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The glassed cavern terminal entries are a series of entries found on two terminals in the glassed cavern in Fallout 76.

Scientist's terminal[]

Note: This desk terminal is located on a white metal table in an elevated office niche. It is close to the gated door, activated by a nearby button.


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink

Ultracite Demonstration[]


If you have any doubts about what we're doing here, then I want Doctor Ector to give you a demonstration of the generator technology his team is working on.

A chunk of that Ultracite is still powering that generator. It's going to power this whole mine once they're done. Do the math. Hell, make Doctor Ector do the math FOR you.

Ultracite is going to be the future fuel source for this entire country. We're not stopping over a few protestors. Let the politicians worry about that.

Auto-Miner Maintenance[]


Our maintenance efforts are double the projected schedule. No one seems concerned since buying a new Auto-Miner is such a drop in the bucket, but I swear something's wrong.

I think it's those people we're paying to haul off the Ultracite. I heard a rumor that they all used to be miners before this became an Ultracite facility. I wouldn't put those angry locals past sabotage.

Foreman's terminal[]

Note: This desk terminal is located on the cabinet in the control niche in the exterior of the mine.


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink

Hornwright Auto-Miners[]


These Hornwright bots are great for drilling, but no one bothered to figure out how to haul Ultracite without breaking it, so I still got people down there just to bring it up.

Had to cut all their salaries because they aren't really mining techs, anymore. The scientists who are maintaining the bots get paid ten times that. We're just begging for a fight to break out.



All the mines are reporting more protestors showing up. Lot of them are former employees. I'm just trying to do my job, but they make me feel like a scumbag for using the bots. What else can I do? I'm getting into trouble with HQ just keeping the employees I got.
