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Forums: Index > Fallout: New Vegas general discussion > Moments in New vegas that made you feel Bad @$$

Putting 10 C-4 Under a herd of Bramin Going into 3rd Person Pull The Trigger.

Using Boom Boom in the Volare! quest to kill al the ants and blow up all the artillery shells.

Also, walking into the Lucky 38 and capping Mr. House in his electronic face!

Killing Benny with maria (Pickpocket) Killing a cazadore nest with a 9mm pistol no mods and no antivenom, not even a stimpak Killing ceaser, kimbal and mr house with holy hand grenades Killing boone with a machete and ceasers legion outfit Killing veronica after telling her just who killed the entire brotherhood with a gauss rifle wering NCR armor. Killing the enclave remnants with a 9mm pistol with all thier power armor then mine. And finally the mega overkill: Killing a bighorn calf with a fatman. I fell badass all the time I kill something cool, with something cool

So I was doing "how little they know with boone in my companion slot i convinced cachino to kill big sal and nero. I sat back and drank a nuka cola asked big sal the evil plans told him that Nero hired me. Big sal turned on nero and cachino, Nero turned on big sal and Cachino, and cachino turned on both. I calmly drank my soda and watched as nero gunned down both big sal and cachino then boone killed nero and i didn't even have to get up out of my seat.

Calling my brain a dick

Punching out a Deathclaw {with an ballistic fist}

Silent Pistol sneak criticalling every single fiend and their dogs in Vault 3

Clearing out an Deathclaw nest with "A light shining in the darkness"

Completing bleed me dry.

Terrifying prescence on Von Graff DoctorJay 03:21, July 28, 2011 (UTC)

Butchered a crowd of Jackals with Chance's Knife. Arms and Heads went flying all over the place. 09:00, July 28, 2011 (UTC)

Using a Holy Frag grenade on Caesar. He never saw it coming. Actually he probably did, it's hard not to notice a grenade hitting you in the face then landing on your lap. His body flew out of the tent. --Wiseman of the Wastes 10:47, July 28, 2011 (UTC)

"I forgot to remember to forget" me and boone posted up at the entrance of bitter springs and sniping legionary while hearing the explosions of planted mines at the flank. or using annable from the clifftops to r--- more legionaries.

Popping a boatload of drugs and wiping out the crew in the Silver Rush with silenced 12.7 pistol headshots in VATS without being hit myself. Walking (not running) into the Bison Steve with lever action shotgun, blowing away 2 convicts from across the first room then taking out the rest of the convicts including the leader at long range in the lobby. 06:20, July 29, 2011 (UTC)

Planting a ton of mines all over goodsprings prior to ghost town gun fight and watching the powder gangers run around in confusion as the mines blow them all to hell. Zac hemker 07:50, July 30, 2011 (UTC)

Killing the Legendary Deathclaw on level 8 with That Gun. Felt like a complete boss! Lightning 01:30, August 1, 2011 (UTC)

Caesar's pause when you tell him you successfully assassinated Kimball. He actually sounds a little scared of the Courier. Mictlantecuhtli 02:12, August 1, 2011 (UTC)

Killing the legendary Cazador! With the help of Anti-Venom .......


Hunting down every legendary animal in the wasteland and Big MT (especially the legendary bloatfly 0.0) with my COS rifle. Using a bumper sword to knock ceasar the full length of his tent. Completing Bleed me dry and Still in the dark. Slaying legion assasins with the COS rifle. And completing New Vegas =] User:Ryan Liddell145

Throwing Dynamite in VATS and watching it bounce 10 ft. in the air above a group of powder gangers and explode killing all three of them. Also the whole usage of explosives in VATS makes me feel like a badass. Dmitri the wanderer 21:54, August 4, 2011 (UTC)

Raiding the fort, locking Elijah in the vault, saving the dead horses, bring peace to big mt., and waiting to settle things with Ulyesses. Mr. Full house


