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Fallout Wiki

Guided Meditation scenes.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0017CD89 0017E86B If the effects of ascension do not go away after one day, see the Palace infirmary.
2 0017E86C In the event you do not feel spiritually fulfilled, we apologize, but offer no refunds.
3 0017E86D May you feel at harmony with the world. If not, wait and try again.
4 0017E86F If you still don't feel spiritually transcended, you are more than welcome to extend your stay with us!
5 0017E870 We hope your meditation session was spiritually enlightening. Please come again!
6 0017E884 The Palace of the Winding Path is not responsible for any actions you take on metaphysical visions after the session ends.
7 0017E887 Enjoy your new enhanced outlook on life!
8 0017E88A There may be some lingering effects. Do not operate heavy machinery or go swimming for at least one hour.
9 0017E88B Please stop by the gift shop to buy your own home meditation holotape, spiritual incense not included.
10 0017E88C Please enjoy the rest of your stay at the Palace of the Winding Path.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 004E5FD2 004E5FF8 Pleasant greetings. Please gather at the tranquility sanctum for today's guided meditation, taking you on a spiritual journey toward transcendence.
2 We will begin shortly. Take a moment to appreciate your surroundings.
3 And remember, your generous enrollment donations make this spiritual journey possible.
4 Are you ready? Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Inhale 2... 3... Hold 2... 3... Exhale 2... 3... 4.... Good. And repeat. This line may be a duplicate of another, but it needs to be recorded.
5 Let the spiritual incense fill your lungs. Imagine your path to enlightenment as three transcendent pillars, rising towards the sky.
6 004E5FF9 Pleasant greetings, friend. Thank you for your purchase of our take-home meditation session.
7 This recorded meditation will guide you on a spiritual journey towards transcendence.
8 We will begin shortly. Take a moment to appreciate your surroundings. And remember, your generous donations make this spiritual journey possible. This line may be a duplicate of another, but it needs to be recorded anyway.
9 Are you ready? Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Inhale 2... 3... Hold 2... 3... Exhale 2... 3... 4.... Good. And repeat. This line may be a duplicate of another, but it needs to be recorded.
10 Imagine your path to enlightenment as three transcendent pillars, rising towards the sky.
11 004E5FFA Now, imagine orbs of sublime energy around you. Reach out and gather them. Bring them to your pillars. This is how we will attain transcendence.
12 004E5FFB As you build your Pillars of Transcendence, you may find yourself surrounded by Discordant Forces that seek to hinder your spiritual enlightenment.
13 Banish them using whatever positive affirmations you wish, and do not let them tear down your pillars.
14 You are strong. You can overcome this and any other negativity.
15 004E5FFC Sometimes, the Discordant Forces prove to be too difficult to keep out and your Pillars of Transcendence may falter.
16 Take solace, for the Holistic Light shines bright when you need it the most. Bathe in its glow until you feel it reinvigorate your pillars.
17 004E5FFD Now that you have everything visualized, I will begin a series of positive affirmations while you act to achieve Transcendence.
18 004E5FFE Punish any discordant forces that stand in your way. Do not let them harm you spiritually.
19 If you feel your physical self reacting to their presence, that's okay, but please be aware of your surroundings and do not damage our property.
20 004E5FFF Maintain a sense of tranquility. Push aside any internal strife. It's important to transcend your physical boundaries while at peace with yourself.
21 004E6000 Your existence on this world is merely temporary, the Palace of the Winding Path will help you ascend beyond that limitation.
22 004E6001 Align your spiritual aura with the Pillars of Transcendence. Draw in energy from the outside, attune it to your spirit, and pass it through.
23 004E6002 Free your mind from all distractions and worries. Focus on the Pillars of Transcendence. Focus on keeping out the discordant forces.
24 004E6003 Follow my voice. Listen to my meditations. Let them calm you, let me guide you to a place of peace and tranquility.
25 004E6004 Gather that sublime energy and let it flow into the pillars.
26 Let the warmth it provides guide your spirit toward a new plane of existence beyond the physical.
27 004E6005 Empty your mind of all your troubles. Leave them behind you as you ascend to your new spiritual existence.
28 004E6006 Discordant forces may leave lasting physical harm if you let them damage your spiritual self.
29 Discordant forces may also be drawn in by spiritual incense, seeking its blissful embrace.
30 004E6007 Breathe in deeply. The spiritual incense and my guidance will keep you focused. The side-effects are minimal and can safely be ignored.
31 004E6008 Believe in yourself. Believe in the powers of others like you.
32 You can attain enlightenment together and reap the rewards of a higher state of consciousness.
33 004E6009 Peer at yourself through the lens of your mind's eye. See yourself as others see you. Examine yourself from a short distance at all angles.
34 You may find you gain a new perspective on life.
35 004E600A You're feeling so relaxed right now.
36 004E600B Feel the sublime energy surround you. Embrace it, feed it into your pillars, and allow it to lead you along your path to transcendental bliss.
37 004E600C The outside world has no meaning while you focus on your inner self.
38 004E600D Imagine you are floating along in a cloud of pure emotional bliss. If the cloud is mauve colored, chant a calming phrase until it is not.
39 004E600E Discordant Forces form in response to our fears, doubts, and insecurities. Gather your courage and confront them head-on.
40 004E600F Feel the warm relaxing energy flow into your body. You can feel it flow into your arms. Into your legs. Into your fingers and toes.
41 This sensation brings with it a wave of tranquility and deep relaxation.
42 004E6010 The light in your mind, body, and soul grows as you build the pillars of Transcendence. Open your heart to it and feel its peaceful embrace.
43 004E6011 You feel as if you are one with nature, with the universe, with everything.
44 004E6012 Only through complete transcendence, will you attain true enlightenment and exceed your physical bounds.
45 004E6013 After you transcend, it is completely normal to feel a need to abandon your material wealth. Seek one of our gurus if you wish for help with that.
46 004E6014 Keep listening to the soothing sound of my voice. Let it draw you in and center you.
47 004E6015 Breathe in deeply through your nose... hold it... and let it out through your mouth.
48 004E6016 Your transcendental journey may be long, but patience is key to spiritual well-being.
49 Be sure to book your next stay with us now and save ten percent off a future spiritual aura cleansing
50 004E6017 This concludes our Guided Meditation session.