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Forums: Index > Fallout: New Vegas general discussion > ED-E fights with NCR for no reason

So I'm leaving the Hoover Dam and ED-E just starts fighting with NCR troopers. I don't know who started it. Lily, my other companion, doesn't fight, and the NCR that are shooting ED-E are still yellow on my compass. Big glitch I guess?

Please sign your posts. Yes, ED-E sometimes picks fights with NPCs. Didn't happen for me until I went into Vault 19, but it definitely is some kind of glitch. Schneidend 05:19, October 29, 2010 (UTC)

It happened to me after destroying the Kahn's for the NCR, went and spoke to the colonel lady at hoover dam and ED decided to kill her- NCR now hates me! In my game it has something to do with the mission ED-E my love where he has some enclave data stored on him that certain key words set off. i don't know exactly what the lady said but ED didn't like it. Afterwards if you speak to ED-e there is a new recording of a man's voice- says something about fixing him so he can go to Navarro? No idea what this means! User Sampsonh 2nd November, 2010

thats just the first voice thing that sets his voice things off, im pretty sure that someone just mentioned helios one and that turned on his data files, this does not require him killing people. Toolazytomakeaaccount 12:51, November 2, 2010 (UTC)

I had the same problem. i thought it was a bug until i realised i had the brotherhood power armor on. Was it possible that you had the khan armor on?--EscapeArtist 22:15, November 2, 2010 (UTC)

He just started shooting at Astor from NCR now, after I told Private Edwards about the ghoul camp. There is no logic as to who shoots first, they seem to agree that they are hostile to each other. After this, Astors small army gets hostile. I am accepted by NCR and neutral with Legion. No power armor. If I take him to Camp McCarran, they will start shooting him, but not until the sniper tent. So it seems the hostility, after the bug has occured, is only triggered by named NPCs!? Removing ED-E inventory or changing his tactics did not help. Reloaded, issue did not happen this time. May be that a dialogue option with Pvt Edwards caused it... or that ED-E was interacting with the running Private Edwards. The Beret I have on me is also under suspicion as a trigger, or Cass. Suedez 11:37, December 26, 2010 (UTC)

Haven't had Ed-E glitch on me yet. But the recordings get activated at certain points in the game. I don't think its a phrase. You bring him to the junkyard, after you meet the woman there, he starts his recording. Happens again at Mcarran base. After that, i took him to the old morman fort. There he was taken from me and given back like 3 days later with the upgrades. The Lone Kobold 21:34, December 26, 2010 (UTC)

For me, ED-E often used to attack just about anyone prior to the (PS3) first patch. It was explained by Obsidian that ED-E was classed (mistakenly) as a 'container' instead of a specific companion container. This meant that NPC's would try to help themselves to any food or drink ED-E was carrying and the little guy obviously took exception to this! Since (PS3) Patch 1.2 ED-E has only ever attacked the NCR guards at either end of the monorail. It might be nice if he attacked AFTER the guards had finished thier warning dialogue LOL, giving me time to back away, instead of Immediately opening fire. Even though this known glitch is supposedly fixed I still don't trust ED-E to carry any food or drink.

So I'm jumping in this topic 13 years later. Back in 2010 I doubt there were many "advanced" mods, but just wanted to leave something for whoever finds this in the future: The script that activates and deactivates the "faction armor" effect can sometimes bug out. If you put on, say, NCR armor and you then change clothes using a mod, or perhaps some other ways (maybe during events where your clothes are stripped from you like when starting some of the DLC like Dead Money or Old World Blues), you'll keep the NCR faction armor effect on until you put on NCR faction armor again, and then correctly take it off using the pipboy inventory - that's the only way the faction armor script can take it off, and that is possibly why followers etc. will attack NPC's of certain factions at random even though your faction standing with them is positive. So always keep a piece of faction armor somewhere so you can put it on and off for all the factions so you can reset these effects. I always keep some NCR, Legion and Great Khan armor around for this purpose. RedSnt (talk) 09:34, 14 October 2023 (UTC)
