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This is a transcript for dialogue with raiders in Fallout 3.


1AssaultAssaultGet the fuck away from me!Disgust 50
2AttackAttack{Battle cry} Yeaaaaaaaaah!Anger 70
3AttackEat it!Anger 60
4AttackBeg... beg!Disgust 70
5AttackOoohh! I love when they fight back!Disgust 70
6Attack{Angry, screaming} You're dead! dead!Anger 50
7Attack{urgent/frantic -- wants the guy he's attacking to die already} Come on... come on...Anger 70
8AttackYou're gonna die! Ha ha ha!Happy 70
9Attack{growing to himself} Grrrr....Anger 80
10AttackYou're dead, bitch!Anger 50
11AttackI'll tear your heart out!Anger 50
12AttackCall a doctor! We got a bleeder! Ha ha ha ha ha!Anger 50
13Attack{laughing/mocking} I'm gonna kick your ass!Neutral 50
14AttackEat it!Anger 70
15Attack{angry, crazy, in combat} You like that, huh? You like that?Neutral 50
16Attack{Angry, in combat} Help me with this one!Neutral 50
17AttackYou're dead! Dead!Neutral 50
18Attack{in combat, screams in frustration} Aggghhh!Neutral 50
19AttackStop moving around so much!Neutral 50
20Attack{angry, in combat} Will you just... stand still!Neutral 50
21AttackHold still, meat.Neutral 50
22AttackDie! Die! Diiiieee!!Neutral 50
23AttackDie!Neutral 50
24AttackTime to die! Ha ha ha ha ha!Neutral 50
25AttackTime's up, princess!Neutral 50
26AttackYou wanna be my new boyfriend? Ha ha ha ha ha ha!Neutral 50
27AvoidThreatAvoidThreatFuck me!Surprise 80
28AvoidThreatHoly shit!Neutral 50
29AvoidThreatOh shit!Neutral 50
30AvoidThreatRun, run, RUN!Fear 60
31AvoidThreatDUCK!Fear 80
32AvoidThreatWatch out!Neutral 50
33AvoidThreatOver there! Watch it!Neutral 50
34AvoidThreatResponseAvoidThreatResponseGo, go, go!Fear 70
35AvoidThreatResponseGet away from it!Fear 70
36DeathResponseDeathResponseDumbass.Neutral 50
37DeathResponseMore loot for me!Neutral 50
38DeathResponseDammit! They owed me 50 caps!Neutral 50
39DeathResponseGoddamn, I'm glad that wasn't me!Happy 60
40DeathResponseOh, you're gonna pay for that.Anger 80
41DeathResponse{spitting on the body of someone you just killed} <sound of spitting>Neutral 50
42FireExplosiveFireExplosiveSpecial delivery!Neutral 50
43FireExplosiveEat this!Neutral 50
44FireExplosiveBlow him to bits!Neutral 50
45FireExplosiveBlow her to bits!Neutral 50
46FleeFleeScrew this!Fear 70
47FleeDon't kill me!Fear 60
48FleeThe hell with this!Neutral 50
49FleeOh my God, I don't wanna die!Neutral 50
50FleeResponseFleeResponseGet back here, you fucking coward!Neutral 50
51FleeResponseGoddamnit!Neutral 50
52HitHitMy leg!Pained 100
53HitMy arm!Pained 100
54HitAggh!Pained 100
55HitOof!Pained 100
56HitFuck!Pained 100
57HitAhh!Pained 100
58HitGoddamnit!Pained 100
59MurderMurderHoly shit! Someone got themselves whacked.Surprise 60
60PickpocketPickpocketAre you out of your fucking mind?Surprise 70
61PickpocketYou have a death wish or something?Disgust 80
62PowerAttackPowerAttack{Angry screaming attack with a melee weapon} You want to get close, huh? Huh?!Anger 70
63PowerAttack{Power attack scream} Want to dance, meat? Let's dance!Neutral 50
64PowerAttackI'm gonna eat your heart, you piece of shit!Anger 90


