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Fallout Wiki
PMV Valdez PoseidoNet computer

Dialogue for the PoseidoNet computer on the PMV Valdez.


{100}{}{You see a PoseidoNet Computer.}
{101}{}{You see a PoseidoNet Computer.}
{102}{}{You see a PoseidoNet Computer.}
{103}{}{::beep:: Terminal malfunctioning. Require NavComp installation. ::beep::}
{105}{}{Welcome to PoseidoNet. This terminal is limited to transmission between one tanker - PMV Valdez - and docking rig. Command?}
{107}{}{Check status.}
{108}{}{Log Off}
{109}{}{-Fuel Tanks: Empty- -Cargo Hold: Empty- -Navigation Computer: Non Functional- -Mooring Lines: Attached-}
{111}{}{Log Off.}
{112}{}{-Fuel Tanks: Full- -Cargo Hold: Empty- -Navigation Computer: Non Functional- -Mooring Lines: Attached-}
{114}{}{Log Off}
{115}{}{ERROR: Fuel Tanks Empty.}
{116}{}{ERROR: Navagational Computer non Functional.}
{117}{}{-Fuel Tanks: Empty- -Cargo Hold: Empty- -Navigation Computer: Functional- -Mooring Lines: Attached-}
{118}{}{-Fuel Tanks: Full- -Cargo Hold: Empty- -Navigation Computer: Functional- -Mooring Lines: Attached-}
{119}{}{You see a PoseidoNet Navagational Computer.}
{129}{}{[You run through the casting-off sequence quickly, and the ship rockets away from the rig.]}
{131}{}{Navagational computer on-line.}
