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Forums: Index > Fallout: New Vegas general discussion > Post your Fallout NV roleplay character

I would like to see some of your guys roleplaying characters along with a name backstory features Age etc like mine.

Name:John Black

Faction:Van Graffs


Hair:Brown Buzz cut


Beard:Rough Beard

Weapons:Gauss Rifle,Combat knife

Armor:Van Graff Combat Armor

Backstory:John Black lived in the Westside with his parents but because of constant attacks moved to Freeside when he was 16 they came to Freeside with only 100 caps and lived in the abandoned building across from the Silverrush by the time John was 18 his parents died of disease and his sister was ---- and killed by thugs and his brother starved to death John yearned for revenge then started to teach himself how to use a knife now one day John was asleep in his building acroos from the Silver Rush when screams and gunshots woke him up he woke up and looked out the window to see the inhabits of the Silver Rush being massacred by men in Black armor this went on for about 2 minutes but it felt like forever but John wasn't sad about it he was happy his father lost every cap he had in that casino and that was the reason for them starving and his brother dieing John felt as though these men did a justice he admired them he wanted to be like them. John woke up the next day walked across the street to the Silver Rush and asked to join Gloria felt simpathy for him and took him in and raised him as her own and trained him how to shoot an enery weapon by the time John was 20 Gloria figured he was old enough to join so she started him at Guarding the door and he did this for 2 years then Gloria promoted him to Caravan Guard he did this for a year and was then promoted to Soldier where he got to fight any enemies of the Van Graffs now he did this until he was 27 by now he had seen many deaths and was desensitized to it killing ment nothing to him Gloria saw this and promoted him to Hit man this was an honor the only other person who has that right is John Baptiste Cutting John did this job exceptionaly well and continues to do this he is now 28 years old and one of the best assassins in the Mojave.


Faction:(Custom Faction)Sons of Darkness


Hair:Auburn Buzz Cut


Beard:5 o'clock shadow

Weapons:Machette,Hunting Rifle

Armor:Sadist Raider Armor

Backstory:Red-Wolf Grew up in the shrouded brothers tribe that was founded by his ancestor and at the time his father was Warlord.Red-Wolf grew up learning how to become a hunter and a stealthy warrior just like the rest of the young men in the tribe. But when Red-Wolf Came back from hunting one day to find most of his village had been slaughtered by the Fiends only leaving a few left so he took those few and took over the ncr controlled Bitter Springs and made that their new village now 5 years later the tribe is stronger then ever with their new Warlord Red-Wolf who is now at war with the Fiends vowing revenge for his family and his tribe.

My character has no name, he's kinda like HUNK from Resident Evil. He's quiet, deadly, stealthy and precise. He gets the job done. He has a mechanic back at his HQ (which he cleared of the Gun Runner's) who fixes his guns and makes them stronger as well as a Vendortron. On weekends he goes to the Big Empty and once and a while will take a vacation to Zion. 04:21, August 19, 2011 (UTC)

Load out:

  • Christine's CoS Silencer Rifle (loaded with JSP rounds)
  • Assassin Armor
  • Desert Ranger Armor

The only Character I truely roleplayed is John Willow. He was a guy down on his luck, his wife and child killed before he took the courior job. He is differnt than most I've seen because I make him level up skills he uses, like throw a couple grenades and get kills, get points in explosives, fail a speech check or any check for that matter(or succeed), put a few points into that. Still completely working on a backstory but basically a jack-of-all trades kind of character, no really good perks or weapon damage dealing yet, but I fell like the points he gets are well earned. He wears mainly light armors because as a courior his job was to get places faster and has the Travel Light perk. other than that, he wears whatever is useful at the time, though currently he has been wearing leather armor reinforced and legion explorer hood for a couple levels, looks kinda cool. Dmitri the wanderer 07:12, August 19, 2011 (UTC)

Assassin name:Drake Deadeye


Faction:Brotherhood of Assassins

Armor:Bounty Hunter Duster sunglasses

Age:25 now 26

Hair:Black Buzzcut



Weapons:Hunting Rifle with extended clip and scope Bowie Knife and silenced 10mm pistol with laser sight

