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Forums: Index > Fallout: New Vegas general discussion > My wants for .'Fallout; New Vegas'.

Having been a survivalist since 1974, I wish to see more of the following stuff in this game: A. Vehicles: Powered by oil made from Hemp, the following ground vehicles would be present: 1. 4wheeler: produced in Mafia sweatshops, they are the most common vehicles, up to two riders.

Attack abilities; running stuff over-if it's smaller than a Brahmin, you can kill it this way. Drive by shooting: If you have a handgun, sawed off shotgun, or submachinegun; you can do one of these.Drive by bombing: if you have a mine, grenade, or molotov cocktail, you do it.

Job oppotunities: Taxi, pet taxi, courier, recon, crimes for hire, mercenary work.

100 bottle caps

2. Doom-buggy: produced in Mafia Sweatshops, this is a four passenger vehicle with a closed top. Attack abilities: if it is smaller than a giant radscorpion, you can kill it by running it over. The other two attack abilities see 4wheeler.

Job opportunities: see 4wheeler.

150 bottlecaps.

3. Technical 47. A pick up truck produced by both the Mafia and the Brotherhood of Steel. It holds 6 passengers. Attack abilities: If its smaller than a Super Mutant Behemoth, you can kill by running it over. Additionally, passengers can attack with any distance weapon whatsoever.

Job opptunities: see 4wheeler, ambulance, fire truck, armed escort vehicle, supply runner.

B. Complete interactivity with whom you encounter. Think beyond .'Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction'+ GTA + Fallout 3. For example, you encounter a child escaping from Slavers, she's a long from home and you can't help her directly get there. You give the kid body armor, combat helmet, assault rifle, ammo, 4 filled canteens, and ten stim packs. Later in the game, the kid's family helps you as as a reward.

1. THe ability to take injured dogs and cats for medical aid, and gain you loyal followers. Additionally, this gain you allies amongst pet owners you help.

2. Completely destructible environment, beyond even the ori ginal .'mercenaries'.

C. Multiple stations, even crazier than those of Mercenaries POD, Road kill, GTA III, GTA VC, GTA LCS, GTA VCS,GTA SA, GTA IV, GTA C Wars, GTA TBOGT, GTA L&D, plus two the newest GTA games combined.

D. New Armor. Gladiator and Hoplite armor for the melee-inclined. You can still use distance weapons while wearing these armors, too.

E. New melee' weapons. Trident & net, Gladius sword and buckler, Xiphos sword and large round shield.

1. Melee' vision: When you kill somebody with a melee', you see a close up FP view of the deed.

F. The following guns. Produced by the Mafia, The BOS, THe Enclave, the USSR, the commonwealth,the survivalists, and the Neo-Nazis.

1.Ruger Mega 14: This semiauto assault type rifle is chambered in 6.5mm Grendel. It has a flash hider and a 25 round detachable box magazine. Second only to hunting rifles in popularity.

Produced by: Commonwealth, Survivalists, Mafia. Used by everybody.

2. WInchester 1892 rifle in .357 magnum. Lever action, 12 rounds capacity. The hunting rifle of this game. Used by everybody, mainly hunters. A Commonwealth exclusive.

3. Mauser 745 pisto1. .45 GAP caliber semiautomatic variant of the Chinese pistol. It uses a twenty shot detachable box magazine and it has the knock down of a regular 10mm pistol. Standard Neo Nazi sidearm, used by everybody. Produced by Neo-Nazis, Mafia, survivalists, and USSR.

4. Beretta B45 submachinegun. A Beretta model 3, chambered in .45 GAP. 40 shot detachable box magazine eVerybody makes and uses them.

5. Uzi submachinegun. It uses the same magazine and ammo as the B45, just less accurate, only. Survivalists make these, and they are the most common SMG.

6. Stoner X. THis is a copy of the Stoner 63 .'Bren Gun'. automatic rifle. It is in 6.5 mm Grendel and holds 30 shots. AK47 reliable and durable, too. THe most accurate assault rifle in the game. STandard assault of the BOS and the Envlave; the Neo Nazis have adopted this rifle as their standard rifle and they are producing it, too.

Made by the Enclave, OS, Neo Nazis. Used by everybody whom can get one.

