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This is a transcript for dialogue with Fiends.


1AcceptYieldAcceptYieldDon't let it happen again.Neutral 50
2AssaultAssaultOh, it's on now!Neutral 50
3AssaultYou're going to regret that.Neutral 50
4AssaultGet the fuck away from me.Neutral 50
5AttackAttackYou like the sight of your own blood?Neutral 50
6AttackI'm going to{gonna} make you scream.Neutral 50
7Attack{Crazy laugh}Hahaha!Neutral 50
8AvoidThreatAvoidThreatGet down!Neutral 50
9AvoidThreatHey! Look out!Neutral 50
10DeathResponseDeathResponseI'm going to{gonna} blow you to pieces.Neutral 50
11DeathResponseStupid shit.Neutral 50
12DeathResponseOh yeah! That means more for me.Neutral 50
13DeathResponseLet's rock.Neutral 50
14DeathResponseI'm going to make you bleed.Neutral 50
15DeathResponseAlright, its on now!Neutral 50
16FireExplosiveFireExplosiveEat shrapnel, bitch.Neutral 50
17FireExplosiveI'm going to{gonna} blow you to pieces.Neutral 50
18FleeFleeI didn't mean it, don't kill me.Neutral 50
19FleeI don't need this.Neutral 50
20FleeI'm out of here{outta}.Neutral 50
21GuardTrespassGuardTrespassYou better think twice about that.Neutral 50
22GuardTrespassYou don't belong here.Neutral 50
23GuardTrespassGet the fuck out of here.Neutral 50
24MurderMurderDammit that is going to stink.Neutral 50
25MurderShit.Neutral 50
26MurderOh damn, that's going to leave a stain.Neutral 50
27MurderNoCrimeMurderNoCrimeThey had it coming.Neutral 50
28MurderNoCrime{Laughs}Bleed bitch. Bleed!Neutral 50
29MurderNoCrimeLike I give a fuck.Neutral 50
30StealStealStay the fuck away from that.Neutral 50
31StealDon't touch that.Neutral 50
32StealThat isn't yours.Neutral 50


