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This is a transcript for dialogue with Fred Allen.


1ConvGoodneighborHotelFredClairSceneClair: Fred? Are you going to hang out in the lobby all day again, or are you actually going to go down and do some work?{you work in a hotel, making chems in the basement, but you get lonely down there, so you come up to the lobby to hang out and sell product / Friendly} Being available to the customers is work! It's not all about cooking chems, Clair.Clair: It's not all about sampling those chems, either. Maybe if you stopped using, you could focus.A1a
2Clair: It's not all about sampling those chems, either. Maybe if you stopped using, you could focus.{Surprised} What? Where's the fun in cooking it if you ain't using it?Clair: My mistake.A1a
3ConvGoodneighborHotelFredClair02Scene{like a little kid trying to get attention / Amused} Clair... Claaaaair? I know you may not admit it, but underneath that icy face of yours, you secretly like me.Clair: No. I don't.A1a
4Clair: No. I don't.{Amused} Oh, I think you do. Come on, I'm the only reason people come to this hotel anymore. Give me a little smile at least.Clair: People come to see you because they're chem addicts, and bottom-feeders. This place was a palace once, now it just has you. Think about that.A1a


5ConvGoodneighborHotelFredClair03MarowskiSceneClair: We're going to have a conversation with Mister Marowski about your conduct. Again.{you and Clair both work for Marowski. She's always berating you for misconduct / Surprised} What? Ah come on, Clair, what'd I do this time?Clair: It's what you're not doing. You're supposed to stay in that lab of yours making those chems.A1a
6Clair: It's what you're not doing. You're supposed to stay in that lab of yours making those chems.{Amused} The air's nicer up here in the lobby. Besides, don't you like having my smiling company?Clair: No. I don't.A1a
7ConvGoodneighborHotelFredClair04MarowskiScene{you and Clair both work for Marowski, who used to be a major crime boss / Question} Hey Clair. You knew the boss in his heyday, right? What was it like working for a big shot?Clair: Well, I didn't have to deal with incompetency, for one.A1a
8Clair: Well, I didn't have to deal with incompetency, for one.{you're always trying to get Clair to warm up to you / Amused} There she is. The ice queen cometh! Warm up a little, Clair. I was just asking.Clair: Fred. This hotel used to be the center of everything in this neighborhood. That's all gone now.A1a
9Clair: How is bringing that up going to "warm me" to you, exactly?{Nervous} Ah, okay, you... got a point there. Sorry.A1a


