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Dialogue for Festus, manager of Gecko's nuclear power plant.


{100}{}{You see a particularly unkempt ghoul.}
{101}{}{You see Festus, the atomic power plant supervisor.}
{102}{}{You see a glum looking ghoul with a particularly rancid appearance. He smells like an infected wound.}

{110}{}{Aren’t you just as stupid as they get? Hah, hah, hah.}
{111}{}{Are you dumb or what? Hah, hah, hah. You look just like a Vault City person.}
{112}{}{Well, you’re pretty dumb, aren’t you? You should head on over to Vault City.}
{113}{}{I just have so many important things to do. Why don’t you get back to Vault City, where you belong?}
{114}{}{Hah, hah, hah. You just have such a stupid look on your face.}

{120}{}{Hello there. I’m Festus. I run the whole reactor. Without me, this whole town would be shut down. I’m a very busy man. They really overwork me here.}
{121}{}{I’ve got so much to do here. I could really use a break. But, you know, nobody else can run the atomic power plant. I’m harnessing the power of the atom, you know. Really tires a fellow out.}
{122}{}{What do you do here?}
{123}{}{I understand that the reactor isn’t running very well. Is that true?}
{124}{}{Why do you look -- and smell -- as though you’re falling apart?}
{125}{}{Well, I wouldn’t want to take up your valuable time. I’ll just be on my way. Goodbye.}

{130}{}{I sure have the reactor running smoothly now. I’m just that good.}
{131}{}{The reactor’s running pretty good now, all right. Could still do with a tiny bit of a tuneup mebbe, but I’d say it’s a pretty good job all the same.}
{132}{}{More work? What do you mean?}
{133}{}{Well, nothing’s ever perfect. Goodbye, Festus.}

{141}{}{Well, I supervise the atomic power plant. Really, though, I run the whole thing by myself.}
{142}{}{Yup, I run the whole thing -- in a supervisory capacity. All by myself. It would be impossible if I just weren’t so darn good at it. It’s a gift, really...}
{143}{}{By yourself? What are all those other people in the next room doing then?}
{144}{}{You must know quite a bit about atomic power, then.}
{145}{}{Well, I don’t want to keep you from your work. Goodbye.}

{150}{}{Wastrels. That’s all they are. They don’t really understand what needs to be done. They’re just placeholders. It irks me that they think they know something about atomic power plants. Why, if it weren’t for me...}
{151}{}{Hmm. What did you say you do here?}
{152}{}{Ah, yes. Well, I’d better be going now. Goodbye.}

{160}{}{Know about atomic power? Well, I almost invented it. I know more about atomic power than anyone alive. If it’s atomic power -’ I’m your man.}
{161}{}{Hmm. What did you say you do here?}
{162}{}{Ah, yes. Well, I’d better be going now. Goodbye.}

{170}{}{You know, I really do run the whole thing. It’s pretty tough. But I do have many years of experience. I’m all pro when it comes to running atomic power plants.}
{171}{}{You must be very good at your job.}
{172}{}{I’m sure you are. Uh, I better be going now. Goodbye.}

{180}{}{Most people think it’s easy. They think that just anyone can run an atomic reactor. But it’s not for the untrained or faint of heart. I’m harnessing the power of the atom here!}
{181}{}{I’m impressed.}
{182}{}{Well, I wouldn’t want to keep you. Goodbye.}

{190}{}{It sure would be nice to have some help. But, you see, no one else is qualified to do what I do. They don’t even understand the basics of what I do.}
{191}{}{How could anyone hope to keep up with you?}
{192}{}{You’re really special, no doubt about it. Goodbye.}

{200}{}{You know I am. I can tell that you really understand things like this. If I weren’t so busy here I’d run Gecko. And let me tell you, I’d run it right.}
{201}{}{You’d run the town, too?}
{202}{}{Arrrrrgh! I’m leaving now. I am. Don’t try to stop me. Goodbye!}

