Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

I am confused about this and thought someone could help. Now, will FONV follow fallout 1 and 2 story line or is it a complete spin-off?

Fallout: New Vegas is it's own story set in the Fallout universe. If it has anything to do with 1 and 2 it's in flavour, fluff and easter eggs. They are not going to be connected.
Cpt. E. Blackadder 10:17, February 20, 2010 (UTC)

Another question...... My birthday is in at the end of August and do you think i would be able to pre order it at that time if the release date is fall of 2010?

I don't see why not. You could truthfully preorder right now if you wanted to. But it is best to wait till around the release date though. but that's my opinion. Cpt. E. Blackadder 10:17, February 20, 2010 (UTC)
At my local Gamestop, You can already Pre-order it. And I believe FNV does follow the FO and FO2 storyline. Fallout3Maniac 21:09, February 21, 2010 (UTC)
The entire game will be following F1 and F2's storyline; the presence of NCR's flag in the trailer confirms that. Nitty Tok. 21:38, February 21, 2010 (UTC)

Questions from other People[]

Feel free to add Questions so there is not 50 forums about Questions. Thanks =) The Chosen One 03:15, February 22, 2010 (UTC)
