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This is a transcript for dialogue with Giese, hardware tinkerer on the Los bridge..



Hey, skinner, flesher, flesh-bag, you came to the right place. I make custom hardware, I find out things... hell, Giese does just about anything for the caps.
What's your story, Giese?
I need information. Seen any mutants around lately?
I'm looking for some Brotherhood of Steel soldiers.
Custom hardware, huh? I'm interested.
I'll remember that. See you around.
Bloody hell! Damn, you freaked me out with that... oh, that's your face. My name's Giese. I got custom hardware, info, anything for the, uh, visually challenged.
That's rich, coming from your ugly ass. What's your story, anyway?
Ha ha. Seen any mutants around here?
Yeah, whatever. I'm looking for some guys from the Brotherhood of Steel.
Tell me about this custom hardware deal.
Oh, so you're useless. Bye.
Whatcha need? I'm here to help you help me help you, uh, help me.
What's your story, freak?
Have you seen any mutants around?
I'm looking for a Brotherhood of Steel soldier.
How can I get some "custom hardware"?
What do you know about a vault under the city?
I'll come back when you get your shit together. Take your time.
Me? None of your business. Look I don't get up your ass, so don't go lookin' in mine, okay? Right. So whatcha need?
Me? None of your business. Look I don't get in your pants, so don't try to get in mine, okay? Right. So whatcha need?
Have you seen any mutants around here?
I'm looking for some Brotherhood of Steel soldiers.
You mentioned something about "custom hardware" before?
I'll come back when you're a little less touchy.
Yeah, yeah, mutants. Yeah, I've seen them down at the docks. The c-c-crazy shit is they weren't doing anything. Just standing around. W-w-waiting like...
Yeah, yeah, mutants. Yeah, I've seen them down at the docks. The c-c-crazy thing is they weren't doing anything. Just standing around. W-w-waiting like...
Interesting. Let me tap that tiny brain of yours for more info?
How do I get to the docks?
I wish I could say that was helpful. Goodbye.
The docks, that's Psycho Ghoul territory. That's where they make the good shit - ghoul-grade psycho. You want to get in, go to the door at the edge of the bridge and tell 'em the password: "Belushi".
The docks, that's Psycho Ghoul territory. That's where they make the good stuff - ghoul-grade psycho. You want to get in, go to the door at the edge of the bridge and tell 'em the password: "Belushi".
All right. Before I go, I wanted to ask you something else...
Tell me more about these psycho ghouls.
Thanks. I'll head down there.
Brotherhood of what? Never heard of 'em. They some sort of gang?
You could say that. I have some more questions...
You are a total idiot. And I'm wasting my time with you. Bye.

Psycho ghouls (Cain only)[]


The Psycho Ghouls own this town, mate, especially the docks. They hook us all up with the good shit. That's capital "G", capital... "Shit".
The Psycho Ghouls own this town, mate, especially the docks. They hook us all up with the good stuff. That's capital "G", capital... "Stuff".
I had some other questions.
My head just hurts being around you. I have to go.
You got some old junk, maybe I can make something useful. No guarantees what you'll get, though. Just bring me the parts and pay for the labor.
If I find something, I'll come to you. Let me ask you something else...
I've got 50 caps and some junk. Can you make me something cool?
Good to know. I'll come back with some stuff later on.
All right. Stand back while the master performs his kung fu... Here. If you bury someone with this thing, I don't know you. You got it?
Got it. Let me ask you something else...
Yeah. Thanks, grasshopper.
I can't b-b-believe you messed up the Psycho Ghouls and their stash! Where do I get my good shit now? Huh? I can't work without it!
I can't b-b-believe you messed up the Psycho Ghouls and their stash! Where do I get my good stuff now? Huh? I can't work without it!
Quit bitching and answer some questions.
Maybe now you'll get your shit straightened out. I'm outta here.
G-g-good thing you came along when you did. I was about to open up a six-pack of whoop-ass! But you let those those mutants off easy with a quick death.
Yeah, whatever you say. I need to know about a vault under the city.
You mentioned something about "custom hardware" before?
Yeah, I'm a real sweetheart. Catch you later.
What? I... I don't know n-n-nothing about no vault.
Don't lie to me, you little puke. What do you know about the vault?
I guess you don't. Let me ask you something else then...
I'm convinced. See you around.

After Escorting the Paladin[]


All right, yeah, I know about a vault. I used to work for Vault-Tec. They made the vaults... had a special one just for the employees. Those crazy Lost ghouls have been hiding it for years.
So why are you rotting out here when you could be safe in the "special vault"?
Why was the Church of the Lost trying to hide the vault?
I need to know how I can get in.
I came out because the motherfucker broke. Radiation and shit pouring in. Lots of us came out... some of 'em formed the Church, didn’t want anyone touching their shit.
I came out because the damn thing broke. Radiation pouring in. Lots of us came out... some formed the Church, didn’t want anyone touching their stuff.
Why did it break? What happened?
Why didn't the Church want anyone to go into the vault?
All right. How do I get into this vault?
Guess I'll head for that warehouse, then.
There was a fight, and an explosion - half of us got stuck up here, turned into rotters. The other half... who knows. Probably still down there, eating cake and watching porn.
What was the fight about?
Tell me how I can get into the vault.
Guess I'll head for that warehouse, then.
I don't know. I was into, like, robotics. The others, they were doing all kinds of weird biological stuff. Guess that's what started the fight...
What fight?
How do I get into the vault?
Guess I'll head for that warehouse, then.
I was an engineer, used to work on robots. Shit, I tricked those mothers out! They had lasers, shields, all kinds of funky shit. I miss my babies.
I was an engineer, used to work on robots. Hell, I tricked those mothers out! They had lasers, shields, all kinds of funky stuff. I miss my babies.
How do I get into the vault?
Guess I'll head for that warehouse, then.
Well, the main vault elevator is in the city - the Church shut that down real quick. But there's another entrance in the docks, through the VT warehouse. The mutants made me tell 'em about it.
Why did the Church close the vault entrance? What were they hiding?
What's so funny about the mutants getting into the warehouse?
Thanks, Giese. Good luck.
Got one of my babies in that warehouse - "Wolfram". Lasers, a recharging energy shield, the works! Good luck getting by that tank!
"Babies"? What are you talking about?
Thanks, Giese. Good luck.
