good enough for Lindy, he's good enough for me.
28 0075CBD7 0075CBE6 Oh hello, soaking up the garden again I see.
29 0075CBE7 Comeback for another chinwag?
30 0075CBE8 Security protocols compel me to remind you that some areas are off-limits.
31 0075CBE9 Please keep off the grass, I don't want my FLOWERS DAMAGED! Gumley puts extra emphasis on the word "flowers"as he feels responsible for them and is panicked that he doesn't want players damaging them.
32 0075CBEA Aren't the FLOWERS lovely this time of year. Gumley puts extra emphasis on the word "flowers" as he feels responsible for them.
33 0075CBEB I can see why President Hoover came here its so picturesque.
34 0075CBD8 0075DD87 Welcome back, how may I assist you today?
35 0075DD88 Oh hello again, I do hope you're enjoying the garden?
36 0075DD89 Do you require assistance?
37 0075DD8A They swim, and they fish, but that's what I do all year round...
38 Oh sorry! "Chuckles" Didn't see you there, just singing my favorite song again.
39 0075CBD9 0075DD8B He was born in Iowa in 1874 and grew up in Oregon.
40 0075DD8C In 1891 he enrolled in Stanford University and graduated as a mining engineer.
41 0075DD8D On February 10th 1899 Herbert married his Stanford sweetheart, Lou Henry.
42 0075DD8E During and after the First World War, Herbert became known as The Great Humanitarian for feeding Europe.
43 0075DD8F On 5th March 1921, President Harding appointed Hoover as the United States Secretary of Commerce.
44 0075DD90 After capably serving as Secretary of Commerce under Presidents Harding, and Coolidge, Hoover became a Presidential nominee in 1928.
45 0075DD91 On March 4th 1929, Herbert Hoover was sworn in as 31st President of the United States of America.
46 0078F169 0075DD82 From what I can remember some under secretaries were stationed here on that eventful day, but I haven't... seen them for sometime now.
47 0078F16A 0075DD94 Of course you would! How silly of me to think otherwise?
48 0078F16B 0075DD93 Would you like to know more about President Hoover?
49 0078F16C 0075DD81 Sometimes our Presidents still stay here, but one hasn't visited in quite some time.
50 0078F16D 0075DD80 So future Presidents could continue to use the camp and enjoy the natural beauty of Shenandoah National Park.
51 0078F16E 0075DD7F When his term came to end, President Hoover donated Rapidan Camp to the executive wing of the government.
52 0078F16F 0075DD7E They used the grounds as their Presidential Retreat throughout his administration.