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This is a transcript for dialogue with Geneva.


1GenevaGreetScene{working in the mayor's office, everyone's been talking about Synths because of the paper / Stern} Mayor's in no mood to talk about any of this synth nonsense. Unless you're looking for a housing permit, I can't help you.Player Default: Let's hear about the permit.A
2{player saved you when you were taken hostage / Grateful} Thank you for saving my life. I don't know many people who would do that for me... What can I help you with? Housing permit?Player Default: Let's hear about the permit.A
3{Somber} Now that the mayor's... gone, I'm working for the council now. Did you need a housing permit?Player Default: Let's hear about the permit.A
4{you previously gave the player the key to an old house after receiving a bribe / Friendly} Remember, you didn't get that key from me. Now, If you're interested in actually buying a house, we have a permit available.Player Default: Let's hear about the permit.A
5{working in the mayor's office} Need something, honey? Housing permit? Looking for a job?Player Default: Let's hear about the permit.A
6Player Default: Let's hear about the permit.We have one home available. It's in the center of town, right near the market.A1a
7You can do whatever you like with the interior, and all the tools you need to make your own furnishings are provided at no extra charge.Player Default: I'll take it.A1b
8Player Default: Let's hear about the permit.One home available. Center of town. Near the market. Interested?Player Default: I'll take it.A2a
9Player Default: I don't need anything.Catch you later, then.Player Default: I'll take it.B1a
10Player Default: I'm looking for work.{Question} Mercenary-type? We usually have a few open bounties. Just check the wanted posters in the market.Player Default: Let's hear about the permit.X1a
11Player Default: What was that about synths?{Irritated} Oh no. I'm not saying anything. I like my job, thank you very much.Player Default: Let's hear about the permit.Y1a
12Player Default: What was that about synths?Geneva. The mayor's secretary. I handle all the day-to-day.Player Default: Let's hear about the permit.Y2a
13Player Default: What was that about synths?{player asks if you're okay - you previously were taken hostage by Mayor McDonough, and now he's either dead or gone / Somber} Yes. I know everyone liked to gossip about me and McDonough having a... close personal relationship, but the truth is, we didn't.Y3a
14{Somber} He was as much a mystery to me as anyone. But I sure don't miss his temper...Player Default: Let's hear about the permit.Y3b
15Player Default: I'll take it.{Happy} Here's the key. Let me be the first to welcome you as a resident of the great, green jewel!A1a
16Player Default: I'll take it.Well, the home isn't going anywhere. Maybe some day?A2a
17Player Default: I'll pass.Too rich for your blood? Can't blame you.B1a
18Player Default: Let me think it over.Take all the time you need.X1a
19Player Default: Tell me more about this house.{talking about the house} The previous owner bought an adjacent warehouse and knocked down a few walls, so it's bigger than most.Y1a
20And he left behind all his old tools, so you'll have everything you need to modify the inside however you see fit.Player Default: I'll take it.Y1b
21-{flirtateous} Distracted by something, handsome?
22{flirtateous} Distracted by something, gorgeous?
23{flirtateous} Cat got your tongue?
24{flirtateous} Much as I like staring into a lovely pair of eyes, I'm a bit busy...
25{player saved you from being held hostage by Mayor McDonough} You saved me from McDonough. I won't forget that, gorgeous.
26{player saved you from being held hostage by Mayor McDonough} You saved me from McDonough. I won't forget that, handsome.
27{off work for the day} Mayor's office is closed.
28{off work for the day} I'm off the clock, honey.
29{off work for the day} Come back tomorrow. Office is closed.
30{sold player a house in Diamond City} Enjoy your new home.
31{sold player a house in Diamond City} You have your permit. Anything else, this office can't help you.
32{working} We're really busy right now. Excuse me.
33{working} Sorry, I have other matters to attend to.


34-{Mayor McDonough had you held hostage} Oh my god, he almost killed me!A
35{Mayor McDonough had you held hostage} You... you saved my life.A
36{Mayor McDonough had you held hostage} I think I'm gonna faint...A
37FFDiamondCity10_015_McDonoughMayorMcDonough: That's far enough!{you're being held hostage at gun point / Afraid} Help me! He's crazy!MayorMcDonough: I'm not just going to be discarded and tossed to the wolves. I'm the mayor, goddammit!A1a