Backstory:Sean grew up in the Slums of New Reno an orphan the only person he had was his friend Joe they did everything together and they had eachothers backs it wasn't easy living in New Reno but he and Joe managed they would have to kill creatures to eat and they where always thirsty because they barely got any water. But this didn't last for long by the time Sean and Joe where 16 they started working for the Van Graffs it was either join a crime family or be poor so they joined the Van Graffs together ended up both becoming lowely thugs but members at that and being in the Van Graffs made them tough they had to kill rival members of families and stuff so this went on for 2 years by now Sean and Joe wanted a way out any way out they knew this wouldn't last for long they would either be killed by rivals or overdoes on chems there had to be a way out so at eighteen they decided to join the NCR army they ended up in the same unit and got stationed in New Vegas things where looking up for them. But Sean's talent with a rifle was very quickly noticed and was chosen for a special unit known as 1st recon Sean was not happy about being transferred because he lost contact with Joe but this passed and Sean came to know people in his unit that where similar to himself and made a few friends. By the time Sean was 21 he had served for a long time and was now a hardened vet and had seen many etrocieties while serving in 1st recon such as the Bitter Springs massacre and the Battle of Hoover dam at this time the Rangers took notice of his stealth and Viciouness on the battlefield and recruited him he then served in the rangers for 4 years and in that time was at one point captured by the Legion while trying to free Joe who had been captured by the Legion but he ended up being captured along with Joe and tortured they ended up killing Joe right in front of him but eventually escaped by killing his captors with his bare hands but the person that came out of that legion camp wasn't the same one that went in when he came out he changed something inside him just changed all of a sudden he just changed stopped caring about human life he became a stone cold killer and it wasn't like before where he killed for the NCR now it was personal he hated the Legion and anyone who standed in his way of that vengance for the legion well he hated them just as much and on his 25th birthday a few months after he had been captured his assignment was to go into a Legion camp and take the Decanus hostage by whatever means so what he did was him and another ranger snuck into the camp at night silently took out the guards to the Decanus tent he then walked inside the Decanus put his hands in the air to be captured but Sean didn't want that he tole his partner to wait outside his partner was outside for about 1 minute then he heard a shrill scream from the tent he went back in and Sean had tied the Decanus to the chair and the Decanus eyes had been gauged out and his mouth was bleeding and had no teeth then his partner went to stop him he beat his partner senseless left him on the floor and continued to torture the Decanus he then chopped his hands off then shot him in the leg and left the Decanus bled out slowly for this Red was discharged from the NCR at 25 years old he then left and found his friend Boone who asked him if he would like to join the Brotherhood of Assassins and explained what they where and what they did Sean agreed then became Boones apprentice for 1 year and upon rising thru the ranks very fast is now an Assassin who has the family he never had and the caps he never had and is now known as Drake Deadeye and has assassinated many powerful people such as High ranking members of the Legion and some powerful Strip Leaders and as of now because of him killing Vulpes Inculta he has Legion Assassins after him so he has to constantly fight off Legion Assassins while traveling from one place to another so for a long while he layed low didn't take any contracts for a few months then one day when Drake went outside to go to the camp fire to cook breakfast he saw a letter he knew it had to be from the Brotherhood they where the only ones who knew his location so he opened the letter it was a contract not just any contract it was a contract that told him his target was the President of the NCR President Kimball the contract read (Your target is President Kimball now this wont be easy the only way they will let you get anywhere near Kimball is by winning the NCR over in order to do this you will have to offer to help them go to the NCR embassy in New Vegas and talk to Ambassador Crocker he is looking for someone to help him with the 5 families you will help him then once you gain favor he will most likely tell you to report to someone at Hoover Dam then you will be able to get close enough to the President during his speech if this plan fails you would simply go to Hoover Dam the day of the speech and would assassinate him) when Drake was through reading he was in awe this was the biggest contract he has ever done and since the Brotherhood of Assassins chose him to do it that was an even greater honor so he threw the letter in the fire went inside his shack grabbed his hunting rifle and some rounds then he packed food and water and headed to New Vegas where he talked to the Ambassoder he did have work alot of work by the time he was done working with the NCR and had finally gotten close enough to the President he had kille Pacer the Kings right hand man he had killed the leaders of the White Glove Society he had completely wiped out the Khans and had done something only the most trained assassin could have done he had wiped out the entire Mojave chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel during the months he served the NCR he did many things all for the Brotherhood of Assassins now was the time he had been waiting for he was going to be stationed to watch the President during his speech so he took his place on the tower overlooking the podium where only one other Ranger was stationed so the first thing he did when he got up there was slit the Rangers throat he then watched the President get off the Veribird with Rangers on either side of him he was watching all this with his 50 cal. Sniper he then watched the President as he started his speech then he heard footsteps behind him it was another Ranger Drake quickly drew his 45 pistol with a silencer and shot him in the head killing him instantly he couldn't have any distractions while killing the President so he then watched the president for a while then he called up some war hero and as everyone began to clap he shot him in the head hoping to silence some of the shot but it didn't help much he saw Rangers looking around he the Rangers out one by one with the 50 cal. finally it was over he then ran out of the Dam and traveled back to his shack where he would find his next orders.