7. AK47; just a standard AKM in 7.62x39mm. Standard Mafia assault rifle. USSR, Mafia, and Survivalist make this rifle.

—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

Half of that is good, half of that is stupid. The factions for instance: Mafia? Neo-Nazis? USSR? Commonwealth? Did you actually play Fallout? 11px-Naglowaa_se.gif Tagaziel (call!) 08:54, October 23, 2009 (UTC)

This is what I want for it:

Co op mode online multiplayer the ability to sprint the ability to go prone no bad endings leaderboards harder difficulty levels harder then very hard

No bad endings? Gee, aren't you bright. 11px-Naglowaa_se.gif Tagaziel (call!) 20:53, October 28, 2009 (UTC)

A Porn shop filled with horny raiders. but seriously NO GOD DAMN ALIENS!. no vehicles like what the guy at the top said, no crazy faction that ceased to be long before the Great War happened. The option to join the Enclave if they appear in the game and eradicat ehte BOS instead of killing off the Enclave which i quite likeAntily3f 05:30, October 31, 2009 (UTC)

what the hell is that guy smoking? THE MAFIA IS DEAD, EVERYONES F'IN DEAD, IS THE END OF THE F'IN WORLD!!!! there is no more organized crime, there is no working vehicles, and fyi, id rather smoke hemp then use it to drive some dune buggy five feet....there is no way in hell there will be any basic wildlife like a normal city, where u can get some stupid crappy taxi cab, if i was wandering the wasteland, and saw some noob in a taxi cab who drove up to me and said, want a ride? id pull out a shotgun, and teach him some wasteland justice, also its the f'in end of the world!!! u cant grow f'in drugs!!! you cant even grow a patch of f'in grass dude, my god....i mean whats gonna happen? the Chinese say, u know what, Las Vegas is awesome, lets leave that area un-bombed and not even touch it, viva la Vegas!Toolazytomakeaaccount 06:03, October 31, 2009 (UTC)

This is just my two cents worth on this subject. First, to the guy above, yes it is the end of the world, but if everyone was dead, then where in the hell did all the towns come from in all 3 Fallout games? Some from vaults, but not everyone made it to the vaults. Also, to the same person, if you played the PL DLC, then you would know that grass does exist AND you can produce drugs, or i mean grow drugs. Also, there are drugs in the game. To comment about the rest of this post, why not have factions outside of the ones we are use too. I mean in FO3, Arlington Library was still standing and you had a quest to find pre-war books. Who say that the bombs destroyed the library in Vegas? What if, and just go with me on this one, what if someone was, i don't know, say scrounging through the library, came across some pre-war books about the above mentioned factions and started them. Its FO, and as we can see, anything is possible.---Drop-Zone- 05:50, November 3, 2009 (UTC)

what i ment really wasnt that everyone was dead but its apocalyptia, what do you do if you blow a spark plug or 2? where would you find a new engine entirely!(ignoreing the engines in the pitt steelplace) if your car breaks down your pretty doomed, and..oh yeh, theres no fuel anymore, gas is gone, along with the bloodythirsty monsters that owned the companys, you cant just fill up at a gas station, and before you say anything flame fuel is too explosive to be used in an engine, and yes grass grows and stuff but thts in point lookout, in basic dc there is almost no grass except for oasis, and i doubt vegas wasn't annihilated i mean okay so it may still have people, theres no real point to having a mob in fallout games...so your a fancy italian mobster, who cares? all anyone would see is a fat guy whos easier to kill cause hes a big frigin target, and really, with bottlecaps mobs arent as well..amazing, i mean huge mountains of money! thats an impressive sight, a big pile of bottle caps...thats......something...? i mean pre war money is there but it isnt really the same thing anymore, u want organized crime it can exhist but i dont think theyll be any complete factions...or the ability to grow hemp, i mean its an idea but....seriously! itd be more useful to puff then to chug 5 feet in a clunker, not to mention most vehicles are dead and mostly theres no knoledge on how to build one, maybe the enclave could...but i doubt it, the aliens are the only ones with a perfect engine/car, and since there ship got pwned i doubt theyd be any help..all in all, most of the ideas kinda suck, there cool but..unrealistic, a vehicle is a good idea, but the rest is well, iffy.Toolazytomakeaaccount 06:18, November 3, 2009 (UTC)