{210}{}{Well, there wouldn’t be any of this trading with Broken Hills for uranium ore. We’d just trade them power for it, instead. They could run their city using the power of the atom.}
{211}{}{Wouldn’t you have to run powerlines across miles and miles of hazardous desert?}
{212}{}{Do you smell something? Something foul? I better leave. Goodbye.}

{220}{}{Well, I suppose so. Then we’d have them buy giant batteries from us. Yes, that’s the beauty of it. Then they’d have to buy the batteries from us, too. And that’s just to start; I have other big plans, like...}
{221}{}{You’re a politician, too? It’s incredible that your talents cover such diverse fields.}
{222}{}{Is something rotting in here? I think I need some fresh air. Goodbye.}

{230}{}{I’m just multi-faceted. Really, I’m very good at whatever I try. Seldom is there anyone better. Of course, I just happen to prefer running the atomic power plant. But, if I wanted to, I could do anything else.}
{231}{}{I can’t believe that everyone in Gecko doesn’t see your true worth. I’m going to go tell them right now. Goodbye.}
{232}{}{Must break free. Strength fading. Must leave.}

{240}{}{What brings you to this part of my atomic reactor?}
{241}{}{Well, I have a part that you can use to fix the reactor.}
{242}{}{Uh, I was just looking around. Goodbye.}

{250}{}{You know, I’m not so sure that this is the right part after all. Maybe you should take it back to Vault City to check. I don’t think I can help you with this, after all.}
{251}{}{I’m sure it’s the right part. I have great confidence in your abilities.}
{252}{}{I guess you’re right. I better find another way to install the part.}

{260}{}{I don’t think that those people in Vault City really like us all that much. I wouldn’t put it past them to booby-trap this part. Maybe it only looks like the right part, and it’s really a bomb! You can’t fool me that easily. I’m not installing this thing.}
{261}{}{With your technical expertise, if it were a bomb, you would already know it. Please just install the part.}
{262}{}{I guess you’re right. I better find another way to install the part.}

{270}{}{Okay, I’m here. But I’m still not sure that this isn’t the right part, or that it’s not a trap somehow. You know, I’m much too valuable to waste. Maybe I should just let someone else do this... later... much later.}
{271}{}{It needs to be done now. And you’re the only person that can do it right. Come on, all Gecko depends on you!}
{272}{}{I guess you’re right. I better find another way to install the part.}

{300}{}{Well, it sure uses a lot of uranium. And it leaks some. You know, I’ve asked somebody to fix it, but no one listens to me.}
{301}{}{I’ve heard that it’s leaking radiation into the groundwater. Is that true?}
{302}{}{I thought you were the expert. Why don’t you fix it? Just what do you do here anyway?}

{310}{}{Well, that’s possible, but I don’t think it would do any harm to anything. It’s underground, after all.}
{311}{}{I think you may be wrong. Vault City’s been complaining that your atomic reactor has been tainting their water with radiation.}
{312}{}{Well, if you say so. Goodbye.}

{320}{}{Not possible. No one would know more about it than me. They’re just looking for someone to blame for their problem. We don’t even draw from the same aquifer.}
{321}{}{You sound sure. But so did they.}

{330}{}{Well, they’re just a bunch of amateurs when it comes to atomic power. I’m the real expert here. You can take what I say to the bank. If there were any banks left, that is.}
{331}{}{Well, I guess you know what you’re talking about. Goodbye.}
{332}{}{I’m not as sure as you are. Goodbye.}

{340}{}{You have a spare Hydroelectric Magnetosphere Regulator on you?}
{341}{}{You actually know what that is?}
{342}{}{Of course. Are you ready to install it?}

{350}{}{Surprised? I told you that I know all about atomic power plants. You shoulda listened to me.}
{351}{}{Well, since you know what it is, you must know how to install it.}
{352}{}{I think I’ve listened to you too much already. Goodbye.}

{360}{}{Of course I do. Why, that’s just plain simple for someone of my experience and talent. I was weaned on Magnetoshpere Regulators as a pup, you know.}
{361}{}{That’s great. Could you install it for me?}