Name: Jimmy Dreznaut

Race: Caucasian

Faction: Terra Confederacy(custom)

Armor: Ranger battle armor(heavy)/recon armor(light)/leather armor(medium)/Tesla power armor(special). Biker goggles/lucky shades. Desperado cowboy hat/bandanna(rare)

Age:18(start) 24(currently)

Hair: dirty blonde/ bedraggled.

beard: survivalist/ rough beard(cant remember which)

Eyes: brown

Weapons: slingshot(custom)/ Energy based weapons(majority)/ Revolvers(sidearm)/ax or hatchet(melee).

Companions: Cassidy/ED-E. A female PLA soldier, A Mr. Gutsy Robot, A glowing one Ghoul, A nightkin & an Indian Tribal.(Custom)

Back story: Born in vault 122 from the Dreznaut family line. elected by residents to leave the vault at age 18 along with 2 others from different vault factions. He traveled the east central and some of the Midwest wastelands(Cincinnati/Louisville/Indianapolis). after a little over a year he was able to stop the war between Cincinnati & Louisville, Save Indianapolis from being completely destroyed by itself, Staged a coup in Ronto(Ohio), and united these cities into the Terra Confederacy(A loose alliance of city-states). soon after he left for the west heading through places like St. Louis, Kansas City, & Omaha. It took him 2 years to get there, but when he finally made it through Nebraska he had added land, trading routes, and citizens to the Terra confederacy. He then spent the next year exploring and scouting the Legions great territory; learning all he could about it while staying undercover. From there he heard about the NCR farther west. It took him 6 more months to make it to NCR territory by way of Utah and across northern Nevada into New Reno. After seeing the NCR he then decided to visit its major settlements and landmarks mapping out new California. Eventually, after another year he found himself on the caravan out to a place called 'New Vegas'. On arrival he witnessed the tail end of The battle of hoover dam. He then knew that this place was too valuable to pass up and unlike California/ legion controlled states, this was up for grabs. so he grabbed the first job that let him travel that he could- Courier. Jimmy plans to claim 'New Vegas' as the newest Terra Confederacy Territory. JimmyDreznaut017 05:25, August 20, 2011 (UTC)


Faction:(Custom) Nevada DeathBringers.





Weapons:Long range, COS Rifle, Holorifle, PI Axe, Survivalist Rifle.

Armour:Desert Ranger Armour.

Job:Hunter and Gun for hire.

My character travels alot, make money by hunting both animals and people.Hated by the legion and the NCR alike, he is the bane of all operations in Nevada.Nothing happens that hasn't been cleared by him first.Strikes relentlessly and brutally from about half a mile away.Base of operations is the sink and in Nevada it is the BOS bunker by Nelson.Usually travels with Raul or Boone and equips them with Vet Ranger armour and assault rifles.No one expected that from a kid who got shot within a week of roling into Nevada. Ryan_Liddell145. "War, War never changes..." 11:25, August 20, 2011 (UTC)

Name: Shayne Hiscox

Faction: The Daggers "We are the eyes, the ears and the tools of salvation. WE are the Daggers"

Hair: Unsettler, Black

Eyes: Dark Brown

Age: 24

Armour: Merc Grunt outfit, Wastleand Doctor fatigues.