Not to sound like a dick, which i most likely will but to just add a comment to the response to my post. Here are a few things to just consider. 1. Cars could be possible. this topic has been mentioned before on thiw wiki. They could be atomically or semi-atomically power with a small fusion battery. I mean, when you blow up a car, you do get a nice little mushroom cloud. Also, if you have noticed in other FO games, which people will have there own opinions on if they sucked or not, there were vehicles. 2. As for the drug trade, the navajo indians grow drugs out in the desert. You have nuclear power or some form of power, why not grom the stuff under UV lights like a few dope smokers i know. 3. There is oil and processing plants in vegas, who says that someone took one over and became a bloodthirsty bastard. 4. Caps are the form of currency in the FO games, but since, like some will say, nothing is consistent, why couldn't the game have factions that use pre-war money as currency. All the casino's in vegas and the money vaults to protect that money. Pre-war money could be the currency and caps could be like casino chips. I will admit some of the orginal stuff on this post was kind of out there, but if you look at some of it, it is not to hard to imagine.---Drop-Zone- 06:54, November 3, 2009 (UTC)

okay yes i understand cars are very possible, i understand you could power one like in the old games with microfusion cells or maybe energy cells, the only real problem with growing stuff would be finding soil that isnt irradiated, the way i see it, irradiating soil would be like salting the ground, making it impossible to grow stuff, god only knows since its never happened, i understand your point about gas but really, most fuel would be tainted by radiation, and any non infected stuff would well..lets be frank, in a wasteland most resources are hoarded, so that someone could keep themselves superior and have enough power to control stuff, yes pre war money could be a basic currency in vegas, not to mention pre war money is worth more then caps anyway, the whole bottlecaps as chips is a little far fetched i suppose..i mean well, i can see casino's still going strong it is vegas, but maybe stick to using normal chips, and use caps/pre war money to pay for chips to gamble with, but all in all i see your point, but really, you have to be able to understand what im saying, as for cars theyd have to make them really weak or able to break down as to keep them from being overpowered, i mean if you had 3 choices, 1 normally assault a super mutant overlord, 2 pickpocket a grenade and kill, or 3...hit the gas and kill it with one smash into it, like make a car physically take damage as you run into stuff, and eventually either need repair or explode like cars normally do, very possible...Toolazytomakeaaccount 07:05, November 3, 2009 (UTC)

I will agree with that the car thing killing something like a Super Mutant is a little out there. One or two good shots with the right gun makes the thing catch fire then blow up, so killing a Super Mutant with a car, i dont see that happening, unless you make the car all armored up like in Zombieland (not being serious). Killing a human, maybe, kiling anything else, most likely not, maybe injurying it, but not killing it, except for radroaches and those damn mole things. But some of the other things we have discussed could be possible.---Drop-Zone- 07:12, November 3, 2009 (UTC)

Boy, is this guy going to be disappointed. I don't mean they won't implement any of these kind of things, but having a list of expectations never helped someone enjoy a game. -- 04:05, November 6, 2009 (UTC)

  • Just because e mushroom cloud forms from an explosion doesnt mean its atomic, though I agree the chevvy factory (cant remember name) did have atomic powered cars but wont other parts degrade, e.g. oil, brake fluid, springs rusting etc. etc.
  • If there were cars there'd have to be mighty rare (in good working condition), besides the devs of Fo3 did use GTA as inspiration but specifically said they didnt want the player running around in a car.
  • Thats what the fast travels for and, exploring is a necessary part in Fo3, GTA (IV at least, not so much)
  • I would like more factions but not GTA-esque like mafioso etc.
  • Id prefer NV to be like Fo3 instead of adding new stuff, Id say their priority would be to polish it and make it smooth instead of this buggy crap we've been getting which mods have been fixing.
  • Also id like to see better rewards for being evil-seriously, like for example if u blow up the pentagon you've got no-one like a fallback i suppose, at least in the Mall area BoS would take some fire but if you've attacked them you're in for it as well
  • And MORE people especially ones NOT with a half-broken baseball bats fighting off an overlord with a tri-beam, i mean come-on, if these people survived for so long how did they do it in their pyjamas
  • Some serious rewards to turn evil, slavers are pretty shite compared to BoS and cover noway near as much ground, plus I get 100 caps for books and 150 for cameras, these guys are loaded, why should I kill them? Also, Slavers dont cover much ground. (Ive said it twice because its important)
  • maybe 1 or 2 more radio stations not a whole bunch load, this is a wasteland
  • Proper kill contracts, I get 100 caps from that Crowley dude if I kill those fools at the cost of T51-B, really? Serious REWARDS. 14:15, November 7, 2009 (UTC)

--- I would like to be able to modify the weapons, so for instance add a scope to a rifle. --- --- I would also like to be able to build some sort of stronghold where my companions can stay and where I can store my items and other loot. --- --- Furthermore I would love it when te map would be even bigger the now and there are vehicles you can use to get to other villages/cities, like a car or motorcycle. --- (hope i didnt mess up the page by typing like this)
