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Forums: Index > Fallout: New Vegas general discussion > Why are the Super Mutants in Fallout:New Vegas look like the ones from the Capital Wasteland?

Shouldnt the Super mutants look more like Marcus in New Vegas and not like the Super Mutants from Fallout 3? Or im i missing something? New Vegas Marcus

Nuuuu muuuutantzes. Nitty Tok. 20:08, August 19, 2010 (UTC)

Their using the same game engine from Fallout 3 to make Fallout: NV, which means their using the same model from Fallout 3 as well; but there are some differences as seen here...

as you can see the face will at least be different.

Silent 1 August 19, 2010 (UTC)

Uh, they look different? Check the latest screenshots. Personal_Sig_Image.gif Tagaziel (call!) 21:29, August 19, 2010 (UTC)