Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Tanker FOB terminal

Dialogue for the Tanker FOB terminal on the PMV Valdez.


{100}{}{You see a keyless entry system. A sign reads "Use Tanker Fob Here"}
{101}{}{You see a keyless entry system. A sign reads "Use Tanker Fob Here"}
{102}{}{This console has a black plate attached to it with a red light at the top. A sign reads "Use Tanker Fob Here"}
{103}{}{This console has a black plate attached to it with a green light at the top. A sign reads "Use Tanker Fob Here"}
{104}{}{[click] The light on the black panel turns green.}
{105}{}{[click] The light on the black panel turns red.}
{106}{}{Nothing happens.}
{107}{}{That doesn't work.}
{108}{}{It is a remote keyless door system. This usually requires a magnetic key of some sort.}