65HELLOHELLOHey. You. Yeah, you. I don't like the look you're givin' me. Keep it up and I'll break your fuckin' head open.Neutral 50
66HELLOHey, what'd I tell you about lookin' at me like that? Are you in the mood for a busted mouth or something?Neutral 50
67HELLOYou'd best point those peepers somewhere else before I tear 'em out of your skull.Neutral 50
68HELLODid you hear about those newbies? The ones who who went up north lookin' for raids?Neutral 50
69HELLOOh, hey. Check this out. You know those rookie idiots that tried to head up north?Neutral 50
70HELLOYou heard anything?Neutral 50
71HELLOWhat's goin' on over here?Neutral 50
72HELLOQue pasa?Neutral 50
73HELLOWhat's happenin'?Neutral 50
74HELLOWhat's goin' on?Neutral 50
75HELLOS'up?Neutral 50
76HELLOWhat's up?Neutral 50
77HELLOWhat's new?Neutral 50
78HELLOHey.Neutral 50
79HELLOYo.Neutral 50
80RaiderTalkDontLookAtMe1RaiderTalkDontLookAtMe1Please. I'll look where the fuck I want to look. What are you gonna do about it?Neutral 50
81RaiderTalkDontLookAtMe1Well you're just so damn pretty that I can't help but stare.Neutral 50
82RaiderTalkDontLookAtMe2RaiderTalkDontLookAtMe2Keepin talkin', smartass. I've had about enough of your shit. You'd just best watch your back.Neutral 50
83RaiderTalkDontLookAtMe2Yeah, yeah. Keep runnin' your mouth, asshole. Keep fuckin' with me, and I'll be your worst nightmare.Neutral 50
84RaiderTalkShortGoodMorningResponseRaiderTalkShortGoodMorningResponseWell ain't you just a regular bushy tailed mother fucker today?Neutral 50
85RaiderTalkShortGoodMorningResponseWhat's so good about it?Neutral 50
86RaiderTalkShortGoodMorningResponseGood morning? What the hell is wrong with you?Neutral 50
87RaiderTalkShortHelloResponseRaiderTalkShortHelloResponseFuck off.Neutral 50
88RaiderTalkShortHelloResponseYo.Neutral 50
89RaiderTalkShortHelloResponseHey.Neutral 50
90RaiderTalkShortHelloResponseWhat's up?Neutral 50
91RaiderTalkShortHelloResponseWhat's goin' on?Neutral 50
92RaiderTalkShortHelloResponseS'up?Neutral 50
93RaiderTalkShortHelloResponseNice night.Neutral 50
94RaiderTalkShortHelloResponseGood morning!Neutral 50
95RaiderTalkShortHelloResponseWhat a good morning!Neutral 50
96RaiderTalkShortWhatsUpResponseRaiderTalkShortWhatsUpResponseFuck off.Neutral 50
97RaiderTalkShortWhatsUpResponseI'm kind of busy here.Neutral 50
98RaiderTalkShortWhatsUpResponseBoss is on my ass again. You know how it is.Neutral 50
99RaiderTalkShortWhatsUpResponseBunch of bullshit. I'll tell you about it later.Neutral 50
100RaiderTalkShortWhatsUpResponseTwo things: Jack and Shit.Neutral 50
101RaiderTalkShortWhatsUpResponseAin't got time to tell you about it.Neutral 50
102RaiderTalkShortWhatsUpResponseYou know how it is.Neutral 50
103RaiderTalkShortWhatsUpResponseZippo.Neutral 50
104RaiderTalkShortWhatsUpResponseNada.Neutral 50
105RaiderTalkShortWhatsUpResponseNot a damn thing.Neutral 50
106RaiderTalkShortWhatsUpResponseNothin' at all.Neutral 50
107RaiderTalkShortWhatsUpResponseNada, man.Neutral 50
108RaiderTalkShortWhatsUpResponseI've got the worst hangover...Neutral 50
109RaiderTalkShortWhatsUpResponseThat fuckin' sun is giving me a headache.Neutral 50
110RaiderTalkShortWhatsUpResponseIt's way too early in the morning for this shit.Neutral 50
111RaiderTalkShortWhatsUpResponseAir feels all fucked up tonight. I think a storm's comin'.Neutral 50
112RaiderTalkUpNorth1RaiderTalkUpNorth1They went up north? Who goes up there? What happened to them?Neutral 50
113RaiderTalkUpNorth1No, but this sounds like it'll be good.Neutral 50
114RaiderTalkUpNorth2RaiderTalkUpNorth2One of 'em came back last night, screamin' about claws and fangs and shit. He said they ran into a bunch of monsters a few miles north of the city.Neutral 50
115RaiderTalkUpNorth2Those fuckin' morons... they ran into some kind of trouble up there. One of 'em came back last night, screamin' about monsters or some shit.Neutral 50
116RaiderTalkUpNorth3RaiderTalkUpNorth3You're shittin' me! Monsters? Hahaha!Neutral 50
117RaiderTalkUpNorth3Monsters? They probably got their asses handed to 'em by some Wastelanders and ran home like a bunch of pussies.Neutral 50
118RaiderTalkUpNorth4RaiderTalkUpNorth4No shit. But he wouldn't stop screamin' about "claws of death". We finally got sick of it and put him down.Neutral 50
119RaiderTalkUpNorth4That's what I said! After a couple hours, we just put a cap in him to get him to shut up.Neutral 50
120RaiderTalkUpNorth5RaiderTalkUpNorth5These rookies kill me sometimes. Monsters... heh...Neutral 50
121RaiderTalkUpNorth5Dumbass rookies, man.Neutral 50