Weapons: Scoped Bolt action hunting rifle, 45. Pistol, Combat Knife, C4 plastic explosive, Binoculars.

History: Before the great war happened, Americas closest ally, Great Britain, deployed a large detachment of 300 British SAS soldiers to Virginia, To assist in defending american soil from chinese invaders. When the great war hit, 150 of the the soldiers were already deployed out on training missions, Narrowly avoiding being vaporized by the atomic warheads which scorched Virginia. The surviving 150 soldiers hid in hills and caves of Virginia for 3 months, whilst the land was ravaged by nuclear fallout.

After the three months, 30 of the soldiers died, from starvation, thirst, illness or nuclear radiation, there rations and medicine failed to hold out. The remaining 110 headed west towards Nevada. Along the way, Wastelanders joined with them for protection, and a community began to form. The tribe settled in Eastern Colorado, Settling in the mountains. Over the time, the tribe turned religious, and believed they were spared the horrors of the war to help those who also managed to survive. As the years passed, The tribe began to teach its young from an early age, the training the british SAS taught them. From age 11, Children would learn combat, survival and medical abilities, to survive and help people.

After nearly a hundred and seventy five years of living in colorado, a Fearful army under the command of one called caesar, began waging war against the tribes in the area. The Tribes "commanding officers" decided to abandon Colorado, and retreated to North western Utah. The tribe agreed that they would remain nomadic, as to avoid casears reach, and to remain undetected.

Shayne Was born not long after arriving in Utah in 2257, He never knew his mother, as she died in childbirth. after 9 years of relative peace, The tribe was attacked by a band of raiders known as "The white legs". The band of raiders were strong but were eventually defeated by the Daggers. Shayne's Father, however, Died in the attack, evacuating the young and wounded. Shayne was now orphaned, and the Tribes elders decided to take him into training early.

Training was hard and brutal for all children but it was a rite of passage for the Daggers. Shayne had witnessed the horrors of the wasteland kill his father and motivated him to learn how to fight against it and avenge him. After 11 years of tough, rigorous training, Shayne emerged to be one of the best of the tribe, reaching the coveted rank of "Lieutenant". By now, the Dagger's tribe had moved down into North western Nevada, and settled down on the shores near the pyramid lake.

One day,in 2277 Shayne and five others were called into the Commanding officers tent. There assignment, Head west towards Los Angeles and make contact with the Tribe called "New California Republic" And offer assistance against Caesars legion. The squad of seven, led by shayne, made there way towards california. The squad made it to shady sands and formed the treaty, stating that the tribe will lend there asistence to the NCR, in return for the protection of Utah and the Colorado.

On the return journey, Shayne ordered his men to make camp, Despite advice from his second in command. The squad was camped near the nevada state line, several miles south of the town of Primm. During the night, A small but skilled force of Caesars legion soldiers over ran the camp and massacred every one. Shayne and one of his troops escaped, the soldier taking a bullet in his thigh in the process. The mission declared lost, Shayne and the soldier retreated to the mountains. soon the soldier died from infection in his wound, Shayne gave him a Daggers burial. his dogtags Buried with him, and his rilfe Burned, to "Release his spirit to heaven."

Shayne Couldnt bring himself to go back to the Daggers tribe, shamed by the fact he got his squad killed in action, setting up camp at the worng place. Over the course of the next year, Shayne Found himself work as a mercenary, which proved quite lucrative due to his training. After several months, he took up a job as a courier to deliver a weird looking chip to vegas. "Probably nothing" He though.....

Characteristics: Travels a lot, Good natured. Draws from his "Eagle experience" To survive. Proficient at long range marksmanship, CQC, Hand to hand and knife combat and demolition work. Can perform advanced first aid in the field. Wears light, breathable clothing. Physicly fit. Will not kill unless presented with no choice or the person needs to be killed.