Not sure if this really counts, but I felt the best to get all of the deathclaws in Deadwind Cavern with a 50. Caliber sneak headshot critical, and I managed to kill the Legendary Deathclaw without using my last stealth boy or other rounds. NCRFirstReconSniper 5:21, August 12, 2011

takin med-x then popin benny in both legs then head with a 9mm--Gogoloco 11:37, August 14, 2011 (UTC)

On Very Hard/Hardcore, I took out the Legendary Deathclaw, the Mother Deathclaw and every other Deathclaw in Death Wind Cavern without taking a single hit. Simply took some Implant GRX and Psycho, and ran in with a Shishkebab. (No sneak attack criticals sadly.)

Using the Shishkebab in general makes me feel pretty badass, not only is it a flaming sword, but with 10 Luck, Finesse, Light Touch, Ninja, Built to Destroy, Joshua Graham's Armour and 1st Recon Beret it has an incredibly high critical hit rate especially thanks to the 2x crit. multiplier it has, so with Elijah's Ramblings and Better Criticals and of course Pyromaniac it just destroys everything in one or two hits.

Possibly the most overpowered build you can achieve. Tommson 12:16, August 14, 2011 (UTC)

When I finally decided to destroy the Legion I dressed in my NCR Ranger armor and took Boone and Rex with me and we hit their camp. Together we killed everyone and everything in our path. It was great because I was using the Alien Blaster, the BEST weapon in the game (I killed Lanius in 2 shots with it) which meant one hit kills. But I saved the best for last. After killing everyone else, I loaded my Fat Man (because I wanted the big area effect) and walked into Caesar's Tent. Before he could even get up off his throne I had shot him straight on with a mini-nuke killing him and everyone else around him. I then whipped out my shotgun and killed the last of his guards. After all the fighting was done I went over and walked around his throne , so my companions would be behind me, and then sat down on it. I hit the zoom out so I could see myself, a NCR Ranger sitting on Caesar's throne flanked by Boone on one side and Rex on the other and thought "Damn, its good to be a Ranger." My favor with the NCR jumped from Shunned to Idolized and now every soldier I pass greets me with something like "You're the guy who Killed Caesar." in a stunned/awe-inspired tone. And that just makes me feel bad@$$ all over again. -Pierzstyx Aug. 18, 2011

Roleplaying as a Kings gangster getting a crew together waiting in the building outside the Silver Rush with a sniper and 4 guys and blew a Van Graffs head off then my crew finished the other one then went inside with laser RCW with 4 people killed every Van Graff then walked out because my whole crew was dead

Oh and also killing everyyone in casars legion camp.....alone

Killing Legate Lanius with my bare hands, and putting Legion armor on while attacking the Legion, so they didn't notice me until I started killing everyone. JerryWiffleWaffle 01:12, August 19, 2011 (UTC)

I went into The Tops casino to confront Benny and when I did he asked me to follow him into his room so we could talk in private. However as soon as I entered the room I found out it was a trap and his goons were coming for me. With my weapons striped at the door I had to think fast so I picked up a pool cue off a near by table and just started swinging like a rookie on steroids in Yankee Stadium. Also when I used a Fatman to kill Kimball, his guards, his fans and anyone else unlucky enough to be at Hoover Dam that day. --RAMUser talk:Ramallah 10:55, August 21, 2011 (UTC)

that pool cue thing reminds me of Benjamin Kings escape in Saints row. DoctorJay 11:00, August 21, 2011 (UTC)

Going into Caesars tent while an enemy of him (in disguise) sneak killing all of the praetorian guard. Then speaking to Caesar and telling him I was going to blow him to pieces with a shining light in the darkness! KiwiBird 11:11, August 21, 2011 (UTC)

