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a giant spider appears, each of its eyes staring hungrily at you.— Pre-Battle introduction text

Giant spiders are an enemy in the Wastelad holotape minigame.


A horrendous creature, giant spiders are an arachnophobe's worst nightmare. Possessing 8 long legs covered in hair, and an over-exaggerated pair of pincers, these spiders are truly a force to be reckoned with.

Despite being a mutated spider, it does not have 8 eyes like its common counterpart, having 6 instead.

Along its back are large bumps, though their exact qualities are unknown. They could potentially be sores and boils, or on a slightly more horrific side, egg sacs.

They are known to create webs, as seen in the giant spider nest. While the web strength is unknown, it was strong enough to hold a Bat-Bear immobile for later consumption, meaning that danger comes from all aspects of these beasts.

They also likely follow a similar eating style to their garden variety counterparts, opting to store away still alive food in their nets, in order to guarantee a fresh meal when they want it.


Giant spiders appear only in Wastelad.
