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This is a transcript for dialogue with Grandma Sparkle.


FFDCRockCreekGrandmaQuestion What are you doing way out here? Neutral 50 My boys are huntin' 'Lurks. Finest meat you can get, and it don't move around in your stomach like Mole Rat does. 1
Neutral 50 Right dangerous, those things. Just as soon take your head off as look at'cha. Watch yourself out here. They're all over. 2
FFDCRockCreekGrandmaRumors Is there anything going on here? Neutral 50 Some fellas came by here a while ago that said they was lookin' for some troublemaker that came from out of one of them Vaults. 3
Neutral 50 I told 'em I ain't seen nobody like that and set 'em on their way. 4
Neutral 50 They might still be around here though, if'n you think you can help 'em. 5
Is there anything going on here? Neutral 50 Some fellas came by here a while ago that said they was lookin' for some dogooder that came from out of one of them Vaults. 6
Neutral 50 I told 'em I ain't seen nobody like that and set 'em on their way. 7
Neutral 50 They might still be around here though, if'n you think you can help 'em. 8
Is there anything going on here? Neutral 50 Nope. Can't say that I heard anything but them 'Lurks in quite some time. 9
FFDCRockCreekGrandmaTrade I'm interested in trading. Neutral 50 We always need bullets. Takes damn near a hundred of 'em to kill a 'Guai. 10
I'm interested in trading. Neutral 50 Always good ta hear. Lesse what ya got. 11
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Well lookit this! We got us a wanderer all the way out here in Will'im's Wharf! You mus' got some import'int bus'ness out here to be wandrin' around. 12
Neutral 50 But, 'taint none of my beeswax what yer doin'. But if yer interested in tradin', maybe we can help each other. 13
GREETING Neutral 50 You again! Y'all interested in tradin' this time? 14
GREETING Neutral 50 'Lurks ain't got ya yet, I see. You need some tradin'? 15


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 You watch out for 'guai! They're all over! 16
I have to go now. Neutral 50 We'll see y'all real soon! 17
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Y'all come back now, y'hea'? 18