Killing Cook-Cook the first time. I was using a Hunting Rifle. Shot straight down the barrel of his Incinerator. Miss Fortune came and knocked him up in the air. He literally went up in flames, caused by the Incinerator back-firing. He was still alive, so I went into VATS, to shoot him whilst in mid-air. However, I didn't have enough AP to shoot, so I exited VATS and shot him while he was still in the air. Dead before he hit the ground... Lesbian Justice!!! c(= --Tag! 21:32, August 27, 2011 (UTC)

Telling the ncr ranger chick(the one that hunts you down if you piss the ncr off) to screw herself, while at a low level. then running like hell while she chases me from mojave outpost all the way across the map to legion Territory. taking potshots at each other until the legion happened to show up and started a shootout with her. now im not normally a legion supporter but when crazy rangers are on your heels, for aiding powder gangers then...'In hoc signo taurus vinces'!! we are legion, indeed. JimmyDreznaut017 03:36, August 29, 2011 (UTC)

Just had one. Was playing nice guy through King's Gambit and brought Hsu's soldiers into the King's School. Pace pulls his gun, I pull mine, everyone is shooting. Great scene, but someone gets into someone else's crossfire and now instead of killing the rebel Kings, everyone is killing everyone - which includes the NCR shooting at me (VATS screwed me over)! I run out of the room and have a shootout in the halls of the School. In the end, the NCR had killed all of the Kings and I took out the remaining soldiers that came after me. Definitely left with a feeling of badassery. Flagcaptured 17:26, September 1, 2011 (UTC)

Taking out a veteran ranger in one shot....with a BB gun. Uncle D 21:29, September 4, 2011 (UTC)

Beating the whole game on my first playthrough on very hard hardcore mode, never using vats, while only using pistols, and third person view exclusively.

Killing the Legate Lanius juiced on turbo, with a Ranger Takedown, on very hard, hardcore, after filling his head with an ungodly amount of .45-70 Govt. SWC rounds, without a companion. Made me feel like the most badass Ranger in the history of the NCR.

NCR RANGER 23:41, September 5, 2011 (UTC)

Disintegrating Caesar with a plasma rifle, causing a meltdown which killed two of his guards. Win.

Also winning a fist-fight with a Deathclaw (power fist helped a little...). -This message by Spriggs077, a.k.a. AGrumpyPanda 05:56, September 6, 2011 (UTC)

Going to town on both Deathclaw Promontory and Quarry Junction pumped up on Med-X and Psycho and using the CZ57 Avenger Minigun, loaded with AP ammo.--Ryker6116:24, September 10, 2011 (UTC)~9:23am 9/10/2011 "For the struggle of survival is a war without end!"

Wearing white legs hide armour and salt upon wounds helmet while killing evereyone in vault 3 with my fully modded war club. {Declan Diabetes)

Surviving the cut scenes XxSick DemonxX 21:49, September 11, 2011 (UTC)

I just got another one. In LR, when you pick up the Laser Detonator and get attacked by Marked Men. The second one to come up and got to the same spot as the one before him. I had a Stealth Boy on, and was using the H&H Tools nail gun to stay hidden. Unlike the first one, the second one ranaway after I got him several times. I found him "hiding" behind a beam. His head was the only thing behind it, and with 11% chance to hit. Did one shot in VATS there, Miss Fortune appeared and started shooting at him. For some strange reason there was several small fiery explosions, then one huge one, that turn the whole screen white - like when you die from having been blown up by enough explosives - this was during the VATS cinematic death thing. All that was left when I got back in control of the game, was fiery dispersion. I didn't take a single scratch! --Tag! 04:32, September 22, 2011 (UTC)

Wow BOOM68.229.224.66 04:36, September 22, 2011 (UTC)

Already my thrid Bad @$$ moment! Chucking Frag Grenades (4) at the remaining three Marked Men, then chucking a Plasma Grenade at them (even with 92 Explosives skill, I'm not very good at using explosives - I rarely use them). I threw my last Plasma Grenade in the middle of all three, and after the green explosion, they all fell down like puppets in unison. It left a peace sign shape, only without the circle and without the line in between two other lines. It's hard to describe. --Tag! 04:50, September 22, 2011 (UTC)

