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This is a transcript for dialogue with G9-81.


185RR201_0800_DeadOverseers{Appreciative / Grateful} Thank you, stranger. Leave now. Soon this will all be under rubble.G9-81: Remember Z1's plan, everyone. Grab everything we can use. The crates especially.A1a
186G9-81: Thank you, stranger. Leave now. Soon this will all be under rubble.{Barking orders to a crowd of 4 around her.} Remember Z1's plan, everyone. Grab everything we can use. The crates especially.A1a
187-{Appreciative} We have little time. It is best you go. For your sake.
188{Appreciative} Your deeds will not be forgotten, stranger.
189{Double speak, telling the player to kill the guards} Greetings, citizen. I believe you have business with the guards.
190{Double speak, telling the player to kill the guards} We await your instructions. After your business is concluded with the guards.
191{Double speak, telling the player to kill the guards} I hope your business with the guards is resolved quickly and efficiently.
192{Calm} We are working at optimal efficiency.