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Forums: Index > Fallout 3 gameplay help > Stuck unconcious after 'take it back' (now starting Broken Steel)

(Currently installed add-ons - installed in this order) Operation Anchorage, The Pitt, Broken Steel

After completing as many quests possible, I installed Broken Steel (BS) and then started the take it back! quest; no issues here until I arrived at the carousel but upon checking this wiki, that issue was resolved (Sarah Lyons not entering the room). Ready to continue onto BS I chose to enter project purity and activated it (without using the modified FEV), all was well until after the cinematic stating 'two weeks later'

I found that I was stuck under the bed and elder Lyons was not in the room and stuck in the animation state as if i were resting on the bed as well as locked out of player controls. I am unable to save either. After much troubleshooting and console manipulation Ive been unable to solve this and I have run out of options; here is what I've tried so far (asides from trying noclip, which did not work):

1) I tried placing the modified FEV and then activated project purity; similar result except my character is already on his feet, locked out of player controls (I then used EnablePlayerControls). Elder Lyons was not in sight so I ran around the citadel to no avail, used console to teleport to Elder Lyons and it took me next to my starting location but elder Lyons was not here. I then used console to respawn him manually, he appeared accordingly. I reloaded as I don't want to use the FEV Virus

2) Completed project purity without the FEV Virus. Same original problem - under the bed and no elder Lyons as usual. I immediately attempted to teleport to Lyons who apparently was beside me (same location as 1) ). I spawned a new Elder Lyons and then teleported to him, he appeared in the room where Liberty Prime was housed, I had to keep teleporting to Elder Lyons to see where he would go, he arrived to my starting point at which point I typed: EnablePlayerControls and attempted to talk with him, the screen then proceeded to rotate itself 360 degrees every second and was rather disorientating. Reloaded to old save once again

3) Unequipped everything that was from any DLCs and equipped the Tunnel Snake's outfit. Completed project purity. Same issue. Using the 'useful console command' section I decided to get a little more creative:

EnablePlayerControls prid (elder lyons) disable followed by enable kill followed by resurrect moveto player - which teleported him to me

Elder Lyons teleported practically on top of me and nudged me out from under the bed, however I was still unable to move/look and was unable to 'talk' to Elder Lyons, after many force NPC teleports I was able to push myself into a corner with Lyons on top thus able to initiate communication, the screen performed the same dizzy spinning (most likely because elder Lyons was unable to be focused on); after completing the dialog I was still stuck in the forced animation and am unable to continue the game.

Ive tried some other, similar methods through console to no avail, I mentioned the attempts that gave the better results Sorry this was a TL;DR but I'm now out of options and wanted to list exactly what ive done. Is there anyone that can help or has any ideas on what to do now? Your help would be much appreciated

EDIT: Correction, its not the virus choice that allows my character to spawn, its asking Sarah Lyons to press the switch for me; I also tried toggle free camera as well as killing my character followed by resurrection as well as setting my character as essential followed by killing and then resurrecting all to no avail202.168.118.24 14:54, 21 August 2009 (UTC)

There is another way to solve stucking problem by using a console commands.

1) While in the final stage of 'Take It Back!' after Lyons speaking to you about activation of Project Purity, decide the way to do it and set objective (I've picked to sacrifice myself, so my goal was to 'Activate Project Purity!')

2) Open console and type 'completequest 00014e91' (this will complete 'Take It Back!'; don't worry about 'Project Impurity' quest, it'll disappear after speaking with Lyons)

Note: it's important NOT TO activate Project Purity. You must be able to control your character while doing this steps, otherwise you'll be permanently stuck under the bed in citadel.

3) Since you can't get out of Rotunda, type 'coc citadelaring' in console; this will teleport you to citadel A ring where you must find Elder Lyons. "or if this doesnt work, just go to ring B, and will show "2 week later" screen, and go to hospital" (Piskotka007)

4) Type 'startquest xx000802' in console; replace xx with the nuber of you Broken Steel addon. (it depends on number you Broken Steel have while loading; if you have difficulties with this number I'll explain it in the next step)

5) If you've done previous step correctly, Elder Lyons will talk to you and start new quest, 'Death From Above'; If he don't want to talk with you, try typing 'startquest xx000802' command and replace xx with numbers from 01 and so. If number is not correct, there will be an error in your console. If there isn't any error - try speaking with Lyons then. Do so until Elder Lyons will speak to you and start quest.

That's all, you'll be able to continue gameplay without any stucking or freezing things. The only thing you gonna miss is the animation in Project Purify chamber and ending, but you always can watch this and load the game after.

Note: if you can't localize your companion, try command: 'player.moveto companionid'. If you're stuck beneath textures, type 'coc locationid' again.