ShayneH56- Que audit Vincit

My character doesn't really have a name per-say. I get immersed into him so it's kinda like playing as myself hence he doesn't need his own name. But his back story is very long and drawn out. He began as a child living in a vault that had been a control vault or some vault with a mild social experiment so there weren't any major catastrophes resulting from the vault experiment. He received an advanced education and learned all about prewar tech since they were still using it in the vault. Then one day the vault was breached by a group of heavily armed raiders who captured or killed everyone. My character, being a child at the time was taken prisoner and sold to slavers. I should mention that in order to avoid any conflict with established canon my character's prehistory takes place in an as yet unrelated area of the united states that I have been referring to as the Badlands. It's a huge expanse of inhospitable and nearly unsettled stretch of desert where mutants, monsters and raiders roam unchecked. In this area there are two major factions who are led by the twisted, insane great grandsons of prewar American military generals. Their names are General Stone and General Savage and they spend their time fighting mock battles against each other using armies of slave-soldiers to kill each other. The Generals in point of fact are actually best friends and sit next each other in lawn chairs smoking cigars and drinking scotch while they watch from a plateau overlooking the battle field as their slave armies grind each other into red paste. The slaves are kept in check through the use of bomb collars and orders are relayed down through a chain of command comprised of slaves who have proven their loyalty enough to be given responsibility. At some point, general Stone's lieutenant goes on a shopping trip to purchase 'reinforcements' and my character is brought into the fold. He fights as a slave soldier for about 8 years during which time he learns advanced combat techniques, covert recon skills and a distinct lack of emotional attachment. He proves himself capable enough that he is eventually placed in command of a squad and given the task of reconnoitering enemy emplacements and reporting back to the 'officers'. During this time he and his squad are trekking through an abandoned urban ruin where they come across a squad of soldiers from the opposing faction. He and his squad get the drop on them but they don't open fire because they see that the enemy troops are working on a way to deactivate the bomb collars and escape. So they join forces and together they flee into the Badlands. They are poorly equipped for survival in the harsh environment and nearly all of them are killed by the elements and the beasts they encounter. My character finally makes it to civilization and after several failed attempts at integrating into a peaceful society he becomes a mercenary as that is the only life he has really known. Wearing the Assassin's suit and the Ranger Combat Helmet, and armed with an array of lethal weapons and gadgets, he plies his trade establishing himself as the foremost gun-for-hire in the Mojave and its surrounding areas, until he was taken by surprise and captured by Benny and his thugs. Now he essentially fills the nitch that Boba Fett would fill if he were a fallout character. He performs quests primarily for the NCR, but is well respected by the Legion and the Great Kahns for his hard edged determination to complete any job he accepts. He is essentially neutral with little to no moral imperatives to slow him down. If forced to choose a side, he would likely join NCR because in the long run they represent the greatest chance for stability and order in the Mojave. Zac hemker 00:32, August 21, 2011 (UTC)

Name- Dropkick McMurphy

Faction- None

Age- 35

Eyes- Blue

Hair- Blast Back, Golden Blonde

Beard- Muttonstache

Weapons- .44 Magnum, Combat Knife

Clothing- Merc Grunt, Bandana

Dropkick was born on the east coast some 15 years ago. On his 25th birthday he headed west hearing the legends of the Great NCR, and all the riches that were over there. After hell on Earth getting across the country, he only found pain... he realized that the NCR was a temporary blemish on post apocalyptic America, and that the only way to survive was to keep little to no government... The completely opposite idea of Caesar. Though at the beginning he gathered a a small following, a fierce inquisition by the NCR ended that he fell back into alcohol. Though on the outside he seemed like just another drunken wastelander his inner demons still haunted him... He stays around outer vegas.. waiting for the opportunity to strike back up to the top... SEtToestheUnwholy 02:42, August 21, 2011 (UTC)

