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The Goddess of the Sea is a minor deity worshipped by fishing tribes inhabiting the Pacific Coast in northern New California.

Belief system[]

A type of animistic religion, the Goddess of the Sea is believed to inhabit the waters of the Pacific Ocean, watching the coastal tribes. The tribes perform a variety of rituals depending on the time of the year to appease the goddess. For example, before a large storm they hurl spears into the sea to demonstrate their bravery against the elements, and if the goddess judges them worthy, she returns mutfruit with the tide.[1] When the season of storms begins, the tribes throw broc flowers into the sea with the tide, with xander root returned after the goddess "works her magic."[2]

Xander root is part of a tribute given to the goddess each year, once again thrown into the sea. If the goddess deems them worthy, she turns the xander into broc flower.[3] Another tribute is given to her after a bountiful harvest, in order to convince her to watch over and protect the tribes. The piety they demonstrate is demonstrated every year by returning spears with the tide.[4]

The tribes freely trade the gifts of the goddess with outsiders,[5] though only those capable of rational conversations. Those who cannot are directed towards the sea, to meet the goddess personally.[6] When departing, the tribesmen customarily wish the blessing of the goddess on visitors.[7]

Behind the scenes[]

  • Due to the way the script is structured, the tribes will only ever have either fruit, broc flowers, xander root or spears, in addition to a 50% chance for frozen dinners and 1% chance for a laser pistol. This suggests that the gifts of the goddess are simply tributes from other tribes along the Pacific coast washing up on the shores near the tribes.


The Goddess of the Sea is mentioned and her followers appear only in Fallout 2.


  1. Fisherman: "{104}{}{Just before a big storm we hurl spears into the sea to show our bravery against the elements. If we have proven ourselves worthy, the Goddess rewards us with fruit.}"
  2. Fisherman: "{105}{}{When the season of storms begins, we throw Broc flowers out on the sea with the tide. After the Goddess works her magic, she returns the Broc flowers as the rare Xander root. }"
  3. Fisherman: "{106}{}{We offer tribute to the Goddess of the Sea each year in the form of Xander root. If the Goddess deems us worthy, she will turn the Xander root into Broc flowers. }"
  4. Fisherman: "{107}{}{After a bountiful harvest, we give tribute to the Goddess of the Sea that she might watch over and protect us. Every year she has rewarded our piety by sending spears on the tide as sign that she is watching over us.}"
  5. Fisherman: "{110}{}{Here is what the great Goddess has given us this year. We will gladly share her blessings with you, for a price.}"
  6. Chosen One: "{109}{}{Ug}"
    Fisherman: "{118}{}{[He points you in the direction of the sea.] Just keep walking. The Goddess wishes to meet you personally.}"
  7. Fisherman: "{120}{}{May the blessing of the Goddess of the Sea go with you.}"