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The Gigapede is a massive creature at the head of the Last Son of Atom's war campaign in Winter of Atom.


The Gigapede is a towering, mutated monster, and the primary weapon of the Atomite sect led by the Last Son of Atom. Deadly, impervious to most weapons, and capable of tactical cooperation, the creature is also able to burrow surreptitiously and then strike by surprise nearly anywhere. It can also flee by burrowing. Its very existence makes the entirety of the Commonwealth unsafe.[Non-game 1]

Massive in size, the Gigapede still has its limits, as it lacks the strength to tear down the walls of Diamond City without great effort. It can spit a corrosive acid from its mouth, which rapidly melts human flesh.

The Children's handlers control the Gigapede through American Sign Language. In the heat of battle, the Gigapede is likely to obey ASL commands from anyone, not just its allies.

The Gigapede is described as not only intelligent, but philosophical, and capable of having affection for people. However, due to its bottomless hunger for fresh meat, the Gigapede has little hope of fitting into a peaceful community.


  • Mandibles: Body + Melee (TN 15), 10d6 Piercing, Debilitating Physical damage
  • Caustic Radio-Spittle: Body + Melee (TN 14), 6d6 Radioactive, Burst Poison damage, Range M

Special abilities[]

  • Monstrous: When the Gigapede misses with an attack, it immediately makes the same attack as a free action without increasing the test's difficulty. The new attack must target a creature in the same Range that it has not attacked yet this turn. Additionally, it only suffers a Critical Hit if an attack inflicts 14+ damage (after damage resistance) in a single hit, rather than the normal 5+.
  • Toss: When the Gigapede hits a creature with its mandibles, you can spend 2 AP to throw them up to Medium range away from the Gigapede, inflicting 3d6 Stun Physical damage.
  • Burrow: The Gigapede can tunnel under the ground to strike at attackers. Burrowing into the ground takes a major action, and while burrowing, the Gigapede is not visible and cannot be targeted by attacks. It burrows two zones as a major action, moving underneath existing zones. When the Gigapede emerges from the ground with a minor action, it inflicts +2d6 on all attacks until the end of its turn.


  • Butchery: Butchering the Gigapede’s corpse requires an END + Survival test with a difficulty of 1. A success yields 4d6 portions of Gigapede meat (comparable to Queen Mirelurk meat). If the test results in at least one Effect, butchery also produces 4+4d6 Uncommon Materials and 2+2d6 Rare Materials.


The book recommends accommodating players uncomfortable with insects by substituting the Gigapede with a giant mammalian creature, or whatever the GM sees fit. It also suggests replacing the "radio-spittle" attack with energy spheres.