33FiendBadShit1FiendBadShit1Where'd you get it from?Neutral 50
34FiendBadShit1Fuck! I did too. I'm not doing well.Neutral 50
35FiendBadShit2FiendBadShit2I don't know. If you can't trust dealers, who can you trust?Neutral 50
36FiendBadShit2I got it from my buddy. I think he made it himself.Neutral 50
37FiendGotAnyJet1FiendGotAnyJet1All I have is Psycho.Neutral 50
38FiendGotAnyJet1Nope, not for you at least.Neutral 50
39FiendGotAnyJet2FiendGotAnyJet2Lying bitch.Neutral 50
40FiendGotAnyJet2Fuck, I need a fix.Neutral 50
41FiendMoreChems1FiendMoreChems1I got some to last me a little bit I think.Neutral 50
42FiendMoreChems1Yeah, me too. Gonna have to go hit the boss for a fix soon.Neutral 50
43FiendMoreChems2FiendMoreChems2I gave my last hit of Psycho to this hot little chick last night.Neutral 50
44FiendMoreChems2Motor-Runner told me he was going to pick up some more when the Khans come back through.Neutral 50
45FiendMotorRunner1FiendMotorRunner1Damn, are you serious? He was one tough son of a bitch.Neutral 50
46FiendMotorRunner1Good, I hated that fucker.Neutral 50
47FiendMotorRunner2FiendMotorRunner2Yeah. Can't say I'm sad to hear he's gone. I should take over.Neutral 50
48FiendMotorRunner2Must have been some NCR. I know they've been gunning for him.Neutral 50
49FiendNeedAFix1FiendNeedAFix1I can't help you.Neutral 50
50FiendNeedAFix1You and me both.Neutral 50
51FiendNeedAFix2FiendNeedAFix2Damn, I gotta find some shit.Neutral 50
52FiendOuttaMyFaceFiendOuttaMyFaceSorry. I'm moving.Neutral 50
53FiendOuttaMyFaceI didn't say anything.Neutral 50
54FiendShakes1FiendShakes1Yeah, you don't look too good.Neutral 50
55FiendShakes1Me too. I think I need a fix.Neutral 50
56FiendShakes2FiendShakes2I don't feel right. My head is fucking with me.Neutral 50
57FiendShakes2Shit. I gotta go find something to take the edge off.Neutral 50
58FiendWhatLooking1FiendWhatLooking1I'm not looking at anything.Neutral 50
59FiendWhatLooking1I'm looking at you.Neutral 50
60FiendWhatLooking2FiendWhatLooking2Get the fuck out of may way.Neutral 50
61FiendWhatLooking2Well keep moving.Neutral 50
62GenericFiendTopic000FiendMotorRunner3Like anyone in their right mind would follow you.Neutral 50
63FiendMotorRunner3Yeah, you do that.Neutral 50
64HELLOHelloI wouldn't mind hitting that, does she put out?Neutral 50
65HelloMy buddy saw some sort of elite ranger squad the other day. They took out his group from a quarter mile off.Neutral 50
66HelloI hear someone killed Motor-Runner.Neutral 50
67HelloMore tough Securitrons? Shit, now we really got to stay the fuck outta the Strip.Neutral 50
68HelloI need to get some more chems.Neutral 50
69HelloI'm getting the shakes. I need something to take the edge off.Neutral 50
70HelloDamn, I think I got some bad shit.Neutral 50
71HelloGet the fuck out of my face.Neutral 50
72HelloWhat the fuck are you looking at?Neutral 50
73HelloGoddamn, I need a fix.Neutral 50
74HelloHey, got any Jet?Neutral 50
75HelloKimball had it coming. Maybe the NCR will learn to stay the fuck out of{outta} other people's business.Neutral 50
76HelloThat NCR president somehow managed to survive a Legion hit.Neutral 50
77HelloMotor Runner is dead? Who the fuck is going to be running the show now?Neutral 50
78HelloAre the Khans going to keep selling us shit, if they join the Legion?Neutral 50
79Hello{Laughs}House unplugged like a light. Wonder if he twitched before he bit it.Neutral 50
81HelloThe Khans are all gone, wonder if they left behind their shit for making our goods.Neutral 50
83HelloFuck, where are we gonna get our shit from now that the Khans are all buddy buddy with the NCR.Neutral 50
85HelloNCR is going to be rip shit about losing their little train.Neutral 50
87HelloSomeone is targeting us, I'm gonna kill that fucker if we find out who did it.Neutral 50
89HelloPrimm is going to be much tougher to push around with that new sheriff down there.Neutral 50
91Hello{Laughs nervously}A flying robot? Man, I must be fucked up.Neutral 50
93HelloIs that Mean Sonofabitch? They all look the same to me.Neutral 50
95HelloYour pet ghoul smells like ass.Neutral 50


96AlertIdleAlertIdleWhen I find you I'm going to eat your spleen.Neutral 50
97AlertIdleYou're out here somewhere.Neutral 50
98AlertToCombatAlertToCombatYou thought you could hide from me?Neutral 50
99AlertToCombatGot you{Gotcha}!Neutral 50
100AlertToCombatThere you are!Neutral 50
101AlertToNormalAlertToNormalSomeone must be fucking with me.Neutral 50
102AlertToNormalI was sure I heard something.Neutral 50
103AlertToNormalGoddamn, I must be tripping.Neutral 50
104CombatToLostCombatToLostI can smell your fear.Neutral 50
105CombatToLostDon't think I don't know where you are.Neutral 50
106CombatToLostYou'd better hide.Neutral 50
107CombatToNormalCombatToNormalYou're lucky I didn't find you.Neutral 50
108CombatToNormalThat's right, run.Neutral 50
109CombatToNormalFucking chicken.Neutral 50
110LostIdleLostIdleYou can't hide from me.Neutral 50
111LostIdleDon't let me find you.Neutral 50
112LostIdleI know where you went.Neutral 50
113LostToCombatLostToCombatI knew I'd find your bitch ass.Neutral 50
114LostToCombatYou're dead now.Neutral 50
115LostToCombatI'm not going to let you get away.Neutral 50
116LostToNormalLostToNormalWhat a punk.Neutral 50
117LostToNormalChicken ass.Neutral 50
118LostToNormalTime to find some more psycho.Neutral 50
119NormalToAlertNormalToAlertMan, I gotta cut back on that buffout.Neutral 50
120NormalToAlertI think I heard something.Neutral 50
121NormalToAlertWhat was that?Neutral 50
122NormalToCombatStartCombatYou ready to die?Neutral 50
123StartCombatYou'll bleed, bitch.Neutral 50
124StartCombatI've been waiting for a fight.Neutral 50


