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This is a transcript for dialogue with Frustrated nurse.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00643EBA 00643EF1 Excuse me!
2 00643EF2 What is it? Oh, you're the one who promised to find my missing magazine. Initially annoyed at being disturbed until she recognizes the player as the person that is helping her.
3 0064DE8F Thank you for your help, but I'm really quite busy so please excuse me.
4 00643EBB 00643ED9 Who keeps wandering off with the magazines? Annoyed/frustrated. Muttering to herself but loudly enough for anyone to hear as if she is trying to shame someone into returning the magazine
5 00643EDA Another book gone missing? It's a hospital, not a library! Annoyed/frustrated. Muttering to herself but loudly enough for anyone to hear as if she is trying to shame someone into returning the magazine
6 00643EDB I swear I'm going to have to tie these books down! Exasperated / frustrated. Muttering to herself, but loudly enough for anyone to hear
7 00643EBC 00643EE8 Look for the magazine in the Rec Room.
8 00643EE9 Search around the bar for the magazine.
9 00643EEA Take a look around the soup kitchen and see if you can find the magazine.
10 00643EEB Take a look around the lobby and see if you can find the missing magazine.
11 00643EEC Poke around the west wing on the first floor.
12 00643EED Poke around the west wing on the second floor.
13 00643EEE Poke around the west wing on the third floor.
14 00643EEF Take a look around the Responders H.Q.
15 00643EF0 Have a look around the Common Room. It's probably there.
16 00643EBE 00643ED2 I don't mean to be rude but I really don't have time for chit-chat. When you've found it you'll have my thanks but until then I need to keep working.
17 00643EC0 00643ED7 Aren't you something! The Responders could use more go-getters like you among their ranks. I'll get this back on the rack.
18 00643EC2 00643ED4 Bless your heart. Now do excuse me. I must attend to the patients. Overly sweet and then immediately back to all business. The sweetness is an act, she's just not very good at being nice.
19 00643EC4 00643EF4 A lot of times these books find their way into the Rec Room. Take a look there and see if you can find it.
20 00643EF5 Take a look around the bar. I don't know how many times I've caught someone thumbing through one of our magazines, or worse, using it as a coaster!
21 00643EF6 Someone from the kitchen was in here earlier delivering soup. Perhaps they snatched a book to read on their break?
22 00643EF7 Many readers prefer the couches in the lobby. I wouldn't be shocked if someone took a magazine there and forgot to bring it back.
23 00643EF8 The Common Room seems like a likely place for a stolen magazine to end up.
24 00643EF9 I heard someone from H.Q. was here earlier asking about the patients. It wouldn't be the first time they've taken reading material back with them.
25 00643EFA One of the patients got a visitor from the construction team working downstairs. The book probably made its way back there in someone's back pocket.
26 00643EFB Many of the workers in the west wing have sticky fingers. Snoop around the second floor and I think you'll find our magazine.
27 00643EFC The construction crew know we have books and treat this place like a library. If they took it you'll find it upstairs in the west wing.
28 00643EC5 00643EF3 Typical. If you have a change of heart and decide to offer meaningful aid instead of empty blessings you know where to find me. Frustrated and admonishing the player for being selfish in a biting way while keeping an even, controlled tone
29 00643EC7 00643ED5 Aren't you a dear! That would be wonderful. The poor patients need their bed rest and the magazines really do help alleviate their boredom. Almost artificially sweet. She's buttering the player up. Trying to sound nice but expects that she's probably dealing with another annoying person
30 00643EC9 00643ED1 You're right, I'm sorry. I'm just so frustrated. People keep walking off with the clinic's magazines and leaving them all over the Refuge. Apologetic, realizing the player is not responsible for her problems and only trying to help.
31 00643ECB 00643ED6 I'm very busy caring for the patients and filing medical records and I just don't have time to walk around the Refuge picking up after people. Exasperated and annoyed that she's having to deal with childish behavior that's cutting into her job.
32 00643ECC 00643ED3 I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bite your head off. People keep wandering off with the clinic's magazines and leaving them all over the Refuge. Apologetic, realizing the player is not responsible for her problems and only trying to help.
33 00643ECE 00643EDC I don't suppose YOU know where our magazine has disappeared to? Annoyed and lashing out at anyone she comes across.
34 00647814 0064781B Of course. You will be fairly compensated for your grand contribution to the community. Biting her tongue. False positivity / sarcasm in reaction to the player acting greedy.
35 00647B19 00647B1B Good to know someone else around here is competent for a change. Here's some caps for your trouble. Now excuse me, I need to get back to work.
36 00647B1A 00647B1C You're direct. I like that. Okay, I want your help. I need someone to find my missing magazine and bring it back. Respect. Her true personality is showing. Likes that the player is to the point and direct