{370}{}{Well, I guess I could install it. I’m certainly the only one that could install it right. Installing a Hydroelectric Magnetosphere Regulator is pretty tricky.}
{371}{}{Here’s the Regulator. I knew I could count on you.}
{372}{}{On second thought, I think I’d better find another way. Goodbye.}

{380}{}{I guess I could install it. But, you know, installing a Hydroelectric Magnetosphere Regulator is pretty tricky. And it’s dangerous. Not that I’m afraid for myself. But who could run the atomic power plant if something were to happen to me? I’m sorry, I can’t help you.}
{381}{}{I should have known you’d chicken out. Goodbye.}

{390}{}{Can’t help you now. I’m too busy.}
{391}{}{Come back next week. I may have some time then.}
{392}{}{Uh, you have the wrong part anyway. Yeah, that’s it.}
{393}{}{Sorry, I’m too busy to help you.}
{394}{}{I can’t betray Gecko by endangering myself.}

{400}{}{Oh yeah. Heh, heh. Sure, it’s the right part. It’s just, uh, a more primitive model than I’m used to. That’s all.}
{401}{}{Good. Then go ahead and install it.}

{410}{}{I guess they’d know better than to try and fool me with a bomb. I’m certain that they know just who they’re dealing with here.}
{411}{}{They spoke of you often in Vault City. Usually in hushed tones of reverence. Now, just install the damn part.}

{420}{}{Okay, that’s got it. Hey! I did it. I really am that good.}
{421}{}{Damn, I’m good.}
{422}{}{It was difficult, but I did it. I’m a hero.}
{423}{}{I deserve a raise for the work I do.}
{424}{}{Gecko sure owes me now.}
{425}{}{Did you see me out there? Never even faltered.}

{430}{}{What do you want?}
{431}{}{I heard that you take care of parts requisitions and I need one.}
{432}{}{I just wondered what you do here. }

{440}{}{You? What do you need one for?}
{441}{}{Well, the guys in the other room need it. But I told them I wanted to get it from you just so that I could see you in action.}
{442}{}{I just need one. Come on, be a pal. Just give me one. Okay?}
{443}{}{I just think you’d better give me one. Working in a power plant, sometimes people have accidents. Understand me?}
{444}{}{I need one for- Hey, isn’t that Fershlubiner Widget Activator running in the red?}

{450}{}{Well, okay. Here’s your Part Requisition Form. I guess you have your reasons for neeeding it.}
{451}{}{Well, okay. Here’s your... Hey? Where’d I put that darn thing? It must be here somewhere... Hmm, I guess I can’t find it right now. It’ll turn up, though.}
{452}{}{Thanks. Goodbye.}
{453}{}{Oh, well. Maybe I’ll come back later, then. Goodbye.}

{460}{}{I don’t care what you want. Those Part Requisition Forms are for official business only. They only entrust them to key personnel. That’s why I have them. Get me? Key personnel, only. }
{461}{}{Yeah, I get you. Goodbye.}
{462}{}{Well, you’ll get yours. Maybe not today, but soon. Goodbye.}

{470}{}{Uh, well, it’s supposed to be that way. I’ve got plenty of important work to do. If that’s all you came in for...}
{471}{}{Well, actually I need a Part Requisition Form.}
{472}{}{I guess I don’t need anything after all. Goodbye.}

{480}{}{What do you mean? Oh, well, I guess I’ve been working pretty darn hard lately. Haven’t had time to really take care of myself the way I should. Maybe the radiation just affects me a little differently.}
{481}{}{Uh, well... maybe you should consider bathing or something, to take care of the funk.}

{490}{}{Well, I guess I should. Whenever I bathe, though, a lot of my skin sloughs off and all my scabs break open. And another thing, my fingernails keep tearing...}
{491}{}{Hold on! Wait! I think I’ve heard enough. Uh, let’s back up a little.}