38MQ105_003_PiperScenePiper: Why doesn't the mayor come out of his office, huh? He afraid of talking to the press? I bet if I said I was with the Institute, he'd come running...{Irritated} You ever think maybe you could get a man's attention easier if you used softer words, honey? Maybe shout a little less?Piper: Ah, that reminds me of this article I'm writing about the mayor's affair with a certain air-headed, blonde...A1a
39MQ105_005_GenevaScene{emphasize "responsible" - implying that Piper is NOT responsible / Irritated} If you are done crowding the reception area, Miss Piper, the Mayor needs to make time for more... responsible citizens.Piper: Hmph. I was just leaving anyway.A1a
40MQ105_011_GenevaScene{political secretary greeting a petitioner} The Mayor is receiving visitors, as long as they aren't members of the press. Did you need help?Player Default: I need to talk to someone about Kellogg's old house in the West Stands.A
41{political secretary greeting a visitor to the office} Did you need something else?Player Default: I need to talk to someone about Kellogg's old house in the West Stands.A
42{player previously asked about a key to an old house / Suspicious} I'm sorry, but you're not getting that key from me. Why do you want it so badly, anyway?Player Default: Please, all I want to do is find my son. The man who owned that house kidnapped him.A
43{player previously asked about a key to an old house / Suspicious} Still looking for that key? What's so important about it?Player Default: Please, all I want to do is find my son. The man who owned that house kidnapped him.A
44Player Default: Please, all I want to do is find my son. The man who owned that house kidnapped him.{won over by the player's words / Concerned} You do seem like a sweet guy. *sigh* All right. I'm just going to leave this key on my desk and "forget" I put it there.A1a
45{Concerned} Your son's lucky he has a father like you. I hope you find him.A1b
46Player Default: Please, all I want to do is find my son. The man who owned that house kidnapped him.{won over by the player's words / Concerned} You do seem like a sweetheart. *sigh* All right. I'm just going to leave this key on my desk and "forget" I put it there.A2a
47{won over by the player's words / Concerned} Your baby's lucky he has a mother like you. I hope you find him.A2b
48Player Default: Please, all I want to do is find my son. The man who owned that house kidnapped him.{unconvinced / Irritated} I've heard the sob stories before, so save them.Player Default: Please, all I want to do is find my son. The man who owned that house kidnapped him.A3a
49Player Default: Never mind. Thanks for nothing.{sarcastic, dry / Sarcastic} Have a nice day.B1a
50Player Default: Maybe we can reach an agreement? I just happen to have a pile of caps here...{accepting a bribe / Happy} A gift? For me? How generous...X1a
51{accepting a bribe, playing dumb / Amused} Oh, there I go again, leaving a key out on my desk and "forgetting" to put it back...X1b
52Player Default: Maybe we can reach an agreement? I just happen to have a pile of caps here...{player's doesn't actually have any money / Irritated} You seem to be a little light on cash there, killer.Player Default: Please, all I want to do is find my son. The man who owned that house kidnapped him.X2a
53Player Default: Just trust me. It's important. You have my word.{miraculously convinced to help / Puzzled} Well... you do have an honest face, and it's not like there's anything important in an abandoned house...Y1a
54{Friendly} *chuckle* I can't believe I'm doing this, but, what the hell? Here you go, honey. Now, don't do anything in that place that I wouldn't do.Y1b
55Player Default: Just trust me. It's important. You have my word.{unconvinced / Suspicious} You really thought that would work, didn't you? I don't think so.Player Default: Please, all I want to do is find my son. The man who owned that house kidnapped him.Y2a
56Player Default: I need to talk to someone about Kellogg's old house in the West Stands.{Question} Mister Kellogg's residence? He left town a while ago. We foreclosed on the property and locked it up.A1a
57If there was something belonging to the man that you have a claim on, you could ask the mayor to hear you out. No guarantees.Player Default: Please, all I want to do is find my son. The man who owned that house kidnapped him.A1b
58Player Default: Never mind. Sorry for bothering you.Have a nice day.Player Default: Please, all I want to do is find my son. The man who owned that house kidnapped him.B1a
59Player Default: So I can just head in and talk to McDonough?{Piper is with the player. The mayor hates her / Suspicious} You can, but I'll warn you. He's not going to like you bringing that reporter into his office. You might want to ask her to wait outside.Player Default: Please, all I want to do is find my son. The man who owned that house kidnapped him.X1a
60Player Default: So I can just head in and talk to McDonough?Go right ahead. His office is open. He likes to make time for everyone when he can.Player Default: Please, all I want to do is find my son. The man who owned that house kidnapped him.X2a
61Player Default: Who do I talk to if I need to find a key to a house that's been locked up?If you're talking about a property that the city has seized, we only have one on the books. Mister Kellogg's old house.Y1a
62You'd have to ask the Mayor directly if you want the keys.Player Default: Please, all I want to do is find my son. The man who owned that house kidnapped him.Y1b
63Player Default: I'll talk to the Mayor then.{matter-of-fact, dry} He's set aside time to talk to petitioners all day. Best of luck.Player Default: Please, all I want to do is find my son. The man who owned that house kidnapped him.A1a
64Player Default: I don't have time. I need that key now.{Suspicious} Why is finding this key so important to you, honey?Player Default: Please, all I want to do is find my son. The man who owned that house kidnapped him.B1a
65Player Default: I can feel the gears of bureaucracy grinding me up already...{dry / Irritated} Like grist in the mill, honey. Good luck.Player Default: Please, all I want to do is find my son. The man who owned that house kidnapped him.X1a
66Player Default: Come on, can't you help me yourself?{Suspicious} And if I could, why should I?Player Default: Please, all I want to do is find my son. The man who owned that house kidnapped him.Y1a
67-{Mayor has handed the player the key to Kellogg's house / Depressed} I overheard what you said to the Mayor. I'm so sorry to hear what Kellogg did to you. I hope you find him.
68{player convinced you to hand over the key to Kellogg's House on the sly / Conspiratorial} Remember, you didn't get that key from me. Good luck.