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This is a transcript for dialogue with Enclave soldiers.


Attack Attack Neutral 50 Firing! 1
Neutral 50 Engaging! 2
Neutral 50 For the President! 3
Neutral 50 Attacking! 4
Neutral 50 Assaulting! 5
Neutral 50 Charge! 6
Neutral 50 Target locked! 7
Neutral 50 Weapons hot! 8
Neutral 50 Returning fire! 9
Neutral 50 Eliminate target! 10
Neutral 50 Go for kill shot! 11
Neutral 50 Maintaining fire! 12
Neutral 50 Attack! 13
Neutral 50 Attack pattern beta! 14
Neutral 50 Attack pattern alpha! 15
Neutral 50 Attack pattern gamma! 16
Neutral 50 Fire! 17
Neutral 50 Go go go! 18
Neutral 50 Lethal force authorized! 19
Neutral 50 Dropping hostile! 20
AvoidThreat Avoidthreat Neutral 50 Incoming! 21
Neutral 50 Watch it! 22
Neutral 50 Watch yourself! 23
Neutral 50 Explosives! 24
Neutral 50 Take cover! 25
Neutral 50 Impact imminent! 26
Death Death Pained 100 I've... failed. 27
Neutral 50 <gurgle> 28
Pained 100 For... Eden. 29
DeathResponse DeathResponse Neutral 50 Man down! Man down! 30
Neutral 50 Unit down! 31
Neutral 50 Rest easy, soldier! 32
Neutral 50 Reporting in... we're down a man. 33
Neutral 50 We have a casualty! 34
Neutral 50 You've done your deed for God and country. 35
FireExplosive FireExplosive Neutral 50 Fire in the hole! 36
Neutral 50 Firing! 37
Neutral 50 Discharging ordnance! 38
Flee Flee Neutral 50 Fall back! 39
Neutral 50 Fall back to regroup! 40
Neutral 50 Retreating! 41
Hit Hit Pained 100 My leg! 42
Pained 100 My arm! 43
Pained 100 My eyes! 44
Pained 100 I'm hit! 45
Pained 100 Medic! 46
Pained 100 Taking fire! 47
Pained 100 Medic! 48


AlertIdle AlertIdle Neutral 50 Possible target in vicinity. 49
Neutral 50 May have a contact here. Checking. 50
Neutral 50 Target may be in range. 51
Neutral 50 Yellow alert. Keep sharp. 52
Neutral 50 Possible threat detected. 53
Neutral 50 Area may be compromised. Searching. 54
AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Neutral 50 Target locked! 55
Neutral 50 Tango spotted... open fire! 56
Neutral 50 Enemy reacquired! Code red! 57
Neutral 50 I have positive ID on target. 58
Neutral 50 Target locked! Go weapons hot! 59
Neutral 50 Enemy located! 60
AlertToNormal AlertToNormal Neutral 50 Target trace lost. 61
Neutral 50 Got nothing here. 62
Neutral 50 Cancel alert. 63
Neutral 50 Standing down from alert. 64
Neutral 50 Resume standard patrol procedures. 65
Neutral 50 Scope's clean. There's no one here. 66
CombatToLost CombatToLost Neutral 50 Lost target tracking! 67
Neutral 50 Target lost! Attempting to reacquire. 68
Neutral 50 Enemy out of visual range. Commence sweep. 69
Neutral 50 Negative visual on tango. 70
Neutral 50 Enemy has disengaged and is no longer in sight. 71
Neutral 50 Reporting target has evaded detection. 72
CombatToNormal CombatToNormal Neutral 50 Target eliminated. 73
Neutral 50 Target destroyed. 74
Neutral 50 Area clear. 75
Neutral 50 Resuming standard patrol procedures. 76
Neutral 50 Enemy eliminated. 77
Neutral 50 Situation resolved. Status green. 78
LostIdle LostIdle Neutral 50 Expanding search pattern. 79
Neutral 50 Switching to pattern zeta-seven-four. 80
Neutral 50 Still no go on targets. 81
Neutral 50 Still no sign of target. 82
Neutral 50 Scope still negative. No tangos. 83
Neutral 50 Zero targets detected. 84
LostToCombat LostToCombat Neutral 50 Tango reacquired! 85
Neutral 50 Positive ID on lost target acquired! 86
Neutral 50 Reengaging target! 87
Neutral 50 Target found! Firing! 88
Neutral 50 We've got the target! 89
Neutral 50 Target relocated! Engaging! 90
LostToNormal LostToNormal Neutral 50 Reporting enemy has escaped. 91
Neutral 50 Cancel alarm. 92
Neutral 50 Target has escaped. 93
Neutral 50 Resume normal procedures. 94
Neutral 50 Enemy has evaded detection. Standing down. 95
Neutral 50 Contact with tango lost. 96
NormalToAlert NormalToAlert Neutral 50 Target possibility. Standby. 97
Neutral 50 We may have a breach. Searching. 98
Neutral 50 Position may be compromised. 99
Neutral 50 Investigating possible target. 100
Neutral 50 Danger. Possible threat. 101
Neutral 50 Enemy target may be in vicinity. Checking. 102
NormalToCombat StartCombat Neutral 50 Engaging hostile! 103
Neutral 50 Positive ID on target! 104
Neutral 50 Commencing attack! 105
Neutral 50 Tango spotted! 106
Neutral 50 Security breach! 107
Neutral 50 Threat engaged! 108
StartCombatResponse StartCombatResponse Neutral 50 Affirmative! Engaging! 109
Neutral 50 Ten-four! Going weapons hot! 110
Neutral 50 Roger that! Firing! 111
Neutral 50 Go go go! 112
Neutral 50 Commencing attack! 113
Neutral 50 Target locked! Attack! 114