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Forums: Index > Fallout: New Vegas general discussion > Do NCR soldiers respawn?

Okay I just wanted to know where you could kill sun ncr troops, and if the would respawn? 03:01, June 30, 2011 (UTC)I also need to know an easy way to get ncr dog tags without then hating me.

Yes they re spawn about every 4 game days. A few ways to get NCR dog-tags without the NCR hating you - 1. loot them from NCR killed by other NPCs (the patrols around Camp McCarren run into lots of Fiends, if necessary groups of fiends can be attacked and you can run to the NCR patrols who will attack them) NCR roving patrols in the south often wind up attacking Legion units and dying 2. steal them, stealth and pickpocketing and a trip to Camp McC or Hoover Dam can provide many dog-tags 3. killing NCR troops from stealth with one shot does not result in reputation loss. 04:20, June 30, 2011 (UTC)

I know this is necroing an 11 year old thread, but just wanted to add one slow but stable way of getting at least 1 dog tag pr 24 hours, and that is calling in an NCR trooper or ranger using the [NCR emergency radio] and then run them into danger like cottonwood cove or wherever they might get killed pretty fast, and then you can just scoop up your daily dog-tag. RedSnt (talk) 16:41, 29 August 2022 (UTC)