Name:Joey Mazeratti






Weapons:44 magnum,Baseball bat

Clothes:Pre war suit and pre war hat

History:Joey grew up in Freeside as an orphan he got by by eating rats and other animals and lived in an abandoned house. By the time he was 15 he was a thug murdering and robbing he had no concious but this wasn't enough it was just getting him by he was savin up to get to the strip and try to make it big well he saved up but when he got to the strip he lost all his money by now Joey is 19 years old has no money but he sees these guys in Gommorah wering nice clothes they have beutiful woman they carry weapons people fear them Joey yearns for that so he walks up there and asks the guy at the front if he can join the guy says yous wait here i's gonna go the boss so he comes back down with a short stumpy bald guy who's name is Cachino so then Cachino starts to laugh and says alright kid you know what im gonna give you a chance but if you screw it up Fahgettaboutit so Joey is very thankful and thanks Cachino and Cachino says first things first lets get you out of those rags he gives joey a suit and a hat and a pistol and tells him he's going to start him off guarding the door and he will be the rank of thug he said you do good you might even be able to be a made guy one day in otherwords a full member of the omertas so Joey guards the door from 12 am to 12 pm but it's ok by him it fells good to him he has a gun and nice clothes he feels great. So he does this for a year ends up being promoted to enforcer his new job is to collect protection money from Freeside shopowners he does this for 2 years and does well he's a good earner then he is promoted to soldier he's finally a made guy it's the happiest day in Joeys life he's now part of the family.

Name: Matt Jackson Faction: Himself Age: 23 Hairstyle: Blonde Buzz Cut Beard: Goatee Weapons: Various (Mostly Oh Baby! and YCS/186) Clothes: Various (Mostly Combat Armor Reinforced Mark II and Pre War Businesswear)

Matt was born in Virginia, to James and Catherine (Fallout 3). His mother died during childbirth, and he lived with his father in Vault 101. After his father fled shortly after Matt's 19th birthday, Matt left the vault and tracked his Dad down to the Jefferson Memorial. After Dad had died in the water purifier project, Matt set out to destroy the Enclave for revenge. Matt killed the Enclave leader, President Eden, and destroyed the Enclave base Adams Air Force, t help the BOS and finish off the Enclave once and for all. Several years later, Matt was offered a courier job in Nevada, and soon snapped upp the opportunity. He sold his apartment in Tenpenny Tower and headed out to the west coast. There, he made many friends, inclouding Boone, Veronica, and Lily. He also once again befriended the BOS. However, he killed Mr House, the Boomers, Caesar, President Kimball, and The Van-Graffs as they opposed his views for an Independent Vegas. Jackson had become corrupt, evil and a murderer and was hated across the whole land. In the build up to The Second battle of Hoover Dam, Matt owned an Apartment in The Tops, and got lucky on the roulette table, earning him over 1 million caps. He regularly spends this in various bars and clubs. Matt has a few secrets, however, including the fact that he has a daughter in California, and also a son who was born to Dazzle, who he regularly had sex with at Gomorrah. Matt now works in a trio with Boone and Veronica to try and guarantee an independent vegas and often heads out on missions with the pair. He is a wanted man, with various factions putting a bounty on his head. With all this hate, Matt better sleep with one eye open...

Name: Augustus.

Gender: Male

Faction: Mr. House[Deceives the other factions, until the time is perfect to strike].

Age: 21.

Hairstyle:Light brown, unsettler.

Beard: Rough beard.

Weaponry- Ranged: Holorifle[Fully upgraded], Compliance Regulator; Melee: Proton Ax.

Clothing: Joshua Graham's armor[Or the Stealth Suit Mk II], Valence radii-accentuator.

Augustus, scientist, courier for money on the side. Augustus was born in the Divide, and survived the trip to the Mojave. Once there, some freak in a checkered suit ambushed him, shooting him in the head as he traveled to the Strip to deliver his last courier assignment. After regaining consciousness, he began to wander, eventually ending up as a caravan guard heading to Zion. He isn't proud of his part in the slaughter that ensued, and eventually returned to the Mojave, where he was ambushed by a supermutant who dragged him to the Sierra Madre casino, where he came face to face with a 'Father Elijah', who met a end at his hands. Disillusioned by all the death he had caused, he tried to settle down near Nipton at the drive in there, only to wake in the Big MT, where yet again, he was the cause of death for the Think Tank members, after helping Dr. Mobius. Finally returning to the Mojave with new technologies for the Followers of the Apocalypse, Augustus was swept up in the politics of the region, and decided to aid Mr. House in the struggle for a better future, and is now working for him and, trying to get humanity back on it's feet. --He Who Would Swallow God 07:34, September 13, 2011 (UTC) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Name: James Bond