122AlertIdleAlertIdleWho's out there?Anger 50
123AlertIdleHuh. Hearing those damn noises again.Neutral 50
124AlertIdleHiding from me? Better hope I don't find you!Anger 70
125AlertIdleOk, cut the shit... who is that?Disgust 80
126AlertIdleThis is bullshit... come out and fight!Anger 70
127AlertIdleScared, just like a little bitch.Disgust 70
128AlertToCombatAlertToCombatHahaha! It's killing time!Neutral 50
129AlertToCombatThis is gonna be fun!Neutral 50
130AlertToCombatTime to tear you apart!Anger 70
131AlertToCombatYou're dead, meatsack!Anger 80
132AlertToCombatI'm gonna tear you up!Anger 70
133AlertToCombatC'mon, boys! Fresh meat!Neutral 50
134AlertToNormalAlertToNormalYou got what you deserved, dumbass.Neutral 50
135AlertToNormalYou know, I almost feel sorry for this poor bastard. Almost. Hahaha!Neutral 50
136AlertToNormalHaha! What kind of an idiot screws with a Raider anyway?Neutral 50
137AlertToNormalGet back, you monkeys. I got first call on the goods.Neutral 50
138AlertToNormalBack up. I got first dibs on the loot.Neutral 50
139AlertToNormalStand down, boys.Neutral 50
140AlertToNormalRelax, fellas. Trouble's over.Neutral 50
141CombatToLostCombatToLostPlaying games with me, huh?Disgust 80
142CombatToLostHoly shit! The fucker disappeared!Neutral 50
143CombatToLostWhere'd that little fucker go?Anger 70
144CombatToLostWhere'd that little bitch go?Neutral 50
145CombatToLostAwww man, come back! I was havin' fun!Disgust 70
146CombatToLostShit! Lost 'em!Neutral 50
147CombatToNormalCombatToNormalDibs on the loot.Neutral 50
148CombatToNormalHa ha! Kick ass.Neutral 50
149CombatToNormalLike shootin' fish in a barrel.Neutral 50
150CombatToNormalAnother one bites the dust.Neutral 50
151CombatToNormalToo fuckin' easy.Neutral 50
152CombatToNormalThat's how it's done, boys.Neutral 50
153LostIdleLostIdleOh, I know you're here. I'll find you.Disgust 60
154LostIdleWhen you turn up, you're dead.Disgust 60
155LostIdleCome on out... I promise a quick death!Disgust 70
156LostIdleOnly a fuckin' coward hides.Disgust 70
157LostIdleScared huh? You should be.Disgust 70
158LostIdleNo need to hide. It'll all be over soon.Disgust 70
159LostToCombatLostToCombatThere you are, you little bastard.Neutral 50
160LostToCombatThere you are, you little bitch.Neutral 50
161LostToCombatYour time just ran out!Disgust 70
162LostToCombatFuckin' hide from me? You're dead!Anger 70
163LostToCombatHa! Found your sorry ass!Disgust 70
164LostToCombatThought you could hide?Neutral 50
165LostToNormalLostToNormalYeah. Keep runnin'.Neutral 50
166LostToNormalChicken shit.Disgust 70
167LostToNormalYou better run.Disgust 60
168LostToNormalHa. What a little bitch.Disgust 70
169LostToNormalDumb ass coward.Disgust 70
170LostToNormalShit. Must've scared 'em off.Neutral 50
171NormalToAlertNormalToAlertHey, I think someone's out there.Neutral 50
172NormalToAlertDid you hear that?Neutral 50
173NormalToAlertWhoa, whoa. Shut the fuck up a second. I hear something.Disgust 70
174NormalToAlertWhat the fuck was that?Neutral 50
175NormalToAlertHuh? Hearin' shit...Neutral 50
176NormalToAlertSomeone there?Neutral 50
177NormalToAlertResponseNormalToAlertResponseYeah, let's check it out.Neutral 50
178NormalToAlertResponseYeah, I did.Neutral 50
179NormalToAlertResponseHell yeah! Let's find 'em!Happy 60
180NormalToAlertResponseIf there is, they're dead meat.Disgust 60
181NormalToCombatNormalToCombatOh. Hell. YES.Neutral 50
182NormalToCombatFirst mistake. Last mistake.Neutral 50
183NormalToCombatFresh blood, just ripe for the takin'!Disgust 70
184NormalToCombatTime for you to bleed!Anger 70
185NormalToCombatI'm gonna tear your fuckin' throat out!Disgust 80
186NormalToCombatThis shouldn't take long!Disgust 70
187StartCombatResponseStartCombatResponseIt's go time!Neutral 50
188StartCombatResponseKick ass!Happy 80
189StartCombatResponseYeah! Tear them apart!Neutral 50


190BarterExitBarterExitYeah, yeah. I hope you choke on it.Disgust 60
191BarterExitDon't like your deal? Tough shit.Disgust 80
192BarterExitNo refunds, asshole.Disgust 50


193GREETINGGREETINGI'm not in the mood for you, asshole.Neutral 50