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Forums: Index > Fallout: New Vegas general discussion > Mixed feeling for FONV

I am very excited for fallout new vegas, but i do have some conserns. my 1st one is that in some of the screenshots u can see the sky and the sky looks realy good, even a lil pritty; and yes i know that in fallout vegas was a area that was not hit as bad, so i wery that it could be a prittyed up fallout. The name is also what im conserned about, i mean its not a fallout 4 or anything so it makes me think that it could just be a cheep fallout to get cash, and if its not 4 than it make me think thay will not work that hard on it. so what i want to know is if you have any other conserns or maybe you can put my conserns to rest. o ya I FUCKING love fallout, just saying: MrDot01

Actually, the sky looking normal is consistent with Fallout 1 and 2's cutscenes. It's Fallout 3 that was different for some reason. And it's being made by some of the people who created Fallout 1 and 2, so I expect it to be better than Fallout 3 myself. Ausir(talk) 02:38, April 28, 2010 (UTC)
Damn straight, Ausir man. Personal_Sig_Image.gif Tagaziel (call!) 07:13, April 28, 2010 (UTC)
The only mixed feelings I have about New Vegas have to do with the price. I've never in my life spent full price for a game - in fact, I have possibly the world's best collection of games purchased for $5 or less - but I am seriously considering shelling it out for this one. Oh, what is the world coming to?--Gothemasticator 07:16, April 28, 2010 (UTC)
i have played 1 and 2 and shit its just that sky is very pritty, even for fallout 1 and 2, so ya i no that its just that it looks very clean, an i forgot to say this but i also dont know cuz the map my not be as big, idk. but i cant wate174.55.54.63 20:05, April 28, 2010 (UTC)'
Just because the game doesn't have a number at the end doesn't mean it's not going to be good... Grand theft auto: Vice city didn't have a number, yet it was one of the best GTA games to date... Fallout3Maniac 23:47, May 4, 2010 (UTC)
i know i know but i just have the thot of it. i mean i do hope it is as good as i hope but it was just one of thows what if things
MrDot01, here's a link to a youtube video that SHOULD help with your fear that this is a money grab game.
and if you don't trust the link or me or just don't want to watch, here is the basic idea: The company that is making this game is formed of people that were also members of the team that made the original fallouts. In other words, they love this series more than any other company. I don't think that they could live with making a bad fallout game.
I have absolutly no mixed feelings about New Vegas. This game can only be better than Fallout 3, there is nothing, not a single thing, that speaks against it.--Mr.Lexx(talk) 05:25, August 16, 2010 (UTC)
not to be mean but dude your late to the show hahahaha, i know all that stuff hell i did play the 1st 2 games befor playing the garte fallout 3.MrDot01 18:30, August 16, 2010 (UTC)