Faction: House

Age: 40

Hair: Black Smooth Wave

Eyes: Brown

Standard Weapons: Silenced .45 and Debug Mega pistol

Armor: Mysterious Stranger Outfit and Hat, Lucky Shades, Col. Autumns Gloves or President Kimbals suit when on the strip.

Backstory: British Secret Service, 007, Licenced to kill, Ruthless Assassin, Casanova, Philosopher, Poet, and a.... Courier I suppose. You might say a legend in my own time.--Robandbig 11:44, September 21, 2011 (UTC) __________________________________________________________________________________

Name: Baxter Ives

Faction: House/Enclave Remnants

Age: 27

Armor:Assassin Suit, Sierra Madre Helmet reinforced

Standard Weapons: Elijahs Experimental LAER+ Holorifle, Plasma Defender

Backstory: Highly intelligent Baxter Ives has 10 I and 10 P after years of being aVoracious Reader[]. He is now a upper echelon surgeon working in conjunction with Enclave remnants and those sympathetic to the cause against both NCR and the Legion. Handsome and good with laser weapons, he spends most of his time since the Hoover Dam collecting bounties and searching for technology scattered throughout the Mojave. Birchman34 19:03, September 21, 2011 (UTC)

__________________________________________________________________________________ Name: Augustus Cicero

Aliases: "The Great Augustus"

Factions: Caesar's Legion

Age: 36

Hairstyle: Blonde Buzz Cut

Facial Hair: 5'0 Clock Shadow

Armor:Legion Centurion Armor, Legion Centurion Helmet

Weapons Equipped: Blade Of The East

Augustus Cicero was born inside of Fortification Hill . His father, a former soldier for Caesar's Legion named him Augustus due to the fact he was born in the month of August. As soon as Augustus was eligible to fight in the arena, his father started training him to become a great warrior of the Legion. So he did just that, by the time he was 17 he had killed over 40 men inside of the arena, mainly slaves or NCR Troopers. Caesar recognized the young mans talent and made him a Veteran Legionary for quite some time. Augustus began to quickly escalate through the Military Hierarchy, he eventually became a Praetorian for Caesar. On Augustus's 29th birthday he was finally promoted to act as a Legate, second in command under Caesar. He had gotten the nickname "The Great Augustus" For the remarkable achievement of going inside of Black Mountain with two other men, slaughtering and capturing over 60 Super mutants. Til this very day, Augustus serves as a Legate for the Legion, coming up with new ways to try and take over the Hoover Dam


Speaical: Strength:10, Agility:10, Endurance:10, Intelligence:1 (That meanz my charectar is mentall, but it is fun to roleplay) Percdption:7, Luck:1

Faction: NCR (or Bear Shoulders, as he calls I in dialouge with NPCS)

