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The Founder's Hall terminal entries are a series of entries found on terminals in Founder's Hall at Foundation in the Fallout 76 update Wastelanders.

Penelope's terminal[]


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink



Current User: Penelope Hornwright {Sr. Ops Exec}

- NONE -

Personal Entry 1[]


It's surreal being back here. Everywhere I look I see places that I recognize ... landmarks from a distant time when I had a normal life. It's strange. Everything's dead, but I'm the one haunting this place. I wonder if she would've liked it here. ...

I'm going to head to the Estate tomorrow. Something's been chasing me, and I'm starting to get really worried. I haven't gotten a good look at it, but it's big. Really big.

I considered sheltering with the people building a fort at the old Spruce Knob monorail, but I can't trust that they'll let me keep my balaclava on long enough to get to like me. I always worry it'll be like that group in Charlotte all over again.

Archived Messages[]





Personal Entry 2[]

Note: The following entries were intended to appear as one progressed through the Settlers questline. However, this was not implemented in-game.


I hardly know where to begin! First of all, the Motherlode is real. Dad sure picked a strange secret passion project, but alright.

Secondly, not only are there settlers showing up here, but they're chasing after some legend of buried treasure. Poppycock. ...

And last but not least, I'm going to go live there, with them! I'm heading there now to speak to someone named Paige. I am terrified that they'll change their minds, but I just need to talk to someone, anyone.

Personal Entry 3[]


Alright, this place has more than begun to grow on me. Jen is a delight, Paige and Ward are both consummate gentlemen, and Derrick brought me a casserole? I can't process how strange this is after so long on my own.

Also, we've been working on the plan to break into Vault 79, and well ... SPY GADGETS!

Goodness, can you imagine? I've got the biometrics tricked into reading Jen as though she's her mother, turns out the margin of error was somewhat high.

My room came with a cat, I think I'll name her after my favorite ice cream. I miss ice cream. I wonder if Sunny can make some if I repair a cooling unit. ...

Personal Entry 4[]


I sincerely hate being kidnapped. At least someone fed my kitty. Honestly, what a chore. It was terrible when I was in prep school, and it's still terrible now. What an inconvenience.

More importantly, I can't believe what they did to the Motherlode. What a waste! We'll never get that exact same configuration back. I'm not going to complain about what she is now, but she's not the same.

Personal Entry 5[]

Note: This entry was conditional; it would only show up if the player character kept all the gold for themselves during Secrets Revealed.


You think you know someone!

Oh well. I never really was one for sentiment.

We just need to work a lot harder now. That's fine. I'll try to steal a moment to write something later, but it's going to be hard.

At least they kept all the gold for themselves and didn't give any to those raider pigs that kidnapped me.

Personal Entry 5[]

Note: This entry was conditional; it would only show up if the player character gave gold to the raiders during Secrets Revealed.


You think you know someone!

Oh well. I never really was one for sentiment.

We just need to work a lot harder now. That's fine. I'll try to steal a moment to write something later, but it's going to be hard.

We have a lot of work we're going to have to do just to keep up with those raiders.

Personal Entry 5[]

Note: This entry was conditional; it would only show up if the player character gave gold to the Settlers during Secrets Revealed and Jen did not leave.


So much to plan out, now that that's all over with. So many possibilities! We can really start making some improvements around here.

I'll ... get back to this journal later, when I have a moment. Despite having a consistent console to use to write these, I simply haven't had the time.

Jen brought back some components for the cooling unit, and after some experiments, I feel confident we are going to have some ice cream.

Personal Entry 5[]

Note: This entry was conditional; it would only show up if the player character gave gold to the Settlers during Secrets Revealed and Jen left.


So much to plan out, now that that's all over with. So many possibilities! We can really start making some improvements around here.

I'll ... get back to this journal later, when I have a moment. Despite having a consistent console to use to write these, I simply haven't had the time.

Jen came by to let me know she had to leave. I can't believe it. It won't be the same here without her.
