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Forums: Index > Fallout: New Vegas general discussion > Spiralling out of control

okay, i understand the big hype, oo there'll be cars and planes and the mob oh my! you know what i think? i think its gonna be a no different area then fallout 3's Washington D.C. it will be big, and it will have been blown to hell to the point where it was unrecognizable, i mean think about it if Washington D.C. wasn't a at least partially organized area what makes you think Las-Vegas will?

i suspect the area will be similar, vast planes of dust and a skeleton of a city, lets face it, don't expect things too highly, its like going to see a movie and your friend pumping you up saying its got big explosions and lots of cool things, then you see it and it sucks like hell because you expected too much, keep your expectations reasonable, or fallout new Vegas will seem like a huge disappointment, I'm keeping my expectations reasonable, maybe a small vehicle. small enough that if you try to run something over it might take damage, or explode!You'd need to pay like 10k caps to repair it, then maybe new guns.

Probably a DLC that leads you to area 51, as in another entirely different forum in this area maybe make a glass desert, its been proven that if enough heat like a flamethrower is focused on sand it becomes glass, so its possible to do that.

A couple sweet things would be customizing weapons, taking a rifle and attaching a scope and silencer, but attaching a scope and silencer should make the weapon lose like, 10 points of damage, to keep things fair, you know? and maybe make more valuable and different brands of scopes, some giving better range and some making the picture very clear and having different cross-hairs, and silencers that are cheap, like they silence but they make weapons quieter the more they cost.

Maybe some casino's in a way, a casino run by raiders and maybe a backstory where you could switch sides, but it'd be a critical moment where if you change sides you can never change back, and yeah a real casino kinda repaired would be cool, maybe in a ghoul spot you know? oh, that's it! maybe a place like tenpenny tower, a hotel in vegas that's been taken over by ghouls or humans and made into a place well, similar to tenpenny tower, allow the ability to gamble and make caps, just a outpost as it were.

I don't expect the huge leaps and bounds that others suggest, maybe perhaps, some things but i personally prefer the way fallout 3 works to any of the other fallout's, that's just me personally, anyone feel free to respond to my post as you see fit, I'm open to constructive criticism, but if you feel particularly malicious for whatever reason please attempt to hold said thoughts to yourself, ill take advice on my personal thoughts on this matter but if you start a fire-fight ill have no regrets about removing the negative comments from the forum, and if that's not aloud ill ask a moderator to do so.Toolazytomakeaaccount 20:02, December 12, 2009 (UTC)

For the second time, tl;dr? Please indent, don't use run-on sentences, all that stuff. Nitty Tok. 20:05, December 12, 2009 (UTC)

No, it means "too long; didn't read". Nitty Tok. 20:09, December 12, 2009 (UTC)
Behold the majesty of the enter key. Nitty Tok. 20:19, December 12, 2009 (UTC)
wow i feel really stupid, lol but okay thank you, sorry to have had you waste your time on something as simple as this.Toolazytomakeaaccount 20:23, December 12, 2009 (UTC)

If you played Fallout 1 and 2 you'd know the reasons why New Vegas would be better organized. As it stands, this is a poorly written rant with no discernible purpose nor point. 11px-Naglowaa_se.gif Tagaziel (call!) 10:41, December 13, 2009 (UTC)

as stated above your free to comment but there's no reason to be malicious, do you think because Vegas is big and shiny a big frigin nuke to the center wouldn't make everything turn to shit? i explained a large number of valid points, it isn't going to be anywhere NEAR the normal Vegas, it will be sloppy, maybe more then 2 casino's still around but most will be hostile raider casino's, honestly i doubt it will be anything like people are saying, it will most likely be D.C. all over again but with more junk lying around because of the massive city, you have the right to a opinion but there's a difference between voicing it, and being a dick.Toolazytomakeaaccount 07:45, December 14, 2009 (UTC)