Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Forums: Index > Wiki proposal votes > Changes to image policy


I propose the following changes to FW:IMAGE:

  • Images may only be uploaded for use in articles and on user pages.
  • Only 5 user page images are allowed per user. If you wish to free up "slots", you need to mark the old images for deletion.
  • The file name of user page images needs to start with "User" (opposed to "User username").
  • Images violating these rules will be deleted without warning.


  • We're a wiki, not Imageshack.
  • It's perfectly possible to link and/or even display externally linked images if you need to use any on forum/talk pages.
  • The excessive number of non-Fallout-related images uploaded for user, forum and talk pages in combination with people's obvious inability to categorize images wastes people's editing time, especially mine.

Discuss. -- Porter21 (talk) 14:18, July 22, 2010 (UTC)


Why not just, no user page images at all? Considering people can just externally link/display them if they really must display their crappy images no one cares about for some reason. --Light Daxter - Talk 14:35, July 22, 2010 (UTC)

Well, I have nothing against people uploading a few images for their user pages - uploaded images are easier to use layout-wise (you can resize them etc). It's when people start uploading 20+ images which are irrelevant for the wiki that it gets irritating. -- Porter21 (talk) 06:33, July 27, 2010 (UTC)

Can you prevent images from being uploading in the first place if they aren't categorized? Nitty Tok. 00:20, July 27, 2010 (UTC)

I don't think so. As far as I can see, the main culprit for all the uncategorized images (aside from people's laziness) is the editor dialogue window for uploading images. It neither makes people aware of duplicate files nor even mentions things like licensing or categories, let alone letting people edit those - unlike Special:Upload. But hey - pretty new window, right? -- Porter21 (talk) 06:33, July 27, 2010 (UTC)
Well, that sucks. I'm with you on changing the rules. Nitty Tok. 12:45, July 27, 2010 (UTC)

Sounds a bit harsh, but I'm inclined to agree, with all the user page images clogging up the uncategorized image page. Ausir(talk) 10:47, July 27, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, it's a lot more restrictive than the current rules, but that's because next to nobody follows the current ones. If people would actually categorize their user page images and name them properly, I'd have no issues with them uploading as many images as they want - but most people simply don't. All in all, a substantial amount of time which could be used for more useful activities is wasted on this - and categorizing the 123rd picture of someone's favorite pokemon/FO3 player character/comic hero/etc doesn't really improve our wiki much, it's just tedious work which you have to do so the actually relevant images don't get drowned on the maintenance pages. -- Porter21 (talk) 11:05, July 27, 2010 (UTC)

I'll agree then. --Light Daxter - Talk 13:56, July 27, 2010 (UTC)



Implement changes to image policy as proposed. I'll change FW:IMAGE in the next days and post another notice here once done. -- Porter21 (talk) 16:21, August 16, 2010 (UTC)

FW:IMAGE has been updated. Please let me know if something's unclear/wrong. -- Porter21 (talk) 15:32, August 18, 2010 (UTC)

Policy vote forum overview
PolicyImage policy
Amendment 1Userpage images · Vote · 16 August 2010 · 10-2-1
Amendment 2Gallery image order · Discussion · Vote · 2 February 2022 · 12-0-1
Amendment 3Allowing recreated assets · Discussion · Vote · 1 June 2022 · Ratified 8-2-3
Amendment 4Recreated assets guidelines/Lazarus images · Discussion · Vote · 10 June 2022 · Ratified 9-0-1; 10-0-1
Related topicsContent Policy · Content organization guideline · Article layout guideline