10FredGreetScene{generic "getting back to business" line / Puzzled} Anyway, did you want to pick anything up? Homebrewed chems right here.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
11{generic "getting back to business" line / Puzzled} Hey, before you head out, need a pick-me-up? Buffout? Mentats?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
12{Player walks into the hotel where you brew and sell chems / Friendly} Ah, man, someone new! You need some Jet, man. Homebrewed. Reasonable prices.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
13{Player did a previous job you hired him for / Happy} Thanks again for pulling that job at HalluciGen. Those compounds are a little beyond me, but I'll figure it out. Anyway, you need some chems?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
14{player walks up to you / Happy} I am... so... happy to see you again. I got all kinds of candy, if you're interested.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
15{always smiling, jovial, stoned / Happy} You... I love you. If all my customers were... you... that would be super-swell. Now, I got all kinds of chems looking for a home.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
16{always smiling, jovial, stoned / Surprised} Whoa. It's you. Didn't I just see you? I got whiplash. Oh man. You should definitely try this stuff.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
17{always smiling, jovial, stoned / Happy} It's my favorite person. Got some premium shit here.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
18Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{Happy} You're gonna love this, trust me...A1a
19Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{Happy} This is gonna be great...A2a
20Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{Happy} Everything's been tested personally...A3a
21Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{Happy} I got this one chem here that... oh man...A4a
22Player Default: Not interested.{Depressed} Ah, that's cool. Maybe next time?B1a
23Player Default: Not interested.{Depressed} Hey, no worries. Next time, huh?B2a
24Player Default: Not interested.{Depressed} Of course, of course.B3a
25Player Default: Not interested.{Depressed} All right.B4a
26Player Default: Not interested.{Depressed} I'm always here if you need me...B5a
27Player Default: You have any work?{thinking it over / Happy} Yeah, actually, you might be perfect...X1a
28{conspiratorial / Puzzled} You know the Gunners, right? The high-end mercenaries? Well, a few of them were talking about scavenging around that old HalluciGen building.X1b
29{Happy} I mean, just think about that name! There's gotta be some shit there that's out of this world! You get me something, I pay you. 200 caps.Player Default: Actually, I already have something from there...X1c
30Player Default: You have any work?{Happy} You ever reconsider going to HalluciGen? Bring me back something with a good kick to it?Player Default: Actually, I already have something from there...X2a
31Player Default: You have any work?{Happy} Hey, take your time.X3a
32Player Default: You have any work?{Concerned} Was I rushing you? Take your time.X4a
33Player Default: You have any work?{Concerned} That's cool.X5a
34Player Default: You have any work?{Concerned} Whenever you're ready.X6a
35Player Default: Could I put this on my charge card?{player asks if you accept something called a "charge card", which is worthless / Puzzled} A what? Whoa, that some kind of pre-War plastic ID thing? You're joking with me right?Y1a
36{Nervous} Look, caps are the language of love around here. I mean, the language of money, which is a lot like love now that I think about it...Y1b
37{Happy} So, you interested in seeing what I have on offer? If you're paying with caps, I mean.Fred: A what? Whoa, that some kind of pre-War plastic ID thing? You're joking with me right?Y1c
38Player Default: What's Jet?{player asks "What's Jet?" / Happy} You don't know? It's the best! It just... hypercharges everything. Like you got the speed of ten men in one inhaler.Fred: A what? Whoa, that some kind of pre-War plastic ID thing? You're joking with me right?Y2a
39Player Default: What other kinds of chems do you have?{player asks "What other chems do you sell?" / Thinking} Well, you got your "medicinal" shit. Rad-X and Radaway for radiation sickness. Hey, do you think that's why they call it Rad-X? That's far out...Y3a
40{Thinking} Mentats are for the science-y types, you know, eggheads looking for a boost to solve big problems. Buffout's for the muscle men.Y3b
41{Amused} Fuck, just try it all, is what I say.Fred: A what? Whoa, that some kind of pre-War plastic ID thing? You're joking with me right?Y3c
42FredQuestScenePlayer Default: Actually, I already have something from there...{player already has the thing you asked him for / Surprised} Oh man, that's like... crazy? Are you a mind-reader?A1a
43{Happy} Here's your payment.A1b
44Player Default: Actually, I already have something from there...{player agrees to do the job / Happy} You're the best. The absolute best.A2a
45Player Default: No thanks.{Depressed} Hey, if it was easy, I wouldn't be paying you for it, but okay...B1a
46Player Default: Your offer's a little low, Fred.{Happy} All right. Let's make it 250.Player Default: Actually, I already have something from there...X1a
47Player Default: Your offer's a little low, Fred.{negotiating price, you said before the job would be dangerous / Happy} I did say that, didn't I? How about 300?Player Default: Actually, I already have something from there...X2a
48Player Default: Your offer's a little low, Fred.{laughing at the beginning, player figured out that you have more money / Happy} Okay, okay! You caught me. 400 caps. That's all I can put out.Player Default: Actually, I already have something from there...X3a
49Player Default: Your offer's a little low, Fred.{you're sick of negotiating / Irritated} Oh, I see where this is going. Job's going to be 200 caps. No haggling.Player Default: Actually, I already have something from there...X4a
50Player Default: You said Gunners are out there?The blackest-hearted mercs around, friend. Well-armed. Organized.Y1a
51{Nervous} So, you know, make sure they don't catch you.Player Default: Actually, I already have something from there...Y1b
52Player Default: You said Gunners are out there?{Happy} Like I said, that name's killer. They probably made all kinds of chemicals worth grabbing.Y2a
53The Gunners were willing to send a team in there, and those guys don't go after lame marks.Player Default: Actually, I already have something from there...Y2b
54-{player is standing there not saying anything / Puzzled} Whoa. I must be really high right now. I didn't hear any of that...
55{player is standing there not saying anything / Puzzled} I got Mentats if you're having trouble finding the words...
56{player is standing there not saying anything / Puzzled} Hey, just say anything that comes into your head. That's what I do...


57DialogueGoodneighborRufusBuddyArrivalDrinkingBuddy: Greetings new friends. I am the Drinkin' Buddy, but you can just call me Buddy.{Rufus, the maintenance guy, just received a Drinking Buddy robot that brews and stores alcohol / Happy} Oh man, that's awesome! I'm gonna store my vodka in this thing.Clair: Fine, just get it set up over at the bar and out of my doorway.A1a
58DialogueGoodneighborRufusDeliveryFredAllenPlayerVoiceFemale01: I found a robot that was supposed to be delivered to someone here. Any idea who it might be?{Thinking} A robot? Sounds like Rufus.A1a


59FFGoodneighbor03RewardScene{you hired the player to find chemicals from HalluciGen / Friendly} You're back! How was HalluciGen? Find me something good?Player Default: Found this gas canister. Seems... potent...A
60{you hired the player to find chemicals from HalluciGen / Friendly} Hey, did you ever make it to HalluciGen? Find anything for me?Player Default: Found this gas canister. Seems... potent...A
61Player Default: Found this gas canister. Seems... potent...{Happy} Awesome! We'll have to be careful with it. Break down the compounds and all that, but that's my worry.A1a
62For your part, only thing left is to get paid.A1b
63Here you go! As promised.A1c
64Player Default: Working on it, Fred. Just wait.{Nervous} All right, all right. Not trying to push ya or anything...B1a
65Player Default: I think I've found a drug that even you'd think twice about huffing.{player just made fun of you, but you didn't notice / Happy} That so? Far out. Can't wait to start breaking this down in the lab.X1a
66Here's your payment. In full. As promised.X1b
67Player Default: What did you need me to do again?Go to HalluciGen, sneak past the Gunners, and find something in there. That place must be crawling with chemicals.Y1a
68{Puzzled} Ringing any bells? Did you do it?Player Default: Found this gas canister. Seems... potent...Y1b