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Forums: Index > Fallout: New Vegas general discussion > How to get all gold bars in dead money

Requirements: some stimpacks, 3-6 should be enough, and sierra madre armour helps because of its high DT, or any other armour with a good DT. and some mines, like gas bombs, C4 or frag mines

If you want to get all of the gold bars from the sierra madre vault, try doing this:

1. grab all of the bars before you talk to Elijah in the vault.

2. when you have finished talking to Elijah, get out of the vault as quickly as you can. elijah will be in the the area you were in when you first entered the vault. go to the force field at the end of the hall the Elijah is in, the one he is not standing at , you should make a safety save when you get to the force field.

3. when you are standing right at the force field and facing it, open the pip-boy and drop the gold bars. if you are facing the force field in the right way, the gold bars should land on the other side! you can test with other objects you dont need to make sure you are standing at the right angle.

4. the armour and stimpacks are for the turrets. there will be a few shooting at you. once you have got the gold bars through the force field, make another safety save. place a heap of mines or gas bombs or C4, what ever ones you have infornt of the force field Elijah stands at. dont get to close to the force field when placing the mines, one of the turrets might shoot them and make them go off. when you have a bunch of mines placed, run over to the force field that goes to the area that you had to go through to get to the vault. kill one of the turrets and Elijah will come out. if there is enough mines you they should either kill him or take away a heap of his health. when he is dead, run back through the rooms as quick as you can, pick up the gold bars and walk to the elevator.

5. There you go! if you did it right you will have all 37 gold bars. dont worry about walking through the sierra madre, when you go in the elevator you will be back at the fountain, only a short walk from the exit. the containers at the abandoned brotherhood of steel bunker are safe storage and will not delete your items, so you can take a few to your home at once. bring a companion or 2 along to help you carry them . you can also take them to your house all at once if you have the long haul perk, which lets you fast travel when over encumbered. if you want to get the safety deposit box trophy but still want to get the gold, you can save, trap Elijah in the vault and then load, then grab the gold.

Enjoy the Gold!

I used a similar method I've posted here before:

1. Once inside the vault, use the left hand terminal to deactivate the security. Use the right hand terminal to reprogram the turrets, or destroy the generator beneath that, or destroy all the turrets prior to entering the vault.

2. Pick up everything you want to take with you out of the vault, including the gold. Tip: Insure you’re NOT overweight prior to picking up the gold, because you have precious little time to do this in and you don’t want to be fumbling with dropping/picking up numerous items.

2. Once Elijah is on his way down, stay in the vault. He will fumble around a while before finally turning hostel. Exit the vault but DO NOT kill him yet. Walk over to the blue force field and SAVE!

3. Now while right against the force field drop the gold, with luck it should drop on the floor on the other side of it, if not reload your save. (I had better luck dropping it through the one that Elijah come out of.) It may take several tries to get it to drop and land on the floor on the other side.

4. SAVE!!!

5. Begin to leave the vault, again don’t kill Elijah yet. The longer you wait to kill him the more time you will have to escape. He should follow you till you get to the entrance for large room with all the stairs. There will be a blue force field there but it will go down once he’s dead.

6. Kill Elijah and run!!! Don’t forget to pick up your gold when you get to it. ReapTheChaos 22:56, June 14, 2012 (UTC)


Requirements: 3 C-4 and detonator (the C-4 and detonator are in an average locked locker in the Villa police station) or at least the same amount of frag mines.

Note: You might want to try doing a "dry run" before you do this so you will know were Elijah will land after the glitch happens.

These following steps will involve the dry run process

1. Save before you enter the vault.

2. Go into the vault get Elijah to come down.

3. Exit the vault and make SURE Elijah sees you before he exits the little area with force fields.

4. Elijah will stop and activate the force field in front of him. At this moment immediately run towards him. You will see him press buttons on his pip-boy if he is not done talking. Keep running against the force field while this is happening. At one point you will fall were Elijah was standing and Elijah will land a little bit behind were you were.

5. Now load your save

6. Place frag mines or C-4 (whatever tickles your explosive fancy) were you saw Elijah land.

7. Now just grab everything (whatever tickles your item fancy) and proceed to do exactly what you did in the dry run and spam the detonator as you are getting up then RUN LIKE HELL to the elevator or just run like hell to the elevator depending on what kind of explosive you used.

This was done on an Xbox 360 with all add-ons installed and up-to-date patch.

- User:McFlurryman123 July, 10 2012 9:45 p.m Eastern Standard Time

Locking Elijah in with 37 Gold Bars with the patched versions[]

Requirements: Stealth Boy (optional, not mandatory)

Go inside the Vault. Loot it. DONT destroy the generator or hack the turrets. Place the gold in front of the door.Disable security. Read the note to Vera on the terminal. Talk to Elijah. Run to the door and open it, grabbing the gold as the door animation plays. Get out and hide behind the cylinder to your right as you exit. Here is the tricky part: Elijah is scripted to walk, check, then walk again. You can notice this from the small stops he makes. If you're near the exit when he stops to check, the alarms will go off. You have to "run" for the door when he does his "longest walk", and this is the walk that is just before he reaches the terminal outside the vault. He will walk for some time, and without checking, he will open the vault door. So, when he begins this last walk, get out of the sneak mode, and walk for the force field he came from. Yes, walk out. With right timing, you will make it past the force field. Did it in the first try with Ultimate Edition, with all the glitches patched. Dont mess with tricky methods, if you want the gold, you just have to be fast. Sneaking slows you down, so you walk.


Found an easy solution to this, had tried other things a dozen times and failed

So due to a bug, items that are dropped out of the map teleport to near the exit door.

What I ended up doing is:

- Drop all the gold bars into the void, on the walkway near the far shielded exit

- Once it falls in, Kill Elijah, either with the turrets or any other way

- Run through the stairways as you normally would after defeating him

- Just before you get onto the elevator, check the floor. The gold bars should be there to pick up, and then you can exit the map

This works with all items that are dropped, not just the gold bars, so you can clear out the whole vault if you want

This is not my guide initially, found this here; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APOwihDCKAA —Preceding unsigned comment added by CrossTM (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!