...you mean a "Y"... --MikeJTanner 16:52, October 6, 2011 (UTC)

They each made equal lines, from the same distance apart, so sort a 'Y' shape. --Tag! 02:06, October 7, 2011 (UTC)

My most recent moment? Killing Legate Lanius with the Blade of the West and geared up in the Armour of the 87th Tribe and the Marked Beast Tribal Helmet. Skål! 05:28, September 22, 2011 (UTC)

Test firing the AMR just to hear what it sounded like - and taking out a Deathclaw that was so far away that I couldn't see it. Pulled the trigger, gained XP, and then had to take a 5 minute walk to find out what on earth I had hit. GodlessMunkey 01:27, September 27, 2011 (UTC)

Shooting a Prime Legionary in the head (during the Second Battle of Hoover Dam), despite shooting from the level below him (with 45% chance to hit), and having Miss Fortune knock him and all of his group (as they run past Miss Fortune) down. --Tag! 05:13, October 6, 2011 (UTC)

I was using my new GRA Chainsaw with its mods and I was attacked by a deathclaw near quarry junction. He and I charged at each other like some epic duel unfolding and I laid into him with the wreckage vats attack, crippling both his arms. I then spent the next five minutes chasing him because he wouldn't stop running away from me. The first thought to cross my mind was 'huh, you don't see that very often.' Zac hemker 14:38, October 11, 2011 (UTC)

I've got a couple :P

Running interference for Boone as he proceeded to kill every single Legionnaire in The Fort. I was running a Hunting Shotgun (pump-action goodness!) and he had a machete Gladius. I finish wasting the Praetorians to turn around see Boone and Caesar going blade-to-blade in the arena. Boone decapitates Caesar with one strike, and gets giddy like a schoolgirl. Felt like a proud poppa.

Another time, in LR. I decapitated a Deathclaw with one swing of a Bowie Knife. 'Nuff said.--NCRandproud123 17:18, October 17, 2011 (UTC)

Walking into Caesars tent, wearing my Elite riot armour, armed with the GRA AMR with the bolt and Frame upgrades, with boone at my side, with his trusty scoped hunting rifle and Advanced Riot armour, blowing off the heads of legionaires from close range, taking all the limbs off caesars dead body, before trotting off to Benny to untie him and set him free.

My courier learnt a lot from his experiences with Joshua Graham. Even though he failed to stop him from killing Salt upon wounds, he still learnt to forgive others who could be forgiven. The Legion however... Well lets say when a friend has a true ire with someone he does everything in his power to set that right for him. 10:03, October 17, 2011 (UTC)

Gah, that was me ( forgot to log in...5t3v0 10:48, October 17, 2011 (UTC)

Having chosen Demolition Expert three times + Splash Damage and then using Esther + Big Kid ammo to kill a Mantis Nymph. Or a Deathclaw Alpha Male.

Killing all the deathclaws to get rements power armor.Midnight lance 01:04, October 22, 2011 (UTC)

Here's a few for me: Killing Caesar by punching him in the face with a Ballistic fist. Killing a fiend with a single shot from This Machine. Completing Honest Hearts and Old World Blues(I don't have the other two DLCs). Slaughtering the fiends in Vault 3. Getting told I can't gamble anymore from all the strips casinos, while enjoying the 34,000+ caps I won. Destroying Cottonwood Cove and the Fort. Killing Lanius and finishing the game. Geth117 (April 1, 2012)

Hmmm. Killing Caesar alone on Hardcore. Killing 10+ Deathclaws with Boone on Hardcore. Getting a headshot with my Anti-Material rifle from far away on Hardcore. Stealth killing enemies on Hardcore. And finally, Killing a nest of Cazadores.
