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This is a transcript for dialogue with Grimm bot.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
76 00602454 00602517 I rather think I'm going to enjoy this... Taunting the enemy
77 00602518 You're daft to think you can beat the Rust Eagles! Taunting the enemy.
78 00602519 Oh, no! Not the Twits of Steel again! Taunting the Gladiators of Steel.
79 0060251A My, how standards have fallen. You're my opponent? Mock disappointment. Not impressed with the quality of the enemies they're taunting.
80 0060251B Aren't you just a cheeky git? Insulting the enemy players and Brotherhood.
81 0060251C Hold still so I can disembowel you, and what-not. Taunting the enemy
82 0060251E Bow down before the might of the Rust Eagles. Taunting the enemy.
83 0060251F You face the Rust Eagles. There is no hope. Taunting the enemy
84 00602520 You will meet your end in the Metal Dome. Taunting the enemy
85 00602521 Hostilities will only cease when you are eliminated. Taunting the enemy
86 00602522 The Rust Eagles take no prisoners. Taunting the enemy.
87 00602523 All options for conflict resolution are on the table, including violence. Taunting the enemy. Passive-aggressive diplomat
88 00602524 This unit is authorized to target hearts and minds. Taunting the enemy.
89 00602525 Reject the open hand and you will be met with a fist. Taunting the enemy as a twisted diplomat.
90 00602526 My most effective argument is a barrage of lasers. Taunting the enemy.
91 00602528 You have sown the seeds of failure. Now, you will reap defeat. Taunting the enemy.
92 00602529 Acquiring target in 3... 2... 1... Taunting the enemy.
93 0060252A I am the thresher who separates the wheat from the chaff. Taunting the enemy.
94 0060252B Analyzing foe... threat level: minimal. Taunting the enemy.
95 0060252C You are no match for the Rust Eagles, peon. Taunting the enemy.
96 0060252E Your prognosis is... grim. Taunting the enemy.
97 0060252F I have been programmed to decorate my chassis with your skull. Prepare to have it removed. Taunting the enemy
98 00602530 Projection: this will be your darkest hour. Taunting the enemy.
99 00602531 After I kill you, I will run an analysis on why it was so easy. Taunting the enemy.
100 00602532 First you will experience fear, then despair, and finally, oblivion. Taunting the enemy.
118 00602457 006024D3 This shan't take long! Gung-ho. About to attack an enemy.
119 006024D4 For the glory of the Rust Eagles! Confident, about to attack.
120 006024D5 Have at thee, knave! I've always wanted to say that! About to attack. Amused.
121 006024D6 Time to take out the rubbish! About to attack.
122 006024D8 You are marked for termination. About to attack.
123 006024D9 Attempts to surrender will not be accepted. About to attack
124 006024DA Prepare for gross bodily harm. About to attack
125 006024DB Your defeat is imminent. About to attack.
126 006024DC Charisma subroutine failed. Pursuing muscular diplomacy. About to attack.
127 006024DD Beginning charm offensive... now! About to attack.
128 006024DE Prepare for frank and productive negotiations. About to attack.
129 006024DF Terms of surrender will not be favorable. About to attack
130 006024E1 There will be no mercy. About to attack
131 006024E2 My blade will cut you down to size. About to attack
132 006024E3 This will soon be over. About to attack.
133 006024E4 Your end is near. About to attack
134 006024E6 Your end is inevitable. About to attack.
135 006024E7 Analyzing prospects for maximum pain. Preparing to attack
136 006024E8 Cease resistance, submit to death. Getting ready to attack
137 006024E9 Accept your fate. Preparing to attack.
138 006024EA Your suffering is a fleeting diversion. About to attack, looking forward to enjoying inflicting pain.
139 006028A8 Terribly sorry, but you're in for a dreadful time. About to attack an enemy
140 006028A9 Do your worst! About to engage an enemy.
141 006028AA Prepare to be gutted, and not in the figurative sense! About to attack.