{500}{}{Festus leaves and then comes back. He is still carrying the part.}
{520}{}{Festus gives you back the part.}
{530}{}{Festus leaves and then comes back. He looks very pleased about something.}

{600}{}{I have a reactor data disk that may help you optimize the reactor.}
{610}{}{Okay, give it to me and I'll see what I can do.}
{620}{}{Here you go.}
{630}{}{No, I think I'll keep it for now.}
{640}{}{Okay. Looks good. Thanks for all your help.}
{650}{}{Sure. No problem.}

{700}{}{You convinced Festus to help you with the power plant.}

{800}{}{I mean that the reactor's running now, but it sure could run better. I mean better by a long country mile, if we jist had a smidge more data. Now if you could get the optimization data, we'd be cooking with gas, uh, well, you know what I mean.}
{801}{}{Optimization data? Where would I get that?}
{802}{}{Well, you could probably get the information from the Vault City central computer.}
{803}{}{Well, let me see what I can do.}
{804}{}{Hmm, that's a thought.}
{805}{}{That's only going to happen when a paper dog successfully chases an asbestos cat through hell. Goodbye, Festus.}
{806}{}{I bet a clever one like you could jist sneak in there and use a holodisk with the reactor performance information on the central computer. Then sneak the disk right back here. That'd do it. I'd do it myself, but I'm just too valuable here to leave, even for a moment.}
{807}{}{I hate to leave a job only half-done.}
{808}{}{Hmm, I don't think I could get away with that. Sorry, Festus. Goodbye.}
{809}{}{That just might work. I guess some of my cleverness is rubbing off on you. Good, good. Say, you should prolly bring it to a feller named McClure. From what I hear, he's the only one there that'd bend an ear about anything but Vault City's precious citizens.}
{810}{}{Councilman McClure is the man to see. OK, thanks for the tip. I guess I'll do it then.}
{811}{}{Gee, I'd just love to get locked up in Vault City for being a mutie sympathizer. No thanks, Festus. You're on your own. Goodbye.}
{812}{}{That's the spirit. I was a-hopin' you'd say that. Great. Just use this disk here on Vault City's central computer and then git it right back here. We'll use less uranium, the core won't leak so bad, and this Vault City won't have any reason to come exterminate us.}
{813}{}{I sure don't want to see Gecko destroyed. I'll do it.}
{814}{}{I just don't think I'm up to that. Sorry, Festus. Goodbye.}
{815}{}{I sure wish I could spare the time to go do it myself but I can't. All I can say is thanks, kid. You'll be doing all of us here a big favor. (sniff, sniff) You make me so proud.}
{816}{}{Well, I better get going. Goodbye, Festus. I'll be back with the data you need just as soon as I can.}
{817}{}{Don't just lollygag there. Get that data.}
{818}{}{Don't just stand there. The reactor's not gonna keep workin' forever.}
{819}{}{Get moving and get that optimization data, like you said you would.}
{820}{}{Plenty of time to chat *after* we optimize the reactor.}
{821}{}{Go to Vault City and trade McClure the Econ disk for the reactor data we need. Get it?}
{822}{}{Come on now. Get that disk to McClure.}
{823}{}{Vault City? Job undone? Ring any bells in that hollow between your ears?}
{824}{}{Hurry up!}
{825}{}{Thanks for getting the data we needed from Vault City to optimize this leaky old beast. You're a sly one, no denying it, by cracky. Almost as good a job as I could have done myself. 'Course...if'n you wanna actually *finish* the dang job, just use that disk on the Robot Control Terminal. Understand me? Well, OK then.}
{826}{}{Well, I didn't like leaving the job only half-done. Goodbye, Festus.}
{827}{}{Yeah, I bet you would have done it. You festering windbag. Goodbye.}
{828}{}{You're a peach. There's no doubt about it. I knew you'd do it.}
{829}{}{You make me so proud.}
{830}{}{Thanks. Now let me get back to my important work.}
{831}{}{Keep that up and you may get to be just like me someday.}

{900}{}{Can't you see that I am busy?}