Hair:Free growing

Height: 6"4


Armour: Combat armour, Reinforces, MK II


Backstory: Although his.. smarts are bad, he is a loyal and loving man, yet brutal and savage in combat. He would do anything, even cut off his hand (which his left one is robotic) to kill Caesar. He doesnt remember his past, because its not important. What is important is today and tomorrow, but next week is a mystery. He traveled from his home, the Nuclear Wintir in northern Canada, for a fabled safehaven in the Mojave. As he went south, he was no longer threatened by the enviroment or mother nature... bjt by thd creatures that inhabit it. After getting to Utah, he was enslaved by Joshua Ghrahem (who was still the Malaise Legate at the time) and brought to Caesar, because he saw "potential in his brute strength" After being escorted to the slave quearters, I used that "brute strengt" to break the leather binds on my hands.I gave Joshua a bloody nose, and disapeared among the pther slaves as he was regaining his beaeings.I knocked out a leigonary with my fist, and used a grenade to bust down the walls. I oficcialy freed half of the slaves, without even knowing it. I then discovered what was going on in the Mojave, and I knew I had to help.Flashback over, here is my scence: I burst into Caesars tent, and kill the praetorioan guards, beford chasing down and tackling Caesar. "Remember me?" I pulled out Legate Lanius' s helmet"It doesnt matter. Dead peaple dont need to know, anyway." I stab him In the gut, and throw him into the wall of the tent. He is leaning against it, and I grab a blender (slice and dice) and break the top off. I set it over his head, and plug it intp the generator. I yell "Thumbs down, you sonofa bitch!" Before activzting it and making his face into a thin red paste. I fall to my knees, realizing the gravity of the situtuation, and agree with myself that he deserved the suffering, although the way I killed him haunted my nightmares. Eventually, I (unsucesfully) commited sucide, and was put into therapy. I toom a backseat after that, living many years on the strip. Eventually, I got back my trigger itch, but I was too old forthe battlefield. So I packed up, and lived the rest of my days as a proud and earnest man kn the Westside Militia. In my death, the population of Westside and some of Freeside came to my funeral. I was buried with honers in an underground cemetary, recently built in Freeside. I went down I history as "Thd King of Westside" Eventually, my son (who I didnt know k had, that was tracking me down into the Mojave) found me, and followed in my footsteps.

Name: Lortius Ore

Alias: Ronin

Faction: Caesar's Legion

Age: 26

Hair: Black/Dark Brown Waster

Eyes: Hazel

Weapons: 10mm Pistol, Machete, Scoped Hunting Rifle, and Combat knife

Armor: Blending in as needed.

Backstory: Lortius grew up from the Blackfoot tribe who is now consolidated with the Legion. His father fought well for the Legion. When he was young he started his Legionare training. He immidiately excelled in the basic training. At age 17, he was thrown in at the frontlines and again showed combat prowess. He fought at the first battle of Hoover Dam and warned Joshua Graham that it was a bad i idea to pursue the NCR into there territory, stating it was too easy. Of course, Graham didn't listen, you all should know the story fron there. Shortly after the battle of the Dam, Vulpes Inculta recommended him for Frumentarii training. Yet again he excelled. Due to his natural instincts sneaking, marksmenship, and his sword arm were outstanding. After "graduating" he was tasked to pose as a courier under the alias of Ronin, a wastelander who made his way halfway across the country from the Midwest. Then came that fateful package he was assigned to deliver and he knew this would be his break to make it big once he saw the recipient of the package, Robert House. Unfortunately Benny and his Great Khan "buddies," unaware of your background shoots you.

Im planning on keeping a journel on my advantures as Ronin. Let me know what ya think. Im kinda new at this.

Name: Ramona Cheronic

Alias: The Lonesome Paladin

Faction: Brotherhood of Steel(Paladin)

Age: 23

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Blue

Weapons: Tri-beam Laser Rifle, Laser Pistol, and Pulse Grenades

Armor: T-51b Power Armor

Backstory: Due to the lock down of the bunker in The Hidden Valley, Ramona lived the majority of her life within the walls of the hidden bunker. She spent most of the time working her way up to a Paladin, where she was trained with Power Armor and to protect the Pre-War technology the Brotherhood was so famously known for hoarding. She would spend most of her days on her cot, reading books she would buy from the passing merchants or shooting various weaponry in the firing range. Having talked to The Courier a few times, she sparked an interest of wanting to see the outside world; hoping to breathe in and relish in whatever breeze would rush over her Power Armor. And, thanks to The Courier, she set out into The Mojave Wasteland; ready for adventure. She would continue through The Wastes; actively helping those in need by sharing knowledge gathered from the Brotherhood. This would lead the West Coasts Brotherhood of Steel to pursue her, as they did not want anything regarding their knowledge to be spread with other factions. Due to this, she would avoid confrontations with The Brotherhood until she made contact with The East Coasts Brotherhood of Steel; who were more than graceful to accept her as one of their own.

User: HiImElise