125ObserveCombatObserveCombat{Laughs}Had it coming.Neutral 50
126ObserveCombatFight!{Excited/happy, like cheering}Neutral 50


127GREETINGGREETINGHouse signing up with the NCR, you hear? Fucking sell-out.Fear 10
128GREETINGIf House is dead, how'd the lights get turned on in his place, huh?Fear 10
129GREETINGHouse is dead, wonder if Motor-Runner will let us hit the strip now.Fear 10
130GREETINGWhy's that tower on the Strip all fucking lit up now, huh? I don't like it.Fear 10
131GREETINGYour pet ghoul smells like ass.Disgust 50
132GREETINGIs that Mean Sonofabitch? They all look the same to me.Neutral 50
133GREETING{Laughs nervously}A flying robot? Man, I must be fucked up.Surprise 25
134GREETINGYou hear about this courier doing shit around the Strip? Like what, delivering {disparaging}mail?Surprise 50
135GREETINGI wouldn't mind hitting that. She put out?Happy 50
136GREETINGYou see a Ranger in black, run the other way. Take you out from a quarter mile off.Fear 25
137GREETINGPrimm is going to be much tougher to push around with that new sheriff down there.Fear 50
138GREETINGSomeone is targeting us, I'm gonna kill that fucker when I find out who did it.Anger 50
139GREETINGThe Khans are all gone, wonder if they left behind their shit for making our goods.Fear 10
140GREETING{Laughs}House unplugged like a light. Wonder if he twitched before he bit it.Happy 50
141GREETINGFuck, where are we gonna get our shit from now that the Khans are all buddy buddy with the NCR.Disgust 25
142GREETINGSo long as the Khans keep making it, I keep getting high.Fear 25
143GREETINGSomeone is targeting us, I'm gonna kill that fucker if we find out who did it.Anger 30
144GREETINGMotor Runner dead? Who the fuck gonna run the show now?Fear 50
145GREETINGKimball dead, maybe the NCR will learn to stay the fuck out of{outta} other people's business.Disgust 15
146GREETINGThat NCR prez survived a Legion hit? Wouldn'ta guessed.Surprise 20
147GREETINGNCR is going to be rip shit about losing their little train.Surprise 30
148GREETINGHouse all dead, we should hit the Strip. Rip shit up.Happy 50
149GREETINGHouse dead, Strip can belong to anyone who wants it. Fiends to rule.Happy 20
150GREETINGPeople all scared of those robots on the Strip since they changed. Like who needs the Strip anyway?Fear 10
151PLAYERFIREWEAPONPLAYER FIRE WEAPONKeep that shit away from me.Neutral 50
152PLAYER FIRE WEAPONWhat the fuck do you think you're doing.Neutral 50
153PLAYERINIRONSITESPLAYER IN IRON SITESWho the fuck do you think you are?Neutral 50
154PLAYER IN IRON SITESPoint that shit somewhere else.Neutral 50
155PLAYERLAYMINEPLAYER LAY MINEWhat are you doing?Neutral 50
156PLAYER LAY MINEI saw that.Neutral 50
158PLAYER THROW GRENADEIncoming!Neutral 50